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Originally posted by karmasab****:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Siavash is a brilliant HM imo. He has managed to stay out of major arguments up until the Noirin incident. What he said to her he said to her in confidence, a bit like when Lisa tells her troops something and they keep quiet about it. Right or wrong, it's what you do. I can only remember one incident where I questioned Siavash's honesty and it was the Freddie comment about not talking to him if the others did.

I like his style of dress and I like the way he talks. I like his appearance but I like his characteristics of individuality best. He's his own man, as evidenced by his nominations record. They are never block choices. I like that Wink

Quite agree he is my favourite still, i just think i have taken in by his wonderful accent into thinking everthing he says is deep and intelligent ........................just remembering henry the twelfth!! lol still a great guy though.

He does talk a load of BS sometimes but it's all good BS lol. Perhaps if we asked him a question about Iran he may well know the answer! His Henry XII comment made me laugh because it was just soooooooo wrong Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by clumsycat:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by clumsycat:
nah, he is one of the best in there. definately in the final Smiler

Well he has the comedy clothes for it.

Thought you would have liked him, after all he has wild hair.. rather like a certain mophead recently departed Wink

He'd look okay if he left out the clown costumes and make up.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by clumsycat:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by clumsycat:
nah, he is one of the best in there. definately in the final Smiler

Well he has the comedy clothes for it.

Thought you would have liked him, after all he has wild hair.. rather like a certain mophead recently departed Wink

He'd look okay if he left out the clown costumes and make up.

fair comment, still like him though Valentine
My reservation with siavash is he keeps saying that if he survives eviction it will mean the public believe him over illogical nonsense, as noirin should also survive, so does that mean they are both in the right siavash!

He did lie that night, we all know noirin went off like a banshee, but he did lie as did freddie, even marcus told him this the other night...during their two hour mammoth conversation...we all saw him name names, he should have stuck to his guns and admitted it to kris and karly at the time instead of calling noirin a lying bitch.

As it is, both kris and karly are toast, and siavash could have earned major brownie points by being truthful. I think he also knows this....which is why he is obsessed by surviving an though that will vindicate his part in bunnygate.

However with both him and noirin surviving it will prove nothing. He will also probably survive a head to head eviction with noirin...and if he needs that to prove to himself he didnt lie....then he is fooling himself.

I hope he stays to the final, but only because at the moment there are so few decent ones to choose...may have a rethink when the newbies arrive.
Originally posted by BBTENNER:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:

Yes, Is there anyone in there that he hasn't bitched about at some point ?

Not to mention him trying to manipulate Noirin.

He hasn't bitched about halfwit or Mrcus or Rodrigo.

Manipulate Noirin ???? Silliest thing I've read all day.

Sour grapes that sexy Kris is out LOL

He told Lisa, Charlie etc (can't remember everyone that was there) that he'd rather not talk to Halfwit but feels obliged because nobody else did.

As for bunnygate, he lied to Noirin to try to get her into team smug but it backfired and he was exposed as a liar.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Siavash is a brilliant HM imo. He has managed to stay out of major arguments up until the Noirin incident. What he said to her he said to her in confidence, a bit like when Lisa tells her troops something and they keep quiet about it. Right or wrong, it's what you do. I can only remember one incident where I questioned Siavash's honesty and it was the Freddie comment about not talking to him if the others did.

I like his style of dress and I like the way he talks. I like his appearance but I like his characteristics of individuality best. He's his own man, as evidenced by his nominations record. They are never block choices. I like that Wink

hi tree wavey
i agree with what you say but i can not forget what he said about freddie thats why i cant trust him 100per cent Hug
mrs d
Originally posted by BBTENNER:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:

Yes, Is there anyone in there that he hasn't bitched about at some point ?

Not to mention him trying to manipulate Noirin.

He hasn't bitched about halfwit or Mrcus or Rodrigo.

Manipulate Noirin ???? Silliest thing I've read all day.

Sour grapes that sexy Kris is out LOL

It's only silly because he failed to manipulate her, but the intention was clear.
Originally posted by fz:
My reservation with siavash is he keeps saying that if he survives eviction it will mean the public believe him over illogical nonsense, as noirin should also survive, so does that mean they are both in the right siavash!

He did lie that night, we all know noirin went off like a banshee, but he did lie as did freddie, even marcus told him this the other night...during their two hour mammoth conversation...we all saw him name names, he should have stuck to his guns and admitted it to kris and karly at the time instead of calling noirin a lying bitch.

As it is, both kris and karly are toast, and siavash could have earned major brownie points by being truthful. I think he also knows this....which is why he is obsessed by surviving an though that will vindicate his part in bunnygate.

However with both him and noirin surviving it will prove nothing. He will also probably survive a head to head eviction with noirin...and if he needs that to prove to himself he didnt lie....then he is fooling himself.

I hope he stays to the final, but only because at the moment there are so few decent ones to choose...may have a rethink when the newbies arrive.

I am sure your friends have sometimes told you something in confidence fz. Something that could rattle a few cages and cause a major row if it was disclosed. Out of loyalty, I presume you would keep your own counsel on it, store up the information, and move along, never uttering a word. The wise among us would store up the information and use it at a later date. If Noirin had kept Siavash's confidence and not betrayed what he had told her, she could have used the information in another way rather than causing a major blow up in the house. What he said was not a lie, he was trying to enlighten her about the other HMs who had been discussing her behind her back.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by fz:
My reservation with siavash is he keeps saying that if he survives eviction it will mean the public believe him over illogical nonsense, as noirin should also survive, so does that mean they are both in the right siavash!

