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Take eight housemates, keep them hungry, deprive them of luxuries, booze and fags, then give them all electric shocks – whaddya think will happen? That's right, a huge explosive row over a tiny little thing!

It all started off when Siavash announced to the group that he wasn’t happy about Lisa and Noirin getting alcohol from the others' tokens because they had given up on the Task

"No, we should still get alcohol," Lisa bellowed at him. "We're a team, we couldn't stand the pain. That's just being spiteful Siavash."

On the side of fairness, Charlie sensed a flaw in Siavash's argument. "So with your Token you don't want them to have a drink, but everyone else who puts a Token in you don't mind?" he asked, which Siavash agreed with.

"If you gave up, I wouldn't say you couldn't have anything," spat Lisa from the sidelines.

"The thing is," replied Siavash, "if I gave up, I would say I don't want anything."

Charlie immediately pounced on Siavash and asked what gave him the right to decide what individual Tokens were spent on.

"I never said that I'm gonna decide what to do with my Token," replied Siavash defensively.

"Tokens are for everyone man," Halfwit reminded him.

But Siavash was adamant that Lisa and Noirin shouldn't expect alcohol.

"I just think that's greedy," said Charlie turning away.

"Let him have his one Token and we'll share the other six if nobody minds," shouted Lisa before another comment from Siavash made her lose it. "I'm not arguing with you, because it's just ****," she spat at him. "We couldn't stand the pain so we took our pads off."

"You shouldn't expect us to give you anything," Siavash shot back at her. "That's for us to decide, not you."

But it was clear that there was no 'us' involved – Siavash was on his own.

"Everyone else apart from you hasn't got a problem with it," Charlie told him

Thats him up every week now Disappointed
Did Lisa offer to give any of her baccy to the 'occasional smokers' ? NO she wanted HER fags and also expected THEM to share THEIR food with her! Lemmee in there for 5 minutes Laugh

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