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I wrote this about Noirin on 22nd July...

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

I'll add further I watched LF last night, and could not get over how much Noirin was getting off, on a potentially bad situation caused by her and her thoughless selfish behaviour. Add Siavash to the list opf people she has used and abused(Siavash even told her she was a user and abuser) to suit her own ends, the guy looked gutted last night, he must realise now what a fool he's been, and also, Noirin was definately not worth the risk and his moment of weakness has probably ruined his relationship on the outside.

I feel sorry for anyone getting caught up in Noirin's childish sexual mind games.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

brilliant post senora,
i think you know i had big doubts yesterday about noirin.,
shes made a fool out of siavash, and marcus is a laughing stock. tonight i hope she turns her attention to tom big time and then watch sunday if its true her ex is going in, then tom will be out the window as well.
its so sad its funny, she cares about 1 person and thats noirin,
from channel 4 site this is what freddies told noirin,

The problem with sweeping stuff under the carpet is that eventually the pile of debris gets so big that it's impossible to ignore. And the situation between Marcus and Noirin has now left an unsightly mound in the House. Perhaps some plain speaking from Halfwit might help?

Halfwit and Siavash were in the Living Area talking about how Siavash should approach Marcus when Noirin walked in and plonked herself on the sofa next to them. The two boys made no attempt to disguise the fact they were talking about Marcus.

"I quite like the idea of pretending nothing happened and moving on," said Siavash.

Then Noirin decided to stir it up a bit. "Why do you think Marcus is upset?" she asked, as if she'd just arrived from another planet.

"Well, obviously he fancies you and you don't fancy him back so that is one level of upset," explained Halfwit. "But what's driving that more is the feeling that you've led him on," he added.

Noirin was gobsmacked. "How though?" she gasped.

But Halfwit was ready for her. "It's definitely a vibe that I picked up on - that both of you knew there was no way you two would hook up, but you were still kind of entertaining that in the way you were acting," he explained.

"How though? Give me examples," demanded Noirin, before affirming that she'd told Marcus plenty of times she was not interested in him.

"The words you say are a very small part of the communication," Halfwit explained. "It's not as straightforward as that. I do think that after a certain point, you were obviously awkward. Before that point, you might have been saying you were just friends, but you were communicating interest.

"Unfortunately, by this time Marcus had allowed himself to emotionally invest in the situation," he added.

For once, it appeared that Noirin was speechless.
My gut instinct about this girl has been right from the start. I had alarm bells going off from the time she ran to the DR with Rodrigo to get her face painted before the task had actually sank in with the rest of them. Then there was the whining about her identity being stolen, then the ungrateful act of nominating Freddie after he freed fer, then there was Sree,Angel,Marcus,Freddie,Siavash.... and now Tom if she gets her way. Shake Head USER.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
from channel 4 site this is what freddies told noirin,

The problem with sweeping stuff under the carpet is that eventually the pile of debris gets so big that it's impossible to ignore. And the situation between Marcus and Noirin has now left an unsightly mound in the House. Perhaps some plain speaking from Halfwit might help?

Halfwit and Siavash were in the Living Area talking about how Siavash should approach Marcus when Noirin walked in and plonked herself on the sofa next to them. The two boys made no attempt to disguise the fact they were talking about Marcus.

"I quite like the idea of pretending nothing happened and moving on," said Siavash.

Then Noirin decided to stir it up a bit. "Why do you think Marcus is upset?" she asked, as if she'd just arrived from another planet.

"Well, obviously he fancies you and you don't fancy him back so that is one level of upset," explained Halfwit. "But what's driving that more is the feeling that you've led him on," he added.

Noirin was gobsmacked. "How though?" she gasped.

But Halfwit was ready for her. "It's definitely a vibe that I picked up on - that both of you knew there was no way you two would hook up, but you were still kind of entertaining that in the way you were acting," he explained.

"How though? Give me examples," demanded Noirin, before affirming that she'd told Marcus plenty of times she was not interested in him.

"The words you say are a very small part of the communication," Halfwit explained. "It's not as straightforward as that. I do think that after a certain point, you were obviously awkward. Before that point, you might have been saying you were just friends, but you were communicating interest.

"Unfortunately, by this time Marcus had allowed himself to emotionally invest in the situation," he added.

For once, it appeared that Noirin was speechless.

Well done Freddie... Clapping
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I wrote this about Noirin on 22nd July...

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

I'll add further I watched LF last night, and could not get over how much Noirin was getting off, on a potentially bad situation caused by her and her thoughless selfish behaviour. Add Siavash to the list opf people she has used and abused(Siavash even told her she was a user and abuser) to suit her own ends, the guy looked gutted last night, he must realise now what a fool he's been, and also, Noirin was definately not worth the risk and his moment of weakness has probably ruined his relationship on the outside.

I feel sorry for anyone getting caught up in Noirin's childish sexual mind games.

Yesterday you seemed to believe the "romance" between her and Siavash was genuine!
Originally posted by squiggle:

Yesterday you seemed to believe the "romance" between her and Siavash was genuine!

You are quite right and a few of us on here stayed up last night and watched the shenanigins unfold on LF and realised we had been bamboozled by Noirin, hence back to my original assumption about her which is that she is a user.
Senora Reyes
Incubus and Succubus: In medieval lore, a succubus was a female spirit that would lay with men to steal their seed: it was given as an explanation of night arrousal and wet dreams.

