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Last night was all about relationships, relationships, relationships.

Kenneth and Tom had a little natter about the girls. Kenneth said that he would have sex with Dogface, only problem for him is that she's fat and dull and needs to lose weight. Both felt that although she's good looking that she would would be a nightmare to date as there's 'not much between the ears'.

Kenneth said that he doesn't trust Noirin and Tom felt that she was just playing a game. For Tom, Lisa's 'a snake in the grass' and he doesn't trust Charlie either. He admitted he hasn't been feeling much love from Marcus and Kenneth replied that it was because 'he is threatened by your ****.'

Elsewhere, Dogface told Big Brother that she doesn't understand why Kenneth flirts with her and doesn't like it. She also said that she's become closer to Noirin. Later on Dogface confessed to Siavash too that she feels awkward around Kenneth.

It was a case of deja vu for Noirin when she told Marcus once more that she doesn't have feelings for him. Er Marcus, she's just not that in to you. Noirin told him that he should enjoy his time in the House, that he can't be around her 24/7 and to forget the idea that they're a couple, as they're not. Marcus responded saying that it's not easy to turn feelings off.

A couple of hours later, Lisa told Marcus in no uncertain terms that Noirin will never be into him. Do you think he'll get the hint?

c4 bb

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