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Originally posted by innais:
I find Marcus to be something of a paradox....on the one hand he is astute and articulate, yet on the other he is singularly lacking in self awareness. Perhaps, despite what he would have us believe, he really isn't too worldly wise.

His delusions probably stem from being a 35 year old man still living with his mother. Mothers tend to see their sons with rose coloured glasses (myself included) and she has probably been filling his head with this stuff over the years
Originally posted by PeterCat:
Nasty, aggressive and controlling are exactly the words I'd apply to Marcus.

Spot on, he's also a dreadful hypocrite everything he accuses Lisa of, he does exactly the same, both have very similar traits, both want to control the house. That's why I always say when It comes to Lisa and Marcus both are as bad as each otherm both terrible examples of older HM's.
Senora Reyes

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