It was also paired with the incubus, the male form, sometimes transforming between the two forms to pass along the stolen seed to unknowing women. In later stories, especially in contemporary horror writing, both would be given hypnotic powers that would give them the ability to command and compel members of the opposite sex....

Sound familar? Mad
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by felix:
I don't know where all the energy comes from for such long posts, you either like a HM, faults and all, or not.
She of a generation where life is for living having fun and Sh@@@ing.

Sree = Pest
Marcus = Old Stalker wanting kids.
Siavash = Nice Boy looking for long term

Jesus wept..... Oh Bea has bagged him....

My daughter is the same age and wouldnt dream of behaving that way, not all girls that age are tramps like Noirin
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Incubus and Succubus: In medieval lore, a succubus was a female spirit that would lay with men to steal their seed: it was given as an explanation of night arrousal and wet dreams.

It was also paired with the incubus, the male form, sometimes transforming between the two forms to pass along the stolen seed to unknowing women. In later stories, especially in contemporary horror writing, both would be given hypnotic powers that would give them the ability to command and compel members of the opposite sex....

Sound familar? Mad

Yep I saw the one that got it's claws into Chef on South Park.
Chefs dad thought it was begging for 'treeeee fifty' when it was secretly after his son pmsl Big Grin

Hola Senora, you going to the Emirates cup next weekend?
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Incubus and Succubus: In medieval lore, a succubus was a female spirit that would lay with men to steal their seed: it was given as an explanation of night arrousal and wet dreams.

It was also paired with the incubus, the male form, sometimes transforming between the two forms to pass along the stolen seed to unknowing women. In later stories, especially in contemporary horror writing, both would be given hypnotic powers that would give them the ability to command and compel members of the opposite sex....

Sound familar? Mad

Yeah I saw both the Charmed episodes that included these fictional beings. I would have thought that you would have likened her to 'the siren' though Big Grin
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
from channel 4 site this is what freddies told noirin,

The problem with sweeping stuff under the carpet is that eventually the pile of debris gets so big that it's impossible to ignore. And the situation between Marcus and Noirin has now left an unsightly mound in the House. Perhaps some plain speaking from Halfwit might help?

Halfwit and Siavash were in the Living Area talking about how Siavash should approach Marcus when Noirin walked in and plonked herself on the sofa next to them. The two boys made no attempt to disguise the fact they were talking about Marcus.

"I quite like the idea of pretending nothing happened and moving on," said Siavash.

Then Noirin decided to stir it up a bit. "Why do you think Marcus is upset?" she asked, as if she'd just arrived from another planet.

"Well, obviously he fancies you and you don't fancy him back so that is one level of upset," explained Halfwit. "But what's driving that more is the feeling that you've led him on," he added.

Noirin was gobsmacked. "How though?" she gasped.

But Halfwit was ready for her. "It's definitely a vibe that I picked up on - that both of you knew there was no way you two would hook up, but you were still kind of entertaining that in the way you were acting," he explained.

"How though? Give me examples," demanded Noirin, before affirming that she'd told Marcus plenty of times she was not interested in him.

"The words you say are a very small part of the communication," Halfwit explained. "It's not as straightforward as that. I do think that after a certain point, you were obviously awkward. Before that point, you might have been saying you were just friends, but you were communicating interest.

"Unfortunately, by this time Marcus had allowed himself to emotionally invest in the situation," he added.

For once, it appeared that Noirin was speechless.

Well done Freddie... Clapping

hiya SR. This quoted passage shows Noirin up for what she really is .. a user. Freddie, as usual, got straight to the crux of the matter and said it like it is. Noirin's body language cancels out all her verbal language, thereby leaving her victims confused. She gets under a quilt with Marcus in full view of Freddie and the rest of them. What is Freddie supposed to think when he sees that? He voiced what he thought of Noirin's verbal/body language ^^^ and he left her in no doubt that she sends mixed signals. Nice one Freddie, going for the jugular but in the nicest possible way, and getting your message across brilliantly.

Your first post is spot on SR. You always suspected her of ulterior motives, and you were right.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by felix:
I don't know where all the energy comes from for such long posts, you either like a HM, faults and all, or not.
She of a generation where life is for living having fun and Sh@@@ing.

Sree = Pest
Marcus = Old Stalker wanting kids.
Siavash = Nice Boy looking for long term

Jesus wept..... Oh Bea has bagged him....

My daughter is the same age and wouldnt dream of behaving that way, not all girls that age are tramps like Noirin

I did say 'of a generation'. Having been there as you have, it was not something that shocked or abhorred me. Noirin is not a tramp and isn't that footloose. She said she had six months off and did the deed a month before entering the house. That must mean Freddie and Bea are tramps because they orgy in free love.
Originally posted by felix:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by felix:
I don't know where all the energy comes from for such long posts, you either like a HM, faults and all, or not.
She of a generation where life is for living having fun and Sh@@@ing.

Sree = Pest
Marcus = Old Stalker wanting kids.
Siavash = Nice Boy looking for long term

Jesus wept..... Oh Bea has bagged him....

My daughter is the same age and wouldnt dream of behaving that way, not all girls that age are tramps like Noirin

I did say 'of a generation'. Having been there as you have, it was not something that shocked or abhorred me. Noirin is not a tramp and isn't that footloose. She said she had six months off and did the deed a month before entering the house. That must mean Freddie and Bea are tramps because they orgy in free love.
Where i come from a girl that sits on a mans knee for drink, has 2 or three men at her beck and call, and when the man she has led on for weeks gets locked up she jumps into bed with the nearest available man is called a tramp.

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