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Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by shar69:

How do you know whether she fancies any of them or not. I don't think she led either Sree or Marcus on. Siavash is a different matter. She had a drink, let her hair down, snogged him, regretted it. For all we know, she may be backing off Siavash to save Marcus' feelings. If she was such a 'twat' she wouldn't give a crap about Marcus's feelings. The fact that she sits for hours upon end taking his crap shows that she obviously is trying to cater to his whim. You have your opinion and I have mine. I just don't think that she warrants the scorn that she has had.

Did you watch LF last night? Ninja

Yep, I sure did. I was also watching the night before tupps. I knew that she was gonna regret it the day after. But on the bright side for you, maybe Siavash will get the sympathy vote and your ÂĢ10 wager may just get you your new shoes and chippy on the way home Big Grin
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by shar69:

How do you know whether she fancies any of them or not. I don't think she led either Sree or Marcus on. Siavash is a different matter. She had a drink, let her hair down, snogged him, regretted it. For all we know, she may be backing off Siavash to save Marcus' feelings. If she was such a 'twat' she wouldn't give a crap about Marcus's feelings. The fact that she sits for hours upon end taking his crap shows that she obviously is trying to cater to his whim. You have your opinion and I have mine. I just don't think that she warrants the scorn that she has had.

Did you watch LF last night? Ninja

Yep, I sure did. I was also watching the night before tupps. I knew that she was gonna regret it the day after. But on the bright side for you, maybe Siavash will get the sympathy vote and your ÂĢ10 wager may just get you your new shoes and chippy on the way home Big Grin

This is what I'm hoping.. now he's out the clutches of Noirin he may just be able to pull it back and maybe even attract a sympathy vote..

It's back on track.. I can feel it.. Ninja
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by shar69:
Watching the live streaming over the last 2 nights and reading the forums has made me laugh. Noirin got peessed on Thursday night, had a snog with Siavash and paniced about Marcus' reaction. Call me a slapper, but before Mr Shar, (way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, well it feels like it was that long ago Big Grin) I went to many parties, had a few too many, let my hair down and ended up kissing someone that I wouldn't, normally, of gone within a mile of. There has been many a head shaking, WTF did I kiss him for and total mortification on awaking the following morning. If it wasn't me in this position, it was one of my friends. I'm sure that there are many FM's that have done the same thing. Ok so I wasn't stuck in a house 24-7 with my mistakes, but I can't imagine how bad it would have been if my group of friends didn't have each other to lean on. I don't even want to think about what it would have been like if i'd have had a 'Marcus type friend'.

Well said shar. There's some skeletons in my cupboard as well.
As I have said before 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'.

Phew, thank god I am not alone in enjoying my younger years. The thing is my friends used to call me 'Sandra D', I never slept around. Some of the fm's reactions to Noirins' behaviour makes me think that I would have been seen as a slapper, jeez I missed out on a whole load of action that the 'slapper tag' suggests I got. Big Grin

Hoooooooooooooooooooooray - same here. I'm really not fully understanding all this backlash .....she snogged a guy so what?

On the other hand I'm finding marcus increasingly more strange and a bit scary ......last night he kept going on about what's happened to him in his life etc. I really do wonder what has or hasn't happened to make him such a weirdo and utter control freak.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by shar69:

How do you know whether she fancies any of them or not. I don't think she led either Sree or Marcus on. Siavash is a different matter. She had a drink, let her hair down, snogged him, regretted it. For all we know, she may be backing off Siavash to save Marcus' feelings. If she was such a 'twat' she wouldn't give a crap about Marcus's feelings. The fact that she sits for hours upon end taking his crap shows that she obviously is trying to cater to his whim. You have your opinion and I have mine. I just don't think that she warrants the scorn that she has had.

