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Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
This is the story Endemol wanted to create, it's probably all fake though.
Its just to sudden isnt it? I think BB reminded them to memorise their scripts Nod

They need something to take over from the Marcus-Noirin relationship as they know people are getting tired of that.
I agree Nod
Sophie and Charlie are just continuing Kris' dirty work for him, regarding Freddie. He has left instructions to continue where he left off. Sophie is not a nice girl, she is dim tbh. She laughs too long and too loud at Freddie, and not with him. If only she was half as clever as Freddie she would not be destined to over-exposure of her balloons in the lads magazines, and obscurity in a few years time. Freddie will have the last laugh on the chavs - Sophie, Charlie and Kris - because he is clever, kind, and well liked by the GBP for his sterling qualities and beautiful nature. Lispy dopey Sophie needs a slap every time she goes into giggle-mode. Her and Charlie thought it was funny to drive a wedge between him and Bea, who is probably the only person he has been able to identify with in the last seven weeks. Shame on them.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Sophie and Charlie are just continuing Kris' dirty work for him, regarding Freddie. He has left instructions to continue where he left off. Sophie is not a nice girl, she is dim tbh. She laughs too long and too loud at Freddie, and not with him. If only she was half as clever as Freddie she would not be destined to over-exposure of her balloons in the lads magazines, and obscurity in a few years time. Freddie will have the last laugh on the chavs - Sophie, Charlie and Kris - because he is clever, kind, and well liked by the GBP for his sterling qualities and beautiful nature. Lispy dopey Sophie needs a slap every time she goes into giggle-mode. Her and Charlie thought it was funny to drive a wedge between him and Bea, who is probably the only person he has been able to identify with in the last seven weeks. Shame on them.

I disagree with all of this.

Sophie and Charlie are just continuing Kris' dirty work for him, regarding Freddie.

You seem to forget about all of the dirty work that Freddie was throwing at Kris and Sophie. His discussions with other housemates regarding their romance, and his DR discussions that seemed aimed at getting them into trouble with BB.

Sophie is not a nice girl, she is dim tbh. She laughs too long and too loud at Freddie, and not with him.

Freddie says she is adorable, and none of the other housemates have a problem with her. Why should i believe you?

If only she was half as clever as Freddie she would not be destined to over-exposure of her balloons in the lads magazines, and obscurity in a few years time.

So you get off on making nasty remarks about Sophie's physical appearance - and yet you say she isn't a nice person? Confused

Freddie will have the last laugh on the chavs - Sophie, Charlie and Kris - because he is clever, kind, and well liked by the GBP for his sterling qualities and beautiful nature.

Oh dear - more insulting spite directed towards Sophie.

Lispy dopey Sophie needs a slap every time she goes into giggle-mode. Her and Charlie thought it was funny to drive a wedge between him and Bea, who is probably the only person he has been able to identify with in the last seven weeks.

Sophie expresses an opinion and you are suggesting she deserves physical violence brought upon her - am i reading this correctly? Confused

Her and Charlie thought it was funny to drive a wedge between him and Bea, who is probably the only person he has been able to identify with in the last seven weeks.

Show me the evidence of this wedge? Lisa and Noirin both made comments to Sophie last night suggesting it was unacceptable for her to lay in bed chatting with Tom - nobody is being critical of them.

Shame on them

No, shame on you for the disgraceful suggestion that Sophie should suffer physical violence.
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Poor Freddie is smitten Frowner

To be fair, he appears to be serially smitten; didn't he claim to be 'seeing' (coughs) five girls before he came in?
Did he say that? I thought he meant that he has been with 5gals at the same time Confused

Bloody hell. Disappointed I don't know, PCE. Maybe he did? Either way, he's not short of laydee attention. Cool
subatomic partygirl

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