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Originally posted by JacksonB:
i've heard it said on here many times, calculating,manipulative, knows what she's doing?
hardly, her popularity dropped even further when she and siavash got together, now it's gone through the floor.
just a girl who liked to have fun, hardly maciavellian.

You got it right there Jackson, it's called being young and active! Wink
Originally posted by felix:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i've heard it said on here many times, calculating,manipulative, knows what she's doing?
hardly, her popularity dropped even further when she and siavash got together, now it's gone through the floor.
just a girl who liked to have fun, hardly maciavellian.

You got it right there Jackson, it's called being young and active! Wink

a few weeks in a house, hampered by dear old marcus and weirdy sree, she has a lot to cram in to make up for lost time.
Originally posted by Heartache:
Yes here, but not there. She does not know what we think of her. And if Bea and the others have been filling them in with how they are percieved, then you'd think she would have been informed about the negativity about her and the men.
they all knw siavash and freddie are popular, noirin was pilloried on here for the 'calculating ' way she ensnared siavash, bcause, apprently' she knew what she was doing'

so please explain to me, if as loads said she was well aware of his popularity then, why has she consigned him to the back burner now?

you can't have it all ways.
why has she consigned him to the back burner now?

because people knew.. and she didn't want to tarnish her good standing with the GBP..

even Bea the hippy said if she carried on with the charade she would definitely look like a 'cock tease'..

you know even when she was getting good advice from Bea she still kept harping on about Tom in the mix.. she actually sounded like she was enjoying it all and was even smirking and grinning..

Jackson.. ya girl looked terrible last night.. and she did it all to herself..
Originally posted by tupps:
why has she consigned him to the back burner now?

because people knew.. and she didn't want to tarnish her good standing with the GBP..

even Bea the hippy said if she carried on with the charade she would definitely look like a 'cock tease'..

you know even when she was getting good advice from Bea she still kept harping on about Tom in the mix.. she actually sounded like she was enjoying it all and was even smirking and grinning..

Jackson.. ya girl looked terrible last night.. and she did it all to herself..
so she didn't know siavash was popular with the public?

but i'm sure i read lots of posts saying the exact opposite.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by tupps:
why has she consigned him to the back burner now?

because people knew.. and she didn't want to tarnish her good standing with the GBP..

even Bea the hippy said if she carried on with the charade she would definitely look like a 'cock tease'..

you know even when she was getting good advice from Bea she still kept harping on about Tom in the mix.. she actually sounded like she was enjoying it all and was even smirking and grinning..

Jackson.. ya girl looked terrible last night.. and she did it all to herself..
so she didn't know siavash was popular with the public?

but i'm sure i read lots of posts saying the exact opposite.

She probably knew he was doing alright out there.. but I don't think that was entirely her motivation..

Like I've said elsewhere since it became obvious.. she's a collector.. she collects complimentary men and they serve no other purpose than to bolster her ego... which by the looks of it is way more fragile than she lets on.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by tupps:
why has she consigned him to the back burner now?

because people knew.. and she didn't want to tarnish her good standing with the GBP..

even Bea the hippy said if she carried on with the charade she would definitely look like a 'cock tease'..

you know even when she was getting good advice from Bea she still kept harping on about Tom in the mix.. she actually sounded like she was enjoying it all and was even smirking and grinning..

Jackson.. ya girl looked terrible last night.. and she did it all to herself..
so she didn't know siavash was popular with the public?

but i'm sure i read lots of posts saying the exact opposite.

She probably knew he was doing alright out there.. but I don't think that was entirely her motivation..

Like I've said elsewhere since it became obvious.. she's a collector.. she collects complimentary men and they serve no other purpose than to bolster her ego... which by the looks of it is way more fragile than she lets on.
oh i agree she likes male attention.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by tupps:
why has she consigned him to the back burner now?

because people knew.. and she didn't want to tarnish her good standing with the GBP..

even Bea the hippy said if she carried on with the charade she would definitely look like a 'cock tease'..

you know even when she was getting good advice from Bea she still kept harping on about Tom in the mix.. she actually sounded like she was enjoying it all and was even smirking and grinning..

Jackson.. ya girl looked terrible last night.. and she did it all to herself..
so she didn't know siavash was popular with the public?

but i'm sure i read lots of posts saying the exact opposite.

She probably knew he was doing alright out there.. but I don't think that was entirely her motivation..

Like I've said elsewhere since it became obvious.. she's a collector.. she collects complimentary men and they serve no other purpose than to bolster her ego... which by the looks of it is way more fragile than she lets on.
oh i agree she likes male attention.

She's so so bad for wanting compliments, maybe she should have set her dimples onto Kenny instead.
She as a contestant has probably seen more BB than most....she said often enough last night ( if you saw it you'll know Big Grin) that the one thing she didnt want was a romantic involvelent on the it is the kiss of death.

