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Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Maybe he became a tory and decided to adapt a few anarchist values along the way,or vice versa Smiler

I see what you're saying.

Are the two really interchangeable though ?

Anything's possible,it's all down to personal tastes and beliefs Smiler

So he's for anarchy but failing that he'll settle for a social-darwinist right wing government ? Confused
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Maybe he became a tory and decided to adapt a few anarchist values along the way,or vice versa Smiler

I see what you're saying.

Are the two really interchangeable though ?

Anything's possible,it's all down to personal tastes and beliefs Smiler

So he's for anarchy but failing that he'll settle for a social-darwinist right wing government ? Confused

You'll have to ask Freddie that question Kris is Bliss Smiler
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Maybe he became a tory and decided to adapt a few anarchist values along the way,or vice versa Smiler

Hi pwillow Hug two words: nanny state.
There's no anarchy in them there Labour. Big Grin

Hiya cologne Wave Hug

Laugh Indeed!

Hope you're well xxx

Much better atm. thank you Hug Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Maybe he became a tory and decided to adapt a few anarchist values along the way,or vice versa Smiler

I see what you're saying.

Are the two really interchangeable though ?

Anything's possible,it's all down to personal tastes and beliefs Smiler

So he's for anarchy but failing that he'll settle for a social-darwinist right wing government ? Confused

You'll have to ask Freddie that question Kris is Bliss Smiler

Okay Smiler well thanks for discussing it anyway, since it's obviously a touchy subject to some.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Maybe he became a tory and decided to adapt a few anarchist values along the way,or vice versa Smiler

I see what you're saying.

Are the two really interchangeable though ?

Anything's possible,it's all down to personal tastes and beliefs Smiler

So he's for anarchy but failing that he'll settle for a social-darwinist right wing government ? Confused

You'll have to ask Freddie that question Kris is Bliss Smiler

Okay Smiler well thanks for discussing it anyway, since it's obviously a touchy subject to some.

You're welcome Kris is Bliss Smiler

Freddie's political beliefs are his own and only he knows why he follows them,each to their own Smiler

Take care.
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
So he's for anarchy but failing that he'll settle for a social-darwinist right wing government ? Confused

Could you make some sense? Smiler

Could Halfwit ? Big Grin

He's the one calling himself a Tory Anarchist.

My guess is that he subscribes to Tory economy, but not to their attitude to the welfare state. Ok, answered? Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
So he's for anarchy but failing that he'll settle for a social-darwinist right wing government ? Confused

Could you make some sense? Smiler

Could Halfwit ? Big Grin

He's the one calling himself a Tory Anarchist.

My guess is that he subscribes to Tory economy, but not to their attitude to the welfare state. Ok, answered? Smiler

It doesn't really make sense though does it ? since Tory economy is survival of the fattest i.e. Tax relief for the rich at the expense of the poor.

Surely you see my point here ?
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
It doesn't really make sense though does it ? since Tory economy is survival of the fattest i.e. Tax relief for the rich at the expense of the poor.

Surely you see my point here ?

Anarchism is about individuals organising themselves. It's the ultimate small state setup; an extreme laissez faire attitude. The Tories claim to aim for a small state. Tory ecomonics tends towards laissez faire, allowing the market to find its level rather than being distorted by state intervention.

Rather than survival of the fattest, they think that a trickle-down effect happens if private enterprise is left with the capital to flourish, so that everyone benefits. They also think that a minimal social safety net encourages individuals to strive to better themselves rather than rely on the state in a culture of dependency.
Having met quite a few Halfwits in my time, I would imagine his politics are based on supporting the system that keeps mummy and daddy rich so that when his vegetable rights and peace based commune folds, he can run home to sob about how the proles really don't understand what's really good for them, whilst Daisy the maid makes him a comforting pot of Lapsang Souchong

Tory anarchism in a nutshell Big Grin

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