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Is anyone else as fed up as me with all the what I can only describe as "chain" e-mails sent by friends with nauseating verses and examples of how you are the most wonderful friend they have etc etc, and if you don't pass it on to at least 8 more wonderful friends then there will be dire consequences.

I've nothing against my friends e-mailing me, but I am sick of gettin 6 ot 7 a day all on the same theme.

I have now started deleting them without even opening them - does that make me a bad person?

I certainly don't send them on to other people, and so far (touch wood) no bad luck has come my way.

What do you lot think when you recieve such things?

I did have a great one taking the piss out of these e-mails, but i accidentally deleted that one too Blush

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yes it does piss me off fantastically. I have about 4 or 5 mates that do that. 3 penpals and 2 ex work colleagues. I actually delete them before reading now, and actually have deleted several regular emails from them, with photos and stuff on - and they message me on facebook and ask if I got THAT email as i 'didn't respond to it.' Roll Eyes

It also annoys me that it's also forwarded to 496 other names. 50 people in THEIR contacts, and 75 people in the contacts book of the person that sent it to them and so on and soforth.

When I send a letter to a penpal or friend, I don't include the addresses of the other 97 people I know in my life (extended family, neighbours, ex work colleagues, penpals, old friends, mums of my daughter's pals and so on.) so why the HELL do people insist on emailing me and 100 OTHERS and giving ALL of us each other f**king email addresses? Mad GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Also, most of the random chain emails are full of shit!
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
The annoying thing is that they clog up your inbox and then you miss important e mails from mates as you just skim over them.

I've done that twice recently, once from my sister and once from someone from here.

I didn't see the emails until I did my monthly sit down and go through them all stint.

You sound like me, Veggie - I have to make myself sit down every so often and clear my inbox out. EVery day I log on I just look for the important ones/ones I am expecting and leave the others resulting in my inbox having about 300+ messages before I do something about it!!
Originally posted by Moomin:

You sound like me, Veggie - I have to make myself sit down every so often and clear my inbox out. EVery day I log on I just look for the important ones/ones I am expecting and leave the others resulting in my inbox having about 300+ messages before I do something about it!!

It's a blooming chore at times isn't it? I really hate my inbox having loads of stuff clogging it up but can't be bothered to sort it every day
We're not supposed to pass that sort of stuff around at work, but it's amazing the number that pop into my inbox. I often don't read them and never pass them on. Occasionally I read the odd one just to give myself a laugh at the latest drivvel and how I'll probably be squashed by a stem road roller if I don't pass it on to at least 100 other people within the next 30 secomds! Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
The annoying thing is that they clog up your inbox and then you miss important e mails from mates as you just skim over them.

I've done that twice recently, once from my sister and once from someone from here.

I didn't see the emails until I did my monthly sit down and go through them all stint.
EXACTLY. They send so much shit that you end up deleting relatively important emails from people - including the ones from the people who sent mostly junk, and then they get pissed off that you didn't ackowledge that one email out of 50 that week, that needed a response! BTW, does anyone else get annoyed by how people forward it on with 100s of other email addresses, so 100s of other folk end up getting your email address?
I had one yesterday about how this woman wished from promotion and then she got one the next day, and how another wished for a baby and the next week she was pregnant.

Apparently whatever you wish for will come true - it's sooooo amazing!! But only if you send it to a zillion other people within 10 mins - If you don't bother then "the opposite will happen"

I didn't send it to ANYONE.
Originally posted by Moomin:
Is anyone else as fed up as me with all the what I can only describe as "chain" e-mails sent by friends with nauseating verses and examples of how you are the most wonderful friend they have etc etc, and if you don't pass it on to at least 8 more wonderful friends then there will be dire consequences.

I've nothing against my friends e-mailing me, but I am sick of gettin 6 ot 7 a day all on the same theme.

I have now started deleting them without even opening them - does that make me a bad person?

I certainly don't send them on to other people, and so far (touch wood) no bad luck has come my way.

What do you lot think when you recieve such things?

I did have a great one taking the piss out of these e-mails, but i accidentally deleted that one too Blush

I simply loathe them! There's two just arrived in my inbox and they always get deleted without being read or replied to.
Even worse my friend who is the worst culprit for it, even though i told her never to send them to me, sent me a chain text Red Face

something like 'send this lucky snake to 20 people or you will die' bearing in mind i was pay as you go and rarely had credit i texed her back with words to the effect of i'll kill you if you send that shit to me again Crazy

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