She is under no illusion how she will be thought of. I think perhaps the voters want her to care more about them than she obviously does. I honestly doubt she gives two hoots. She and Siavash were tipsy and lusty. Big Grin

They have contributed majorly to the best night of the series. Job done. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by JacksonB:
oh i agree she likes male attention.

Jackson.. my love.. there is liking male attention and then there is what Noirin does.

Everyone woman likes a little male attention. Even though a wolf whistle from a building site or a man in a van makes you think 'cheeky git', you secretly quite like it.. Ninja Flirting is no problem.. it is harmless and fun and agenda-less.

Noirin isn't gathering attention.. she isn't flirting.. she is gathering scalps. She could have had as much attention as she liked she didn't have to take any of it further than superficial interaction.

Christ.. Sophie had Kenneth (the international playboy) practically asking to impregnate her and she handled it well.. if she can do it I'm pretty sure Noirin could..

except she doesn't want to.. Wink even if it means hurting people..
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by tupps:
why has she consigned him to the back burner now?

because people knew.. and she didn't want to tarnish her good standing with the GBP..

even Bea the hippy said if she carried on with the charade she would definitely look like a 'cock tease'..

you know even when she was getting good advice from Bea she still kept harping on about Tom in the mix.. she actually sounded like she was enjoying it all and was even smirking and grinning..

Jackson.. ya girl looked terrible last night.. and she did it all to herself..
so she didn't know siavash was popular with the public?

but i'm sure i read lots of posts saying the exact opposite.

She probably knew he was doing alright out there.. but I don't think that was entirely her motivation..

Like I've said elsewhere since it became obvious.. she's a collector.. she collects complimentary men and they serve no other purpose than to bolster her ego... which by the looks of it is way more fragile than she lets on.
oh i agree she likes male attention.

She's so so bad for wanting compliments, maybe she should have set her dimples onto Kenny instead.

i have an admission to make, i like being cmplimented by women and even worse, i like them flirting with me. Frowner
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
oh i agree she likes male attention.

Jackson.. my love.. there is liking male attention and then there is what Noirin does.

Everyone woman likes a little male attention. Even though a wolf whistle from a building site or a man in a van makes you think 'cheeky git', you secretly quite like it.. Ninja Flirting is no problem.. it is harmless and fun and agenda-less.

Noirin isn't gathering attention.. she isn't flirting.. she is gathering scalps. She could have had as much attention as she liked she didn't have to take any of it further than superficial interaction.

Christ.. Sophie had Kenneth (the international playboy) practically asking to impregnate her and she handled it well.. if she can do it I'm pretty sure Noirin could..

except she doesn't want to.. Wink even if it means hurting people..

well if a bloke shoves his head on the block and asks to be de haired then it's hardly a shock and awe moment that he is.
Shes calculating in so much as she knows when to turn on the charm....and she certainly did it with Siavash the other night.Dimples,coy looks,everything.She then knows how to switch it off.Shes used these charms all her life by her own admission...and it's probably a strategy thats worked well for her.And most of us do it,am sure...don't think its necessarily machiavellian..just using what you've got be it looks,brains,wit.I think its how she is naturally and I dont think shes playing a game any more than she would in real life.
To be Machiavellian,she'd be changing her tactics according to how she percieves the game to be going and manipulating people to assist her cause.Shes not that bright tho.
Her charm ofensive strategy came crashing down with marcus.This man is an ace manipulator and,imo,dangerous.She thought she'd snared him when he declared his feelings...she rebutted it with 'Oh no,no,I'll just be your friend' but didnt bamk on his insistence.Nor did she have a planB to rid herself of him.

I dont think shes a manipulator,tho.She courts people to get them onside..not same thing imo.However,shes not playing a great game becausee she never stopped to think how she may look on the outside re:Siavash...which is a tease.And after last night,quite an unpleasant character
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
oh i agree she likes male attention.

Jackson.. my love.. there is liking male attention and then there is what Noirin does.

Everyone woman likes a little male attention. Even though a wolf whistle from a building site or a man in a van makes you think 'cheeky git', you secretly quite like it.. Ninja Flirting is no problem.. it is harmless and fun and agenda-less.

Noirin isn't gathering attention.. she isn't flirting.. she is gathering scalps. She could have had as much attention as she liked she didn't have to take any of it further than superficial interaction.

Christ.. Sophie had Kenneth (the international playboy) practically asking to impregnate her and she handled it well.. if she can do it I'm pretty sure Noirin could..

except she doesn't want to.. Wink even if it means hurting people..

TUPPS - this is wot i have been trying to say all along

There is flirting, there is attention seeking ... and there is Noirin who is hurting people now - and i doubt she cares!

Sophie handled male unwanted male attention from Kenny-boy the way it shud be handled (he didn't try again)

Where-as Noirin loves it - she thrives on it
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
Originally posted by Scotty:
She was cruel and emotionless in her antics last night. Loving every minute and smiling like a crocodile. Shake Head

I just watched it sky+'d it, and the smirking and grinning, was just unbelievable, like she was quite proud of herself. Shake Head

Yep. I can hear the boos now! Nod

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