He did lie that night, we all know noirin went off like a banshee, but he did lie as did freddie, even marcus told him this the other night...during their two hour mammoth conversation...we all saw him name names, he should have stuck to his guns and admitted it to kris and karly at the time instead of calling noirin a lying bitch.

As it is, both kris and karly are toast, and siavash could have earned major brownie points by being truthful. I think he also knows this....which is why he is obsessed by surviving an though that will vindicate his part in bunnygate.

However with both him and noirin surviving it will prove nothing. He will also probably survive a head to head eviction with noirin...and if he needs that to prove to himself he didnt lie....then he is fooling himself.

I hope he stays to the final, but only because at the moment there are so few decent ones to choose...may have a rethink when the newbies arrive.

I am sure your friends have sometimes told you something in confidence fz. Something that could rattle a few cages and cause a major row if it was disclosed. Out of loyalty, I presume you would keep your own counsel on it, store up the information, and move along, never uttering a word. The wise among us would store up the information and use it at a later date. If Noirin had kept Siavash's confidence and not betrayed what he had told her, she could have used the information in another way rather than causing a major blow up in the house. What he said was not a lie, he was trying to enlighten her about the other HMs who had been discussing her behind her back.

That's how I see it TBH. i like Noirin but could not see what she hoped to achieve in going behind Siavash's back like that ..........if we are told something in confidence we should keep it that way. There were other ways of confronting Kris and carly without dragging Siavash into a major row like that.

it was all unecessary and unpleasant.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by fz:
My reservation with siavash is he keeps saying that if he survives eviction it will mean the public believe him over illogical nonsense, as noirin should also survive, so does that mean they are both in the right siavash!

He did lie that night, we all know noirin went off like a banshee, but he did lie as did freddie, even marcus told him this the other night...during their two hour mammoth conversation...we all saw him name names, he should have stuck to his guns and admitted it to kris and karly at the time instead of calling noirin a lying bitch.

As it is, both kris and karly are toast, and siavash could have earned major brownie points by being truthful. I think he also knows this....which is why he is obsessed by surviving an though that will vindicate his part in bunnygate.

However with both him and noirin surviving it will prove nothing. He will also probably survive a head to head eviction with noirin...and if he needs that to prove to himself he didnt lie....then he is fooling himself.

I hope he stays to the final, but only because at the moment there are so few decent ones to choose...may have a rethink when the newbies arrive.

I am sure your friends have sometimes told you something in confidence fz. Something that could rattle a few cages and cause a major row if it was disclosed. Out of loyalty, I presume you would keep your own counsel on it, store up the information, and move along, never uttering a word. The wise among us would store up the information and use it at a later date. If Noirin had kept Siavash's confidence and not betrayed what he had told her, she could have used the information in another way rather than causing a major blow up in the house. What he said was not a lie, he was trying to enlighten her about the other HMs who had been discussing her behind her back.

That's how I see it TBH. i like Noirin but could not see what she hoped to achieve in going behind Siavash's back like that ..........if we are told something in confidence we should keep it that way. There were other ways of confronting Kris and carly without dragging Siavash into a major row like that.

it was all unecessary and unpleasant.

Noirins actions were unpleasant yes but it did expose Siavash as a liar trying to create ill feeling.
Kris Is Bliss
Noirins actions were unpleasant yes but it did expose Siavash as a liar trying to create ill feeling.

You seem to have misinterpreted Siavash's intentions KIB. What he told her was to her own benefit. In the BB house, knowledge is a dangerous thing and in short supply. I also think that Siavash was trying to get Noirin on-side by saying what he said, and using roundabout tactics to do it. It backfired on them both imo. But she came out of it the worst because of her betrayal.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Noirins actions were unpleasant yes but it did expose Siavash as a liar trying to create ill feeling.

You seem to have misinterpreted Siavash's intentions KIB. What he told her was to her own benefit. In the BB house, knowledge is a dangerous thing and in short supply. I also think that Siavash was trying to get Noirin on-side by saying what he said, and using roundabout tactics to do it. It backfired on them both imo. But she came out of it the worst because of her betrayal.

Noirin did betray his confidence I don't disagree there, however Siavash did lie in attempt to recruit Noirin to team smug which is sneaky imo.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Failing the no swearing task on purpose was the height of arrogance, he thinks he's guaranteed to survive.

Imagine his face if his name were called. Big Grin

Whatever KIB!Marcus is popular, Kris wasn't....

Deal with it...As Tracey BB8 would say. Razzer


Kris is gone, I'm aware of that and haven't mentioned him.

I don't mind Marcus (for the comedy factor) but the thread isn't about him.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Failing the no swearing task on purpose was the height of arrogance, he thinks he's guaranteed to survive.

Imagine his face if his name were called. Big Grin

Whatever KIB!Marcus is popular, Kris wasn't....

Deal with it...As Tracey BB8 would say. Razzer


Kris is gone, I'm aware of that and haven't mentioned him.

I don't mind Marcus (for the comedy factor) but the thread isn't about him.

Yeah I bet you're confused. Big Grin
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Noirins actions were unpleasant yes but it did expose Siavash as a liar trying to create ill feeling.

You seem to have misinterpreted Siavash's intentions KIB. What he told her was to her own benefit. In the BB house, knowledge is a dangerous thing and in short supply. I also think that Siavash was trying to get Noirin on-side by saying what he said, and using roundabout tactics to do it. It backfired on them both imo. But she came out of it the worst because of her betrayal.

Noirin did betray his confidence I don't disagree there, however Siavash did lie in attempt to recruit Noirin to team smug which is sneaky imo.

But he didn't lie KIB. That is the point I am making. He did hear the 'hopping about' comments made by team nasty, and he repeated what they had said. That is not lying, that is telling the truth where I come from.
Twee Surgeon

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