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Originally posted by Kris For President:
Originally posted by purpleogre:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by - The Orange Man -:
All this use of the word wanker, It's a bit insulting, don't you think?

As a rule, I try not to use this word. Glance
(Try being the operative word)

I dont think the word is insulting at all, I think if anything, it demeans and cheapens the person who uses it.

oh DO you dear? well I think it is simply a word, like millions of other words, it is the INTENTION BEHIND it that determines whether its an insult or not, the word 'thanks' in the right context can be an insult OR even sarcastic ...... thanks.
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Kris For President:
Originally posted by purpleogre:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by - The Orange Man -:
All this use of the word wanker, It's a bit insulting, don't you think?

As a rule, I try not to use this word. Glance
(Try being the operative word)

I dont think the word is insulting at all, I think if anything, it demeans and cheapens the person who uses it.

oh DO you dear? well I think it is simply a word, like millions of other words, it is the INTENTION BEHIND it that determines whether its an insult or not, the word 'thanks' in the right context can be an insult OR even sarcastic ...... thanks.

You sound like Micheal Winner on that awful esure ad 'dear'.
Originally posted by Kris For President:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by purpleogre:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by - The Orange Man -:
All this use of the word wanker, It's a bit insulting, don't you think?

As a rule, I try not to use this word. Glance
(Try being the operative word)

Well, I like it, its my second favorite 'swear' word, second only to Bollocks,
I dont like it because of its literal meaning, but more for the way its used to indicate ones utter contempt for the person at who it is aimed, I think even if one didnt understand the actual meaning, the WAY its said and its very sound would leave one in no doubt that it is meant as an insult.
I really dont have a problem with people swearing, to me swearing does not ALWAYS indicate low intelligence or a poor vocabulary, because somtimes and in certain situations, nothing gets your point over better, they can be the verbal equivalent of a baseball bat.

Wanker, bollocks, insults and baseball bats, nice one old hippy guy, peace and love to you too. Laugh

hehehe I see what you are getting at, but, as my old mum used to say, "it says Persil on buses, but they dont sell it"
I am not, nor have I EVER been a hippy, I chose THAT name when I first registered at the old forum, about 5 years ago, cause I had just started a new job and as I am a 'biker' a person called me " that old hippy guy" and that made I larf that did, so I used it for my ID, hehe, ......cant do smileys cause I am doin this on my PS3, n they wont work,
I should b alowd 2 do txt spk cuz itz lik txting.
old hippy guy

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