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Originally posted by Bethni:
Freddie said again two nights ago to Marcus and Siavash...'I may have been sitting there but i didn't hear the names', He was eating remember and more than a little tipsy, who are we to say if he was paying attention to a conversation that had been going on for a while.
As to Siavash, yes he did lie about telling Noirin the names but he didn't lie about them saying it. He gave Kris ample time to confess in the bedroom b asking him t least twice to his face if he had said it, when Kris denied it Siavash denied saying they all lied.
This was all last weeks news... BB must be so boring this week we have nothing else to talk about.
The things Marcus was alluding to of what Siavash had said about Noirin was when he said she used and abused. He also told Marcus he didn't trust women 100% who did that, Noirin was there at the time, hence the conversation she had with Marcus under the duvet when she told him Siavash was nasty to her.

Karly will go this week, i have no doubt.....i'm looking forward to the dynamics of the house changing when the new hms come in Smiler

Didn't Siavesh say he THOUGHT they were thinking it and not he heard them SAY it....different things really! Nod
The Devil In Diamante
Yes he said THOUGHT but if you remember that was AFTER he got into bed... when they were all shouting he said to Kris, 'did you or did you not call Noirin a bunny rabbit'... Kris said 'NO'.... Siavash repeated it at least once more and got the same reply. He then said, 'F*** it!' and walked out the bedroom door then came back, called them all dick's, denied everything and got into bed.
He said he thought they had been thinking that after he was in bed Smiler
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Freddie said again two nights ago to Marcus and Siavash...'I may have been sitting there but i didn't hear the names', He was eating remember and more than a little tipsy, who are we to say if he was paying attention to a conversation that had been going on for a while.
As to Siavash, yes he did lie about telling Noirin the names but he didn't lie about them saying it. He gave Kris ample time to confess in the bedroom b asking him t least twice to his face if he had said it, when Kris denied it Siavash denied saying they all lied.
This was all last weeks news... BB must be so boring this week we have nothing else to talk about.
The things Marcus was alluding to of what Siavash had said about Noirin was when he said she used and abused. He also told Marcus he didn't trust women 100% who did that, Noirin was there at the time, hence the conversation she had with Marcus under the duvet when she told him Siavash was nasty to her.

Karly will go this week, i have no doubt.....i'm looking forward to the dynamics of the house changing when the new hms come in Smiler

Didn't Siavesh say he THOUGHT they were thinking it and not he heard them SAY it....different things really! Nod

Dunno, he changed his story so many times that it's difficult to know which version to believe.
Siavash is too much of a strong free spirit for Marcus. Marcus can manipulate Freddie and Noirin each week to go after Lisa and her mob, this week proved more than anything else Siavash is his own man, he stuck to his guns ans nommed Noirin, whilst Marcus was able to manipulate Freddie and Noirin to vote the way he wanted. Everything Marcus says about Lisa, I notice the same traits in him. Can't stand Lisa or Marcus, both are fighting to control the house and HM's. Doesn't suprise me in the least that Marcus said this about Siavash, in thec coming days and weeks, Marcus will step up his campaign to get Siavash nominated and put up for eviction.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by wandawitch:
Siavash influenced an already explosive situation by declaring that the house should put him and Noirin up to see 'who is the liar'. Roll Eyes

We saw who was lying too....Saviash did say names and Freddy was sat right beside her as she said....Don't seem to matter though as it's Noirin.
He will lie again it might be about Freddie next time perhaps that is the only way others on here will admitt he does lie Glance

Most HMs lie Nod I wouldnt say just Siavash Shake Head
He swore on his mums life also he keeps bringing it up trying to convince others he was not telling lies but everytime he does this he is lying more telling the same lie trust him he is a thousand% right Laugh

How long is this going to rumble on. It was said in transcript or even tape that they said ie Kris, Karly etc that she was jumping from group to group rabbit or butterfly was mentioned. Karly for one blushed when she was accused. Siavash was standing near at the bus stop, so he WAS NOT LYING. However I wish he had kept his gob shut.
Just shows he was trying to do the right thing but I would have put him as more of a player if he had not tried to warn her but just kept her oblivious to what was being said.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by wandawitch:
Siavash influenced an already explosive situation by declaring that the house should put him and Noirin up to see 'who is the liar'. Roll Eyes

We saw who was lying too....Saviash did say names and Freddy was sat right beside her as she said....Don't seem to matter though as it's Noirin.
He will lie again it might be about Freddie next time perhaps that is the only way others on here will admitt he does lie Glance

Most HMs lie Nod I wouldnt say just Siavash Shake Head
He swore on his mums life also he keeps bringing it up trying to convince others he was not telling lies but everytime he does this he is lying more telling the same lie trust him he is a thousand% right Laugh

How long is this going to rumble on. It was said in transcript or even tape that they said ie Kris, Karly etc that she was jumping from group to group rabbit or butterfly was mentioned. Karly for one blushed when she was accused. Siavash was standing near at the bus stop, so he WAS NOT LYING. However I wish he had kept his gob shut.
Just shows he was trying to do the right thing but I would have put him as more of a player if he had not tried to warn her but just kept her oblivious to what was being said.

Senora Reyes
The lie he told was i did not mention any names he did so therefore lied

The lisa gang believed him as karly said was one of her reasons for nominating norin

The bottom line is marcus now sees siavash because of bunnygate as the reason his beloved norin is up and that is why he thinks he should go

Siavash will go no where

and he has got his own back on norin for telling group she is up for eviction and he nominated her

so what goes round comes round
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Siavash is too much of a strong free spirit for Marcus. Marcus can manipulate Freddie and Noirin each week to go after Lisa and her mob, this week proved more than anything else Siavash is his own man, he stuck to his guns ans nommed Noirin, whilst Marcus was able to manipulate Freddie and Noirin to vote the way he wanted. Everything Marcus says about Lisa, I notice the same traits in him. Can't stand Lisa or Marcus, both are fighting to control the house and HM's. Doesn't suprise me in the least that Marcus said this about Siavash, in thec coming days and weeks, Marcus will step up his campaign to get Siavash nominated and put up for eviction.

Thats the problem with the older HMts, they have more control. I liked it in the early day when there werent so many younger, impressionable HMts. Still say they should be across the board age wise.
Reality Junkie

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