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Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by 15:10:
Come on, be nice and bump if you don't have anything to say. Ninja Thumbs Up
I only asked were the other HMS were so I could use the poll I was not trying to be not nice out of that lot not that they are my faves Freddie looks the winner but I have got a feeling Charlie might win not that I want him to Valentine

Crazy Sorry I should have added "according to the odds". Valentine
I'm thinking that i should have put a few quid on Sophie 2 weeks ago when her win odds were 28/1! Big Grin

Still not convinced she has a chance - but you just don't know which housemates BB are planning to champion through the 2nd half of the series. Davina referring to her as 'sweet and innocent' last night is perhaps not a bad sign...
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by lil_lady:
charlie ,freddie is wealthy and so is siavash and dogface will prob get mag deals so shes set ,the rest i wouldnt want to win it

I like your way of thinking. Although if Freddie wins, he might donate it.

Is Siavash wealthy? I thought someone on BBLB said his dad was a cab driver.

I don`t understand this. If it was about who was wealthy or not they might as well stop the show now and give it to Lisa.

It`s about who is the most popular with the GBP!
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by Scotty:

It`s about who is the most popular with the GBP!

But people do take things like 'who could do with the money' into consideration. I think that is why Charlie is a possibility.

Although yeah, if it was Marcus or Lisa, the GPB woulldn't give a t*** because of the way they have come across.

No offence, but you`re contradicting yourself.

Your saying Charlie is a possibilty for a sympathy vote because he`s not wealthy and comes across well.
Yet Marcus and Lisa, who are not wealthy either, are not, because they don`t come across well.

As much as Marcus gets on my wick I would vote for him to stay over Charlie. I can`t stand the sight of him. He doesn`t come across well to me.

I don`t vote according to wealth and I`ve never heard or read that others do either.

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