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Offers for help are pouring in for an eight-year-old Liberian girl disowned by her own family in Phoenix, Arizona, after being raped by four boys.
The girl is under the care of the Arizona Child Protective Service (CPS) because her parents said she had shamed them

seriously, what kind of sick fcuks would throw out an 8 year old rape victim and claimed she had shamed them.

on the other side of the coin what kind of sickos would rape an eight year old girl.

the girl was lured into a shed on 16 July with promises of chewing gum by the four young boys.
There, they held her down and took turns assaulting her for 10 to 15 minutes, before her screams alerted officers nearby.
The oldest suspect, a 14-year-old boy, will be tried as an adult on charges of kidnapping and sexual assault, police said on Friday. He is being held in police custody until trial.
The other three - aged 9, 10, and 13 - are charged as juveniles with sexual assault and kidnapping.

sometimes you just wonder what kind of society we are going to be living in .

edit: really sorry i forgot the source...

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Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Oh the poor little soul, at least she is safe now and I hope those little bar-stewards get a very long sentence.

They are juveniles ... they'll not get a jail sentence ... the system will end up treating them like victims too ... nobody knows what to do with kids who commit acts like this ... Frowner
I wonder if this is something to do with religion or culture. i.e The little girl is no longer a virgin so she has brought shame on her family. This kind of thing makes me sick. Surely in this sort of situation your love for your child would overrule any sort of religious/cultural law. I just hope that the poor little girl gets the love and support that she needs. How awful for her to go through this and then have her parents disown her.
Originally posted by Ms Golightly:
Leaves you speechless really doesn't it? What twisted way are their minds working for them to think this is appropriate behaviour? Absolutely brainwashed - or braindead, one of the two.

Let's hope the child is not reunited with them, but placed with a loving, caring and normal family!

I agree ... I hope the little girl is given into the care of people who will give her the love and support she needs and deserves ...
as an update i've been looking for more background to this, couldnt find much but i did see that the little girls 23 year old sister is claiming it was the little girls fault and the mother is now saying "the rape didnt happen" so she wants her daughter back (possibly along with all the gifts / money donated to the daughter by wellwishers around the world)

this story realy has gone global, its being reported on news sites and blogs all over the world.

reading around it does seem that child rape is a cultural thing in liberia that their president is trying to stop but blaming the victim is not so maybe its a religious thing?

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