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Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
yes and she gets a couple of walks a day but only ever shits in our garden!

Mine wont shit outside anywhere but the garden either, also he's a boy but wee's like a girl. Is he confused?

My boy wees like a girl too, and funnily enough so does the dog Eeker
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
yes and she gets a couple of walks a day but only ever shits in our garden!

Mine wont shit outside anywhere but the garden either, also he's a boy but wee's like a girl. Is he confused?

My boy wees like a girl too, and funnily enough so does the dog Eeker

Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Indeed! A lot of people bring their dogs into the country. They don't pick up after the dirty smelly bastards, thus leaving unpleasant surprises for those of us who may be having a romantic walk in our sandals.
Shooting's too good for them. Mad

I take offence to this post!
Dogs are NOT dirty smelly bastards, you need to piss and crap don't you?
Blame the lazy flaming owners who can't be bothered to pick up after their pets. My dogs certainly don't smell, nor are they dirty!

OP, I have 2 dogs and they are walked twice each day, unless the snow is 3 feet deep on the ground, lol
We always have a roll of bags with us to clean up after them.
Mine are only small dogs (shih tzus) but every dog should be walked for at least 45 minutes each day.
Last edited {1}
I will have in 6 weeks time Big Grin

I've actually been recommended to get a small one by my O/T as rehabilitation. I have to start taking small walks and making them a bit longer as I get a bit stronger. She said a wee dog would make me do this because it's company and it needs walking so rain hail or shine it would need to be taken out every day.

Another reason for getting it is that I have "empty nest syndrome" since I moved. My son stayed at the old place and my daughter only comes home about once a week if that. I've been finding it really hard to adjust so a dog will become my little boy instead Big Grin
We used to have a Golden Retriever some years ago. We never picked up after her on walks. It's a vast mountainous area with lots of forests, and the dog jobbies were completely insignificant compared to the human shit left all over the place by climbers and hillwalkers. All us (very few) dog owners in our glen used to say we would pick up after our dogs when humans started to pick up after themselves!
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
We did till last sunday, he had a severe stroke and after 14 years he left us. Crying

I'm so sorry for your loss.Hug We lost our 14 year old last July. I still miss him although I know he had a wonderful life. Crying

Hug yeah ours had a good long life too queen of high teas. Still cant believe he's gone though Frowner
sunny dayz
Originally posted by mozart:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
Thanks mentalist and veggie. Hug Its is very hard to not have him around. Miss him terribly. Its been very upsetting. Frowner

i lost my springer a year or so back, so i know the feeling well, and there still isnt a day that goes by where i dont think about him, even though i have another dog now.

Hug its so hard isnt it. Our boy will always be a huge part of our family.
I can imagine he is around us now and i'm sure your dogs are, as the love is strong and they wont ever leave us. I can imagine ours sitting up straight (was a cocker spaniel) in the arm chair proud as punch!!
sunny dayz
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
We did till last sunday, he had a severe stroke and after 14 years he left us. Crying

Aww Hug I had to have my beloved Border Collie put to sleep in November as he had kidney failure and it nearly broke my heart. I swore I'd never get another dog but when a friend asked in March if I would take a puppy that had been abandoned I agreed. Milo will never replace Sox but he has started to heal my heart. Another big squish for you Hug
Originally posted by Pengy:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
We did till last sunday, he had a severe stroke and after 14 years he left us. Crying

Aww Hug I had to have my beloved Border Collie put to sleep in November as he had kidney failure and it nearly broke my heart. I swore I'd never get another dog but when a friend asked in March if I would take a puppy
that had been abandoned I agreed. Milo will never replace Sox but he has started to heal my heart. Another big squish for you Hug

yeah same here, could never imagine any dog taking our dogs place but in time we might well get another dog as its a huge void in our life without a dog. Frowner Glad to hear yout new dog is helping to heal your heart. Hug
sunny dayz
I have a four year old Golden Retriever who is taken on regular walks every day. She will only poo in our garden but we still carry poop-scoop bags just in case.

Big Hug to those of you whose pets have died. It took me almost four years after losing my first Retriever before I considered getting another. I`m glad I did though because she has such a beautiful nature and is loved by everyone in my family.
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
Originally posted by Pengy:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
We did till last sunday, he had a severe stroke and after 14 years he left us. Crying

Aww Hug I had to have my beloved Border Collie put to sleep in November as he had kidney failure and it nearly broke my heart. I swore I'd never get another dog but when a friend asked in March if I would take a puppy
that had been abandoned I agreed. Milo will never replace Sox but he has started to heal my heart. Another big squish for you Hug

yeah same here, could never imagine any dog taking our dogs place but in time we might well get another dog as its a huge void in our life without a dog. Frowner Glad to hear yout new dog is helping to heal your heart. Hug

Some FM's might recall that we got Daphne a couple of weeks after Murphy died despite the fact I vowed I couldn't go through it again. But the house felt so wrong without having more than one dog around, me, hubby and Paddy were all grieving so badly. We rescued 7 month old Daphne from a pretty bad start and about a month we realised she had not only been abused but the guy that had her before us had allowed his dogs to get her pregnant. The vet said if we hadn't taken her in neither she nor her nine babies would have survived. But we did,, and they did, and I'm thankful everyday for my little girl and my wonderful Wilfy. I laugh and smile everyday because of them and I often wonder what would have happened to them if Murphy hadn't died when he did. No dog could ever replace my old boy but they have made the house a home again and I love them every bit as much. I hope in time you'll be able to offer another dog the chance of a long and happy life. Hug
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by mad4cavs:

ive tackled people about leaving it and been grabbed by the collar so ive stopped doing that , Eeker

Eeker Mad

Your sig always makes me sad cavs. Hug

sorry for making you sad Hug ,i love seeing it it makes me think of my girls the happy times ,they are still with me in my heart xxx
I have a dog... he gets a minimum of two walks a day... and yes of course we clean up after him!!!

Surprised at how many dogs insist of doing it in their own garden... mine is the opposite... is a last resort for him to poop on his own land (gotta love him!)

And as for car journeys... he loves the car! He has a harness attached to the seat belt... so just loves to stick his head out of the window! Gets very excited when its been raining... as likes me to drive through puddles so he can 'snap' at the water that sprays up!
I have a cocker spaniel who we can't take for walks anymore.
Used to have a Labrador and when he was a puppy he went on 2 walks a day and was always cleaned up after- unfortunately when he was still quite young he got severe arthritis so we had to take it down to one walk and the cocker spaniel used to come with us. After the Lab died (Frowner just before xmas) we used to take the spaniel out as much as possible to tire her out because she wouldn't settle due to the grief, but it ended up with just getting very nervous when we were out and the vet advised just leaving her be. Its a shame I love walking her but can't do it everyday.
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
I have a cocker spaniel who we can't take for walks anymore.
Used to have a Labrador and when he was a puppy he went on 2 walks a day and was always cleaned up after- unfortunately when he was still quite young he got severe arthritis so we had to take it down to one walk and the cocker spaniel used to come with us. After the Lab died (Frowner just before xmas) we used to take the spaniel out as much as possible to tire her out because she wouldn't settle due to the grief, but it ended up with just getting very nervous when we were out and the vet advised just leaving her be. Its a shame I love walking her but can't do it everyday.

Frowner Hug How old is she? Have you thought about getting her a companion? Getting another dog after our old lab died made a massive change to Paddy both mentally and physically. Nod
Queen of the High Teas

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