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Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Now my memory might be playing tricks but I'm sure one of the series of BB they didn't let potential evictees help with the shopping budget,trying to remember which one it was?

Are you sure it wasn't Carole just trying to control the shopping budget. Big Grin

Och you said the C word Sausage

Don't invoke the Hagrid Shake Head Skull
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Now my memory might be playing tricks but I'm sure one of the series of BB they didn't let potential evictees help with the shopping budget,trying to remember which one it was?

Are you sure it wasn't Carole just trying to control the shopping budget. Big Grin

Och you said the C word Sausage

Don't invoke the Hagrid Shake Head Skull

I was wearing the regulation forum hard hat and armour when I said it so surely I am excused.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Now my memory might be playing tricks but I'm sure one of the series of BB they didn't let potential evictees help with the shopping budget,trying to remember which one it was?

Are you sure it wasn't Carole just trying to control the shopping budget. Big Grin

Aah, *nostalgic flashback* Smiler

Them were happy times when The Chairman achieved Culinary Conquest and Household Hegemony with a ruthlessness hitherto never seen on BB.... *sigh*

When Lisa shoved her plate across the table whilst still chewing and I had to look at her downward-turned frog-gob chewing the last mouthful as she said she didn't want it, a gesture that was so obviously making the point that she couldn't eat it because it had been given begrudgingly, she was attempting to achieve the moral high ground. At this point I wanted to reach inside the telly and strangle her. Thumbs Up
Baby Bunny
I think many a telly will have suffered after witnessing Lisa's struggle to mount some high ground at the table after her extraordinarily selfish and presumptuous expenditure of some of the household budget on her cigarettes.

Her proclamation of victimhood at those supposedly heartless types who "would begrudge her food" was quite extraordinary. What role will this spiteful hag adopt next to try to enhance her status? She has a running character as queen of the evil coven who lays down the territorial divides, she dips into the friendly confidante role of anyone in need of an audience and now she has tried selfless martyr.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by longcat:
Lisa was a greedy mare. She wanted fags instead of food she got them. How would she feel if the other HMs decided they now wanted her fags. Karly kept to the agreement why shouldn't Lisa? Then she had the cheek to not only claim Kris's food but also Sophie's.

And then, to prove to herself how much power she still has, she declined to eat her food. She really is a very nasty person.

And unbelievably childish, for a woman in her 40s.

only after she had eaten enough to satisfy her hunger though.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by longcat:
Lisa was a greedy mare. She wanted fags instead of food she got them. How would she feel if the other HMs decided they now wanted her fags. Karly kept to the agreement why shouldn't Lisa? Then she had the cheek to not only claim Kris's food but also Sophie's.

And then, to prove to herself how much power she still has, she declined to eat her food. She really is a very nasty person.

And unbelievably childish, for a woman in her 40s.

Notice she ate first, then reject it! Glance
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Denying the two smokers food, I don’t like Lisa and co but that was very cheap. Nod

I know they are on limited budget and the smokers have spend money on Cigarettes but still it wasn’t necessary to tell them they weren’t entitle to the food everyone else was about to eat. Shake Head

I agree.

Halfwit & chums are behaving in the same way Lisas group got accused of but somehow because it's them it's okay ? Confused Mad
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Denying the two smokers food, I don’t like Lisa and co but that was very cheap. Nod

I know they are on limited budget and the smokers have spend money on Cigarettes but still it wasn’t necessary to tell them they weren’t entitle to the food everyone else was about to eat. Shake Head

I agree.

Halfwit & chums are behaving in the same way Lisas group got accused of but somehow because it's them it's okay ? Confused Mad
Yes i agree, plus Lisa did say she was eating Kris,s portion, she was put off it as it was clearly grudged, Noirin shouldve talked to lisa herself but she clearly hasnt the balls
They aren't denying the smokers food. You all seem to have missed the point of the conversation. So let me explain.

They are ALL entitiled to the basic foods, specifically lentals and chick peas.

However, Lisa and Karly then used 15% of the total weekly food budget for their nicotine addiction, agreeing that in return they would forfit eating additional food items purchased.

No one is going without food. They've got their cigarettes.
I wanted to say but floss says it better!
Originally posted by Flossie:
I think many a telly will have suffered after witnessing Lisa's struggle to mount some high ground at the table after her extraordinarily selfish and presumptuous expenditure of some of the household budget on her cigarettes.

Her proclamation of victimhood at those supposedly heartless types who "would begrudge her food" was quite extraordinary. What role will this spiteful hag adopt next to try to enhance her status? She has a running character as queen of the evil coven who lays down the territorial divides, she dips into the friendly confidante role of anyone in need of an audience and now she has tried selfless martyr.
Originally posted by lessa:
is the basic budgete not whatever it is a day for the remaining number ????i.e.ÂĢ1 per remaining person per day??? so there are nine of them left so that is ÂĢ9 a day! Kris's share does not exist!

I have been thinking this as well. Lets say shopping done on a wednesday and there are 10 housemates on basic rations, but one hm will be evicted after 2 days so would they not work it out 9 X ÂĢ7 and 1 X ÂĢ2/3 (depending on how many days from the shopping to the eviction).
I am afraid the point I was making got lost here, I don’t care for Lisa or Karly at all. All I wanted to say was I would not see my worse enemy sit at the same table as me with a bowl of chickpeas just because they decided to spend their money on items I could not share with them. And not for a moment would I believe any of you would either.

