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Despite what some of the housemates might have you believe, Big Brother can be a kindly soul – a bit like Santa, only without the red suit. So, when Big brother called the housemates to the Diary Room to receive their Tokens for completing the Task, Big brother had a surprise – housemates could exchange their Token for a once in a lifetime prize.


And what would they choose do you think? A holiday in the Bahamas? A brand new saloon car? A speedboat? Diamonds? A cuddly toy? Immunity from eviction?

Or – incredibly enough – none of the above?

Charlie's prize request was the most tame. He asked for a burger and fries and a fizzy drink. You didn't fancy a nice fillet steak then Charlie?

Karly's request was pretty pedestrian too. Thinking hard about what she missed recently – things like chocolate and sweets – she simply asked for two packets of cigarettes.

Dogface, however, was thinking of her heart when she made her request and asked if she could see her dogs, which Big Brother was happy to organise.

Halfwit decided to keep his Token and take it back into the House for everyone to share.

Rodrigo, like Dogface, was more concerned with matters of the soul and asked if he could speak to his family. Big Brother denied this request, but agreed to organise a letter from home for him.

Similarly to Rodrigo, Siavash asked Big Brother if he could speak to his mum, but Big Brother would not permit this, so Siavash settled for two bottle of wine, 19 cans of cider and a packet of crisps.

But it was Marcus's request that was the most shocking – and when Big Brother says shocking, Big Brother means shocking. After a little wrangling, Marcus narrowed down his choices to two things: an electric guitar and an amplifier for one hour, or – and you'd best prepare yourselves for this – a date with Noirin. That's right, a date with Noirin.

She has to agree to it, mind you, but that's just a formality, isn't it Marcus?

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Lisa and Noirin didn`t get a token because they quit the task.

Lisa shouted at Siavash that he had no right to say she and Noireen shouldn`t have anything because they quit.
She thought the tokens were going to be shared between the whole group. Laugh

Well done BB! Clapping

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