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Originally posted by Mollie:
I think the tearing strips off her the other night (livefeed, which was not shown in HL show!!)there is a marked change in her demeanor.. he is like a controlling husband!! oh gawd I cannot listen to it any longer!! he is rude, nasty and manipulative... I am freaked that he has convinced her he knows more about her then she does.... she needs to get away from him!!!! BB needs to interven (sp) NOW!
I agree, it looks like a controlling husband/bf situation... Im really disappointed in her because I thought she was her own woman...
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by MoFo:
HaaHaHAaHaHA its sooooo funny LMAO the desperation of him. I swear to gawd he should just growl at the newbies while pissing a circle of 'MY PROPERTY' around her!!! Laugh

Shes a ****ing moron though, why is she taking his word as gospel! Roll Eyes

That was my question somewhere else, but nobody told me so far. Smiler

He has her wrapped. She does what he tells her and she's now depending on him to show her the way.
Originally posted by MoFo:
As the fickle person that I am, I am now disgusted with Noirin and want to shake her!!!

Please ignore any Noirin sympathizing posts I may have made in the past!

Silly bluddy girl.

Yes she is silly, I feel like you too. Don't hold with this Noirin is a slapper tag. To me she seems very weak willed, lacking in confidence, and very easy to manipulate.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Tayto:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by MoFo:
HaaHaHAaHaHA its sooooo funny LMAO the desperation of him. I swear to gawd he should just growl at the newbies while pissing a circle of 'MY PROPERTY' around her!!! Laugh

Shes a ****ing moron though, why is she taking his word as gospel! Roll Eyes

That was my question somewhere else, but nobody told me so far. Smiler

He has her wrapped. She does what he tells her and she's now depending on him to show her the way.

Agree. Why though?
She alienated herself after rabbitgate and now the only person who really shows her any attention is Marcus so she is sticking with him.... Hopefully with the new housemates around, she would have more confidence...
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Get on wiv ya's lol.....Noireen knows exactly what she is doing she will use and abuse just as Seabass said she will, Marcus is serving a purpose thats why she keeps blowing hot and cold with him, as soon as she feels safe enough to do so she will drop him quicker than spit and just like she did with Scree she will perfectly put the blame firmly on his shoulders by whispering to the 'right' people. She has proven twice now just how untrustworthy she is.

She is getting on my nerves tonight with her life and soul of the party act she is putting on and repeatedly telling anyone who will listen what Angel said about her looking pregnant so she would get compliments is just pathetic.

I get your point, but I think there is a lot more to Noirin than that. I think whilst being uber confident in her looks, and I do find her extremely vain.

To me, she seems to constantly doubt herself, she also is much more sensitive than the hard cold expression she often has on her face, she is very guarded at times, and at other times she is vulnerable especially when she is around Marcus, she drops her guard and he is constantly telling how to behave, correcting her, and telling her whilst bigging up her beauty, that she's not strong. Most confident womene would have told Marcus a few home truths by now, or simply told him to Eff off, Noirin lacks confidence in herself bigtime.

I just can't see it hun, she very nearly jumped ship to the 'Lisa' camp but just in the nick of time Kris was evicted and, realising her near mistake, she was able to pull back because of her pedestal status from marcus she had her way paved for her for re-acceptance by aivash and Fredie to a degree. It may well be a small house but if she had really wanted to she could have put and maintained a wide berth from Marcus.

Did you not notice earlier when Marcus was slagging one of the newbie guys off, she was hanging on his every word and then asking how he had reached the conclusions so quickly, then before we knew it she was saying she must be much more intelligent than she realised because she actually already knew everything he was saying!!!
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
woohoo look how close mr muscle is now Big Grin

AND the body language......s getting interestin

LOL's remember Marcus can kill people with one eyebrow. Big Grin

PMSL omg that made me laugh out loud Big Grin

didnt he fight 100 guys in 4 hours or something as well?
PHA!! I killed 28 people in 10 minutes last night,...but then my thumbs started getting a bit sore those playstation controlers couldve been better designed ya know Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by paace:
I have never seen such a sinister,menacing, controlling, creep as this Marcus. They are not even an item in the house, yet he won't let her out of his sight for a sec since the newbies arrived, watching her every move.