Did you watch LF last night? Ninja

Yep, I sure did. I was also watching the night before tupps. I knew that she was gonna regret it the day after. But on the bright side for you, maybe Siavash will get the sympathy vote and your ÂĢ10 wager may just get you your new shoes and chippy on the way home Big Grin

This is what I'm hoping.. now he's out the clutches of Noirin he may just be able to pull it back and maybe even attract a sympathy vote..

It's back on track.. I can feel it.. Ninja

Ahhhh but tupps, would ya be buying chippy for Noirin to thank her Big Grin
Originally posted by fz:
To be honest there were so many classic moments last night... a one hour highlight show wont do it justice....I also loved the way Marcus tried to storm away from the jail after his " You're not all that and a bag of potato chips " comment....only to trip over the armful of shite he was trying to carry!


and when he did a kick flip for the duvet and it went over his head and he sorta did a startled movement..

god that man is a dipshit.. Laugh
Hoooooooooooooooooooooray - same here. I'm really not fully understanding all this backlash .....she snogged a guy so what?

On the other hand I'm finding marcus increasingly more strange and a bit scary ......last night he kept going on about what's happened to him in his life etc. I really do wonder what has or hasn't happened to make him such a weirdo and utter control freak.

Exactly...single woman kisses guy and the place goes into meltdown... Big Grin

The thing that made it all so OMG was everyone dreading marcus's reaction....pandering to his delusions won't help him one bit.
Originally posted by shar69:
Ahhhh but tupps, would ya be buying chippy for Noirin to thank her Big Grin

I can safely say no... she gives flirty gerty minxlets a bad name.

In all seriousness I am all for powerful women etc.. hate the game not the playah and all that... but she has shown herself to be the type of woman I really do not like.
Originally posted by fz:
Hoooooooooooooooooooooray - same here. I'm really not fully understanding all this backlash .....she snogged a guy so what?

On the other hand I'm finding marcus increasingly more strange and a bit scary ......last night he kept going on about what's happened to him in his life etc. I really do wonder what has or hasn't happened to make him such a weirdo and utter control freak.

Exactly...single woman kisses guy and the place goes into meltdown... Big Grin

The thing that made it all so OMG was everyone dreading marcus's reaction....pandering to his delusions won't help him one bit.

Yeah thats the very disturbing part for me. Noirin and Siavash worried about his reaction. Along with virtually all of this forum.
Originally posted by fz:
Hoooooooooooooooooooooray - same here. I'm really not fully understanding all this backlash .....she snogged a guy so what?

On the other hand I'm finding marcus increasingly more strange and a bit scary ......last night he kept going on about what's happened to him in his life etc. I really do wonder what has or hasn't happened to make him such a weirdo and utter control freak.

Exactly...single woman kisses guy and the place goes into meltdown... Big Grin

The thing that made it all so OMG was everyone dreading marcus's reaction....pandering to his delusions won't help him one bit.

You've hit the nail on the head was all about Marcus last night really ..the others were just bit players in the saga.

If it had been anyone else having a snog and regretting it later it would never have reached the proprtions it did ............the tension was absoloutely FABULOUS! Loved it Thumbs Up
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by fz:
Hoooooooooooooooooooooray - same here. I'm really not fully understanding all this backlash .....she snogged a guy so what?

On the other hand I'm finding marcus increasingly more strange and a bit scary ......last night he kept going on about what's happened to him in his life etc. I really do wonder what has or hasn't happened to make him such a weirdo and utter control freak.

Exactly...single woman kisses guy and the place goes into meltdown... Big Grin

The thing that made it all so OMG was everyone dreading marcus's reaction....pandering to his delusions won't help him one bit.

Yeah thats the very disturbing part for me. Noirin and Siavash worried about his reaction. Along with virtually all of this forum.

made great TV though didn't it? a script writer couldn't have done it any better with all the twists and turns.

and the sub plot being 'How much hair would Sophie have left at the end of the saga'. Laugh
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by fz:
Hoooooooooooooooooooooray - same here. I'm really not fully understanding all this backlash .....she snogged a guy so what?

