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The Big Brother House is the sort of place where truth, lies and twisty turny things all get mixed up in a big cauldron of mischief. The normal rules that can be applied to everyday life just don't apply when you walk through the Big Brother doors. So BB's latest trick - for the newbies to get Halfwit and Noirin up for Eviction, or face the chop themselves - doesn't sit happily with thoroughly decent sort Bea.

Bea has made no secret of the fact she thinks Big Brother's secret mission stinks. And it's starting to grate on her fellow newbies.

"I'm not doing it," she told Tom, as he tried to encourage her to get stuck in a bit more. "It goes against morals."

"But Halfwit won't go though. So it doesn't matter," he told her, but her burgeoning friendship with Halfwit was the sticking point.

"It's a game show," he reminded her. "The whole point of being here is to embrace it."

Bea shook her head.

"It would be good to try and achieve what they've set us," Tom said.

"I can't do it," she repeated. "I don't like that cos I get on with Freddie it's all on my shoulders. You do what you want.
You crack on. I'm not losing a friendship to manipulate a situation. It's not my task to do."

"It's all our task," added David, who had joined them for a moment.

But Tom wasn't letting it go. Back in the Bedroom a few minutes later, he tried to rally her again. This time, an impatient Kenneth avoided Tom's softly-softly approach and got straight to the point.

"What, so you're not going to pull your weight?"

"No I'm not going to pull my weight at all," confirmed Bea.

"We have something to do and you're basically washing your hands of it?" said Kenneth, storming off.

Good for her sticking to her priniciples Smiler, but BB is a gameshow and theres going to be twists along the way.

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Bea knows that placing her meal ticket up for eviction will not go down well with viewers. I think she is willing to play the percentage game – will have worked out that she must be more popular than at least a couple of the other newbies – and is more than willing to take her chances against the public vote on Friday.

A very calculating player – no wonder her and Freddie are getting on so well.

I agree.
Said in another thread for some reason I don't trust her.
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Bea stood her ground against Tom and Kenneth and wouldn't be brow beaten into changing her mind.

I say good on her. About time we had someone who was willing to stand their ground and not be manipulated.

She is part of the manipulations, she is in there to get with Freddie.

You make it sound so cheap, and I really don't think BB take us that easily for fools. It's not like she's been paid to do it like some whore!

The audience are part of Endemol's manipulations no doubt. I've never voted myself so they have never got money directly from me.

I never said she was a whore. But she obviously has attached herself to Freddie and she knows he is the favourite. She may well naturally like him as well, but that's impossible to know for sure. I've no problem with the game she is playing, I have more of a problem with Endemol and the cheap manipulations they put into the show instead of being a bit more inventive and subtle.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Bea stood her ground against Tom and Kenneth and wouldn't be brow beaten into changing her mind.

I say good on her. About time we had someone who was willing to stand their ground and not be manipulated.

Agree, its a stupid task anyway, as they haven't a hope in hell of influencing a group thats being together for 6 weeks. The 5 should be up for eviction and take their chances with the public vote.
Exactly this. This new task was never achievable and attempting it just falls into BBs plan. New HMs are always voted first if they come in trying to manipulate nominations even on a task they will be resented even more ensuring they all get put up in the next few weeks meaning that more of the original HMs survive longer (like Lisa).

This is what I've said, it's a good way to get more phone votes. You get people scheming against the original HMs. The original HMs and audience are always suspicious of the new ones anyway. Just look at their new stories and how they become evil suspicious baddies plotting against the pure virtuous older HMs. Bea of course is shown as a ray of shining light, a beacon of honesty against the dastardly dark forces of the others. Big Grin
Free Thinking
Originally posted by darloboy07:
The Big Brother House is the sort of place where truth, lies and twisty turny things all get mixed up in a big cauldron of mischief. The normal rules that can be applied to everyday life just don't apply when you walk through the Big Brother doors. So BB's latest trick - for the newbies to get Halfwit and Noirin up for Eviction, or face the chop themselves - doesn't sit happily with thoroughly decent sort Bea.

Bea has made no secret of the fact she thinks Big Brother's secret mission stinks. And it's starting to grate on her fellow newbies.

"I'm not doing it," she told Tom, as he tried to encourage her to get stuck in a bit more. "It goes against morals."

"But Halfwit won't go though. So it doesn't matter," he told her, but her burgeoning friendship with Halfwit was the sticking point.

"It's a game show," he reminded her. "The whole point of being here is to embrace it."

Bea shook her head.

"It would be good to try and achieve what they've set us," Tom said.

"I can't do it," she repeated. "I don't like that cos I get on with Freddie it's all on my shoulders. You do what you want.
You crack on. I'm not losing a friendship to manipulate a situation. It's not my task to do."

"It's all our task," added David, who had joined them for a moment.

But Tom wasn't letting it go. Back in the Bedroom a few minutes later, he tried to rally her again. This time, an impatient Kenneth avoided Tom's softly-softly approach and got straight to the point.

"What, so you're not going to pull your weight?"

"No I'm not going to pull my weight at all," confirmed Bea.

"We have something to do and you're basically washing your hands of it?" said Kenneth, storming off.

Good for her sticking to her priniciples Smiler, but BB is a gameshow and theres going to be twists along the way.

Well done Bea, taks guts to stand up to them all like that Clapping
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Don't forget all the new HMs know Freddie is the favourite to win. They probably have an idea that she was put in there to bond with Freddie. That is why she won't do the task. Friend of Freddie means possible route to the final.

These are my thoughts on her at the moment, even though she is the best out of the new ones. The givaway was first night at the fagstop, there were just too many handy coincidences, that blew Freddie away. If her knowledge so far is ignored, which seems to be the case, one would assume this relationship a match made in heaven! Big Grin Not forgetting her 'startled' look when Sophie and Charlie told her Freddie had fallen for her, she strung that one out.
Regarding her refusal to do the task, the obvious speaks for itself, she's sitting pretty, why should she worry. Of course she is not thinking of herself, she is thinking of Freddie. Wink
Originally posted by rusticana:
It couldn't be that she just has morals and doesn't think it's right?

She being very clever.

Possibly, but I would like to think it is cos she thinks she is doing the right thing for the right reasons

She is being very sensible - When Ken was told of the task he said straight away - Impossible - So a good strategist would see that the next step is damage limitation - if the five are going up they should get someone up who they can beat - they all should know that that is LISA
I think if they lose are original HMs that are nominated still up against them?

If so that would be a far better strategy. As you say he immediately said you realise how difficult this will be right up front.
She is being very sensible - When Ken was told of the task he said straight away - Impossible - So a good strategist would see that the next step is damage limitation - if the five are going up they should get someone up who they can beat - they all should know that that is LISA
I think if they lose are original HMs that are nominated still up against them?

If so that would be a far better strategy. As you say he immediately said you realise how difficult this will be right up front.

Yes I think they are - BB didn't say that it would be the five newbies alone - just that they would be up for eviction.

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