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*bursts into country and western song song*

Noirin Noirin Noirin
Im begging of you please dont take my man
Noirin Noirin Noirin Noirin
Please dont take him just because you can
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, Noirin
He talks about you in his sleep
Theres nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name, Noirin

And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you dont know what he means to me, jolene

Noirin, Noirin, Noirin, Noirin
Im begging of you please dont take my man
Noirin, Noirin, Noirin, Noirin
Please dont take him just because you can

You could have your choice of men
But I could never love again
Hes the only one for me, Noirin,
I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do, Noirin

Noirin, Noirin, Noirin, Noirin
Im begging of you please dont take my man
Noirin, Noirin, Noirin, Noirin
Please dont take him even though you can
Noirin, Noirin, Noirin, Noirin
Right, where to begin following the dramatic developments of last night?

Another triplet of burdens and demands of the attractive woman need to be considered, some of which I partially covered or hinted at in my opening post, and they are sexual temptation, a moral obligation to reciprocate affection and dealing with the emotional strain.

Firstly let us investigate the moral obligation she has to admirers.

Noirin is being assailed by advances from men because of her delicious combination of physical sexual appeal, intelligence, grace, charm, sensitivity, linguistic skills etc etc.

Because of her sensitive and caring nature she finds it difficult to dismiss heart rending advances from love-sick admirers and naturally finds them flattering and feels obliged to give something back in return. This shows her generous spirit. How many women would put up with repeated advances from an annoying, repellent, socially inept, conceited twat like Sree who she didn't even like as a friend, in good grace? Very few I suspect. She does like Marcus as a friend, but he has been a huge emotional burden on her, caused her considerable distress and smothered her, yet she still gives high consideration to his feelings.

This is a woman who has had to show a greater concern and sensitivity for the emotional well being of others than any other hm.

She would be a stony hearted creature if she were not emotionally affected by the advances and was not tempted to get swept up in the loving feelings being offered before she was able to make a cool evaluation of her own feelings and desires.

Any human being would be susceptible to making mistakes when tested repeatedly by these trials.

She was swept up in Siavash's affections and his advances were so strong she couldn't dismiss them out of hand. She had enough problem finding the emotional strength to banish Sree, how could she just banish Siavash without showing some appreciation of his feelings?

Some would argue she should have been able to immediately evaluate her feelings when faced with heartfelt advances, but she is dealing with people she likes and cannot be expected to have the prescience or evaluation skills to come to the immediate decisions that being in the BB house requires.

Noirin is basically suffering unfair criticism because she is too sensitive to the feelings of others and because she is unable to make instant decisions about her feelings.

I will return to the other burdens I mentioned in a later post.
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Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
I have to give you 10/10 for effort Flossie, partly 'cos I agree with some, BUT NOT ALL, of your position - I nearly knocked a mark or 2 off for your volte-face, but deciceded to mark it on face value and as if it were 'fresh.' Good luck to you and your admiration of 'Noirion' types if they float your boat Laugh

*searches for a volte-face and can't find it*
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
I have to give you 10/10 for effort Flossie, partly 'cos I agree with some, BUT NOT ALL, of your position - I nearly knocked a mark or 2 off for your volte-face, but deciceded to mark it on face value and as if it were 'fresh.' Good luck to you and your admiration of 'Noirion' types if they float your boat Laugh

*searches for a volte-face and can't find it*

Oi you, I was semi agreeing!

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