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Originally posted by Moomin:
I can't stand the guy, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for him on his "date" with the ***** tease known as Noirin.

He really likes her and you could see how much he was hoping it would lead to something more, but she was all over him like a rash while dancing, and then says "I'm not giving you a proper kiss"

For goodness sake woman. stop leading him on!!!!

Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Moomin:
I can't stand the guy, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for him on his "date" with the ***** tease known as Noirin.

He really likes her and you could see how much he was hoping it would lead to something more, but she was all over him like a rash while dancing, and then says "I'm not giving you a proper kiss"

For goodness sake woman. stop leading him on!!!!

Do you think she should have given him a proper kiss?? surely THAT would have been leading him on???? and how could she have not done the date thing? she had no option at all.. it was very clear that she was not into it when it was announced to her in the DR... what would you have done? she likes him not fancies him... so should she have said, emm no thanks.. he would have been so upset and she didn't want to upset the control freak!
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
They are both as bad as and deserve eachother Nod .... Thank God for the new housemates hopefully the Noricus storyline will be relegated to the back and we can see new storylines emerge for a change..... Thumbs Up

Noirin has been monopolising the screen time through Sree and now Marcus.

nah, it's because she's lovely.
She doesnt even look that nice anymore because her inner ugliness is seeping out from every pore of her skin Nod

oh, ugly organs eh?

i've made a note... Wink
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
She's using him, it's very simple. Noirin even called him slimy last night to Sophie, but later on she went back to his side like she was his best friend. Lisa, Freddie and Siavash have all said in the past that the know what Noirin is doing. Marcus is just blinded by love, that is NOT a crime. Being a manipulating calculating BITCH is a crime of sorts, and therefore Noirin needs to get kicked out at the earliest opportunity.

Preferably with Marcus, both every bit as bad as each other.

I agree. Dont know who I dislike the most. Wanted her out last week but no one would listen to me. Frowner
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Heartache:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Why can't he sit by himself sometimes? Or is that inconvenient as it's proof that he isn't always with Noirin and that she sometimes comes to him.

Nothing but he was pissed off that she had been spending time with the others rather than him. And that's why he was waiting for her to come out of the DR. Her first words were, that there was nothing to explain.

Well sometimes people do feel down on the show, and he is being highly manipulated on it by Noirin.
do you think noirin ever feels down on the show?

And when she is Marcus gives her support.

so yes, she does get down?
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Noirin fans chill Smiler... If you didnt fancy a guy who fancied you, you will try your best not to touch/hug/kiss him all the time... She is a tease and will string along him until he is useless... Marcus is just as bad and they both deserve eachother Nod ....

i am mr chill of chill land in the county of chillshire Big Grin

just think calling any hm practically a prostitute is a tad over stating things myself... Wink
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Noirin fans chill Smiler... If you didnt fancy a guy who fancied you, you will try your best not to touch/hug/kiss him all the time... She is a tease and will string along him until he is useless... Marcus is just as bad and they both deserve eachother Nod ....

i am mr chill of chill land in the county of chillshire Big Grin

just think calling any hm practically a prostitute is a tad over stating things myself... Wink

Yes .....and there's been far worse. I'm just not getting all the Noirin hate .............I like her - and the more people post such hateful stuff - the more I like her Thumbs Up
Soozy Woo
You can call her whatever name you want but one thing she definitely is is duplicitous (even to someone who she makes out to be her best friend in the house). So that's being fake. Marcus ,whether you like him or not, is not fake. I assume her actions are part of her own gameplan, if they are prompted from Endemol I'd consider her even more calculating. I just don't find this kind of action that entertaining, they can cut dangerously deep.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Shar:
This year they've decided to throw some sleaze into the mix though ... but it still manages to be the woman's fault ... Wink

There's always a perv bloke too, isn't there? Sree and Marcus this year. We had Sezer, too, the other year. Two sides of the same coin.

Sezer was a complete knob and thought he was god's gift ... but I don't remember him being sleazy in the same way that sree and marcus are this year ...

I don't think either Marcus or Sree would have sex on TV. There have been far sleazier HMs.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
i did used to like Marcus but he put me off my tea tonight saying get your sexy ass here Roll Eyes

bloody hell!!! ya dont want to hear some of the things I say to MY OH then Big Grin
when 2 people are close friends they often say sometimes shocking things to each other its all meant in fun though, its a way of showing that they are comfortable in each others company, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
You can call her whatever name you want but one thing she definitely is is duplicitous (even to someone who she makes out to be her best friend in the house). So that's being fake. Marcus ,whether you like him or not, is not fake. I assume her actions are part of her own gameplan, if they are prompted from Endemol I'd consider her even more calculating. I just don't find this kind of action that entertaining, they can cut dangerously deep.

how is she duplicitous? She has made it clear she likes him as a friend ........where does duplicity come into it? Confused

And then she says he is slimey behind his back, and uses a new HM as a pawn against him.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww come on ........the guy is slimier than slime .......she's just telling it as it is. We see the occasional peck and begrudged hug that she gives after he's worn her down. Can you say she's ever enjoyed his cumbersome advances.

Time and time again we've seen him going off on one if she hasn't cuddled/kissed/accepted compliments/played games etc.

She reluctantly allows herself to be hugged etc. ..............he is her friend (albeit an incredibly deluded one).

'allows herself' ? lol. She LOVES it.
Free Thinking

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