On the other hand I'm finding marcus increasingly more strange and a bit scary ......last night he kept going on about what's happened to him in his life etc. I really do wonder what has or hasn't happened to make him such a weirdo and utter control freak.

Exactly...single woman kisses guy and the place goes into meltdown... Big Grin

The thing that made it all so OMG was everyone dreading marcus's reaction....pandering to his delusions won't help him one bit.

Yeah thats the very disturbing part for me. Noirin and Siavash worried about his reaction. Along with virtually all of this forum.

made great TV though didn't it? a script writer couldn't have done it any better with all the twists and turns.

Fabulous stuff.....farce at it's very highest. Big Grin
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by fz:
Hoooooooooooooooooooooray - same here. I'm really not fully understanding all this backlash .....she snogged a guy so what?

On the other hand I'm finding marcus increasingly more strange and a bit scary ......last night he kept going on about what's happened to him in his life etc. I really do wonder what has or hasn't happened to make him such a weirdo and utter control freak.

Exactly...single woman kisses guy and the place goes into meltdown... Big Grin

The thing that made it all so OMG was everyone dreading marcus's reaction....pandering to his delusions won't help him one bit.

Yeah thats the very disturbing part for me. Noirin and Siavash worried about his reaction. Along with virtually all of this forum.

made great TV though didn't it? a script writer couldn't have done it any better with all the twists and turns.

Fabulous stuff.....farce at it's very highest. Big Grin

Nail bitingly scary Big Grin
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by shar69:
Ahhhh but tupps, would ya be buying chippy for Noirin to thank her Big Grin

I can safely say no... she gives flirty gerty minxlets a bad name.

In all serious I am all for powerful women etc.. hate the game not the playah and all that... but she has shown herself to be the type of woman I really do not like.

Yeah I get you. The way I see it is that if you dislike someone, for whatever reason, you see bad in all that person does. Jeez I hate to admit this but I used to work with a woman and I detested her, no matter what she did, I always saw an ulterior motive in it. I came home one morning and was moaning to my husband about her going on about doing something for charity and that she was only doing it to make herself look good. At that point I realised how pathetic I was being and vowed never to be consumed by such hatred again. Blush Even when she was arrested for fraud and obtaining money by deception and my instincts about her were right, they could so easily have been wrong. I learnt my lesson. Nod
Originally posted by shar69:
Yeah I get you. The way I see it is that if you dislike someone, for whatever reason, you see bad in all that person does. Jeez I hate to admit this but I used to work with a woman and I detested her, no matter what she did, I always saw an ulterior motive in it. I came home one morning and was moaning to my husband about her going on about doing something for charity and that she was only doing it to make herself look good. At that point I realised how pathetic I was being and vowed never to be consumed by such hatred again. Blush Even when she was arrested for fraud and obtaining money by deception and my instincts about her were right, they could so easily have been wrong. I learnt my lesson. Nod

I didn't mean I dislike her per se. To me they are like characters in a soap. She may, out of the BB house, be a perfectly reasonable human being. I think the same way of all of them... hell I'm even willing to accept the notion that Kenny might come out of that experience with some insight and change. In order to say whether I liked or disliked someone I'd have to get to know them a little bit first. No, what I feel about her is based purely on what I get to see and my 'compass'.

I've never really warmed to her.. freely admit that.. but that's because she didn't really interest me.. she was a bit 'samey'. When all the difficulties with Marcus started.. I did actually see her side of things and stated so. When all about were screaming slut.. I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

It was a couple of little things on the night that Siavash opened up to her killed that for me. Benefit of doubt.. gone. Sad really because it's not nice to have your gnawing doubt confirmed.
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Has she dumped Siavash?? (take 2)

Sorry Karma, yeah she told him to leave it and see what happens on the outside. To cut a very long story short.

That's a little bit different to what's been said elsewhere Shar. She dumped him is the popular phrase being used.
It might not be to everyone's liking but it's more honest that what went on between Kris and Sophie.

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