He is poisoning her mind with his nasty, load of tosh about the newcomers and to make it worse she's buying it all as if its gospel. I've heard of partners destroying a womans confidence, undermining her beliefs until in the end she begins to doubt everything good about herself.
And the creep is doing it in front of millions watching.

And we can't get him out for weeks yet.

We never know our luck, he may be up this week. Big Grin
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
He's a bloody neanderthal actually that's probably insulting to neanderthals, marcus is the lowest of the low, he's a slug Shake Head

Did anyone hear him on the live feed, he'd just been telling noirin all about Tom, and Tom's fake walk Crazy when he rolled over and said to her, noirin, you don't mind if the blood rushes to my penis do you. Eeker Sick Sick Sick

The man is totally vile Mad
I work with someone who fits the same kind of profile as Marcus. He's early 30's, lives with his mum, doesn't have a girlfriend or much (any!) success with girls, he even has the ponytail!

This guys attitude around women is abysmal - if he fancies his chances he's the slimiest sleaze on the planet, with all the cringingly inappropriate comments - if he doesn't see a woman as a sex object (ugh!) he treats them with such contempt that it's hard not to land him a good slap.

But the whole point is that this bloke has ABSOLUTELY NO F****NG CLUE how to behave around women. I think he picks his technique up from Rap lyrics and porn mags. He's basically a complete mummy's boy with no experience of real adult relationships whatsoever.

I'd lay good money that Marcus is exactly the same - Mr Uber-Cool who wouldn't recognise 'cool' if he was locked in a freezer with ice cubes in his eyes.

Sad sack.

Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Gel:
OKAY, I apologise profusely for the quality of this Frowner I had to use my hubby's phone to capture the moment of Marcus's greatest chat upline ever Sick

It's only about 10 seconds long, he'd not long finished dissing Tom to Noirin, then was lay there chatting to her and looking down her frock, when he half turns and says.....

look at them things, them things of beauty (referring to her breasts) then carries on to say you're not offended are you if the blood rushes to my penis are you.

What made it worse for me was realising at the time he must have had a stonker on Sick Sick Sick

once again apologies for the quality.

*puts down sausage sarnie* Sick

*sinks teeth into sausage sannie - HARD* Mad

Eeker Laugh
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:

'did you miss me?'

'do you love me'

'come and give me a hug'

'i want a hug'

'wear that dress'

'you're beautiful'

that was rex.....though sounds like marcus....exactly the same type of man....wants control over a woman..i don't care if it's his g/f or not....trying to control someone isn't on...

rex picked on who he perceived as the 'weaker' h/mates...rachel,mo....he went on and on at rachel over her vt....yet when he thought he'd try his luck on lisa he got a mouthful back and scuttled off to the d/r to complain.......

marcus does the same....his target was sree...his 'lisa' is this years lisa...oh he tries to exert his control..but does it much more politely cos he knows she'll give him what for....for marcus and rex and nicole..


Creepy, controlling cowards! Glance

I loved Rex but didn't condone his controlling ways with Nicole.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Did anyone see him give Noirin the "Time out" sign they use in American Basketball? He did this because Noirin was talking to Blonde newbie. I was so annoyed at this. I watched Marcus until around 3.30am, and all he did was follow Noirin everywhere. At one point Rodders, Siavash, DF, & Noirin were on one bed giggling chatting looking really at ease with each
other, Marcus literally squeezed his chubby body onto the bed, in an attempt to get close to Noirin, but was not joining in the convo, he was just lying staring at Noirin.

what did he mean by doing the time out sign?

I Interpreted it as for her to stop chatting to people, and for her to give him "M" time. I forgot to add whn he did the time out sign it was followed by a request for a hug, and for them to go under his "wank duvet" both of which Noirin refused.

thanks and blizzie Thumbs Up i want to slap him Mad

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