We saw Lisa objecting to Rodrigo’s suggestion that they should all get on with each other (Lisa was portrayed as a hard faced B$$$$h) the same can be said about the food incident where Noirin and Marcus are adamant to keep the divide up. I understand we all dislike Lisa and Karly but humanity and generosity in the house from Noirin and Marcus would have gone a long way for me.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
You know? what I saw was someone who deliberatly asked for cigs from the budget(ÂĢ9.00 cost I believe) claiming that they were happy to eat the basic rations provided by Big Bro who then reneged on the deal and then having been given "Kris's Leftovers"was dog in the manger enough to play the" pity me" card to cause trouble. and Guess what? It worked did'nt it.?
I would and I am not a nasty person but I belive that if you are greedy enough with your addiction you should stick with it.
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
I am afraid the point I was making got lost here, I don’t care for Lisa or Karly at all. All I wanted to say was I would not see my worse enemy sit at the same table as me with a bowl of chickpeas just because they decided to spend their money on items I could not share with them. And not for a moment would I believe any of you would either.

We saw Lisa objecting to Rodrigo’s suggestion that they should all get on with each other (Lisa was portrayed as a hard faced B$$$$h) the same can be said about the food incident where Noirin and Marcus are adamant to keep the divide up. I understand we all dislike Lisa and Karly but humanity and generosity in the house from Noirin and Marcus would have gone a long way for me.
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
I am afraid the point I was making got lost here, I don’t care for Lisa or Karly at all. All I wanted to say was I would not see my worse enemy sit at the same table as me with a bowl of chickpeas just because they decided to spend their money on items I could not share with them. And not for a moment would I believe any of you would either.

We saw Lisa objecting to Rodrigo’s suggestion that they should all get on with each other (Lisa was portrayed as a hard faced B$$$$h) the same can be said about the food incident where Noirin and Marcus are adamant to keep the divide up. I understand we all dislike Lisa and Karly but humanity and generosity in the house from Noirin and Marcus would have gone a long way for me.

Oooooooooooooooooh I'm gonna sound really greedy here but ....................if someone chose to spend their share of the money on fags good luck to them ..basic rations are available. If food is in short supply (which it is) I wouldn't be too happy to share my lot TBH .......I like my food too much. they made a choice.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by lessa:
is the basic budgete not whatever it is a day for the remaining number ????i.e.ÂĢ1 per remaining person per day??? so there are nine of them left so that is ÂĢ9 a day! Kris's share does not exist!
he left on Friday , he had food left over, Frosties etc

No he didn't. The HOUSE had food.
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
All I wanted to say was I would not see my worse enemy sit at the same table as me with a bowl of chickpeas just because they decided to spend their money on items I could not share with them. And not for a moment would I believe any of you would either.

You're misjudging me then, BD. Wink No way would it bother me if they wanted to spend their money on fags, that's their choice. If someone who'd bought food suddenly felt the need for a cigarette do you think they'd offer? I think not.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
All I wanted to say was I would not see my worse enemy sit at the same table as me with a bowl of chickpeas just because they decided to spend their money on items I could not share with them. And not for a moment would I believe any of you would either.

You're misjudging me then, BD. Wink No way would it bother me if they wanted to spend their money on fags, that's their choice. If someone who'd bought food suddenly felt the need for a cigarette do you think they'd offer? I think not.

I choose to think you would do very differently to what you are saying here, you would share.Big Grin
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
All I wanted to say was I would not see my worse enemy sit at the same table as me with a bowl of chickpeas just because they decided to spend their money on items I could not share with them. And not for a moment would I believe any of you would either.

You're misjudging me then, BD. Wink No way would it bother me if they wanted to spend their money on fags, that's their choice. If someone who'd bought food suddenly felt the need for a cigarette do you think they'd offer? I think not.

Exactly!, If Halfwit and Siavash said they were entitled to a quarter share each of the cigs Lisa would go mad and refuse.
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
All I wanted to say was I would not see my worse enemy sit at the same table as me with a bowl of chickpeas just because they decided to spend their money on items I could not share with them. And not for a moment would I believe any of you would either.

You're misjudging me then, BD. Wink No way would it bother me if they wanted to spend their money on fags, that's their choice. If someone who'd bought food suddenly felt the need for a cigarette do you think they'd offer? I think not.

I choose to think you would do very differently to what you are saying here, you would share.Big Grin

I may give you a morsel, BD.... but those two - never!
Originally posted by Flossie:
I think many a telly will have suffered after witnessing Lisa's struggle to mount some high ground at the table after her extraordinarily selfish and presumptuous expenditure of some of the household budget on her cigarettes.

Her proclamation of victimhood at those supposedly heartless types who "would begrudge her food" was quite extraordinary. What role will this spiteful hag adopt next to try to enhance her status? She has a running character as queen of the evil coven who lays down the territorial divides, she dips into the friendly confidante role of anyone in need of an audience and now she has tried selfless martyr.

Yes, indeed.

She so conveniently "forgets" that she herself made the guidelines here and so trying to make a point of indignation about it and bandying around accusations is quite comical but tragic..... and very in character.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by lessa:
is the basic budgete not whatever it is a day for the remaining number ????i.e.ÂĢ1 per remaining person per day??? so there are nine of them left so that is ÂĢ9 a day! Kris's share does not exist!
he left on Friday , he had food left over, Frosties etc

No he didn't. The HOUSE had food.
Exactly, They knew that someone would leave when they did the shopping. I dont remember Lisa saying she agreed to eat rice and lentils for two days till the eviction and then I'll help myself to your shared food.

It wouldnt have been a problem if they werent running out of food that they had bought but they were.

I think if I was a non smoker I would just say ok lets all live off of the basics and ill have my share of chocolate or alcohol so then nobody gets the best of both worlds.

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