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Originally posted by madamski:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Why was the boy watched by more than a million viewers? male and female? Do you find that disturbing too? Confused

Exactly ... what an 'odd' question ... to say the least ...
please read my response ^ .. btw im not looking for a fight Hug

I did read your response and still don't understand your question tbh ... I don't see anything strange in it ... I'm not looking for a fight either ... Hug
I came into this thread not knowing (and still not knowing really) what its about - except that is about MJ. FFS the man is dead (apparently).

He was NEVER convicted of any crime - so unless ANY OF YOU where there when he allegedly did anything then STFU. Like I said on the MJ appreciation thread - I know what I know - and what I KNOW is that he was a tremendously talented performer/singer/songwriter. I know that FOR A FACT.

I dont know anything else FOR FACT - it may well have happened - but like some just up above mentioned being very very rich and - well extortion comes to mind...

anyhow - please let this thread die with the man eh? please??
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
I came into this thread not knowing (and still not knowing really) what its about - except that is about MJ. FFS the man is dead (apparently).

He was NEVER convicted of any crime - so unless ANY OF YOU where there when he allegedly did anything then STFU. Like I said on the MJ appreciation thread - I know what I know - and what I KNOW is that he was a tremendously talented performer/singer/songwriter. I know that FOR A FACT.

I dont know anything else FOR FACT - it may well have happened - but like some just up above mentioned being very very rich and - well extortion comes to mind...

anyhow - please let this thread die with the man eh? please??

Well said ... I agree 100% ... Clapping
Barmy, without explanation I don't understand what this thread is about either.

Since childhood I've loved music and dance, it's one of my many passions in life. I love music from all genres, MJ being one for many reasons and his music and dance has given me so much pleasure over the years, along with millions of others around the globe so I know I'm not alone by any stretch of the imagination. Those that don't like him is their opinion but in no way affects mine. I couldn't give a damn what some have written on this Forum about him negatively
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by madamski:
when i dont want to go into a thread i dont ........... i've been called all kinds tonight but i was just asking a question........... as i am repeatedly told if you dont like the thread dont open it

I don't know what you mean about being called all kinds madamski ... not seen any threads about this ... Hug

Fair enough point about clicking on the thread .. but your title is fairly neutral isn't it ...?

IMO it's probably a bad idea to post any MJ threads on here at the moment ... but that is just my opinion as I said ... Hug
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by madamski:
when i dont want to go into a thread i dont ........... i've been called all kinds tonight but i was just asking a question........... as i am repeatedly told if you dont like the thread dont open it

I don't know what you mean about being called all kinds madamski ... not seen any threads about this ... Hug

Fair enough point about clicking on the thread .. but your title is fairly neutral isn't it ...?

IMO it's probably a bad idea to post any MJ threads on here at the moment ... but that is just my opinion as I said ... Hug
ive had nasty PMs but i'm a big girl i'm not gon to cry Sleepy
Originally posted by madamski:
when i dont want to go into a thread i dont ........... i've been called all kinds tonight but i was just asking a question........... as i am repeatedly told if you dont like the thread dont open it

Madamski, I don't know about other threads tonight where you've been called all kinds as you say. I just asked who was reporting such things and which vid you were talking about. For some reason this Forum can discuss anything but MJ for some strange reason I don't understand
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by madamski:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by madamski:
when i dont want to go into a thread i dont ........... i've been called all kinds tonight but i was just asking a question........... as i am repeatedly told if you dont like the thread dont open it

I don't know what you mean about being called all kinds madamski ... not seen any threads about this ... Hug

Fair enough point about clicking on the thread .. but your title is fairly neutral isn't it ...?

IMO it's probably a bad idea to post any MJ threads on here at the moment ... but that is just my opinion as I said ... Hug
ive had nasty PMs but i'm a big girl i'm not gon to cry Sleepy

If you've received inappropriate PMs you should block the person/people from sending anymore and report them if you think that is necesary ....
Originally posted by madamski:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by madamski:
when i dont want to go into a thread i dont ........... i've been called all kinds tonight but i was just asking a question........... as i am repeatedly told if you dont like the thread dont open it

I don't know what you mean about being called all kinds madamski ... not seen any threads about this ... Hug

Fair enough point about clicking on the thread .. but your title is fairly neutral isn't it ...?

IMO it's probably a bad idea to post any MJ threads on here at the moment ... but that is just my opinion as I said ... Hug
ive had nasty PMs but i'm a big girl i'm not gon to cry Sleepy

When I signed up here I opted not to receive PM's, I've signed up to that on other Forums I'm a member of but the members are very different to some here and I don't want to get personally involved as this Forum can be volatile at times.
Yellow Rose
i quite enjoy reading these threads - is that bad?
anyways i sorta agree with Brummie - the dude wrote legendary music that all we know for sure, everything else will always be discussed/wondered about for years to come - i for one am looking forward to his kids growing up a bit then starting a career of their own - apparently his oldest boy is as talented as Michael was and MJ even taught him the moonwalk - lets look forward instead of backwards, we are never gonna know for sure as the man is gone...
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by electric6:
I've read all 2 pages and I still haven't a clue what the thread is about (other than MJ and youtube?)


I've read this thread a couple of times now and I am still totally clueless.

I was so confuddled I said 2 instead of 3! Big Grin

I wonder if we get a prize for guessing?

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