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Originally posted by disley21:

Not when you see people being told that they 'proper terrify' someone for trying to figure out why something might have happened, no.

Of course it always amuses me when people attempt to tell me what my intentions with a post were, can you also tell me what I'm thinking right now?

First paragraph you mention my post and say it related to people "trying to figure out what happened".

Second paragraph you mention people presuming what your intentions are.

Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
What about if the copper wasn't average, had a good record and good skills according to the people on his beat, and had had a stroke recently? What if he was displaying signs of mental ill-health just prior to the incident and the victm was part of a group taking the piss about that in particular? Would people be trying to understand the copper and his circumstances?

Somehow, I still think not, but I could be wrong?
Don't get me wrong Daniel, I do feel for this guy, and I understand as well as anyone why it may have happened, but, someone should have ensured that he wasn't in work to prevent this tragedy- himself/LA Occ Health/Headteacher?
I'm just truly astounded that the sympathy and 'understanding' on here seems so heavily weighted towards him . Not many people are saying, 'OMG this poor child, in hospital with a fractured skull and cerebral bleed' how dreadful, (irrespective of if he was a little shit or not- and of course, that ,we do not know at this stage.)

I think it goes without saying for me but I don't want to speak for anyone else. Actually, I have said it's a tragedy and that I think they're both victims earlier in the thread.

All that said, I confess there is a small mischievous voice somewhere in my head that quite likes the idea of a teacher going a bit nutty and profoundly shocking kids who think they can get away with stuff just because teachers are bound by law and reason. It's a pity he went quite so nutty though! Doh.
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I have never wanted to inflict physical pain on a kid(yet)..but I have had to walk away from a couple of parents.One thing that seriously gets my goat is parents failure/inability to take responsibility for their childs behaviour.Its is everybody elses fault(especially the school *rollseyes*) but never theirs. Mad

you see, as i have to work close with the school, that angers me too. i see loads of parents just not bother. i've seen parents have a go at teachers, using all kind of language, about 'how they wanna sort ya class out' and all that.

Had that many times...but one of the worst offenders I had was a kid who,when remonstrated and given sanctions would go home,turn on the tears and then the mother would come storming into school screaming blue murder!Once she even stormed into a class and started yelling the odds!Its my only major gripe about my job(any other gripes would be the same as any other job),is the lack of parental back up.It makes enforcing discipline nigh on impossible if the parents completely undermine you.
But as in any other public sector job,keeping cool in the face of abuse is sadly part of the job.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by tupps:
I had a bona fide death threat once. I must admit it added a frisson to the proceedings.

It also meant a rather lovely copper escorted me to my car every evening. It had its compensations. Ninja

Was his name Ian? they all seem to be called Ian where I live Big Grin
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by tupps:
I had a bona fide death threat once. I must admit it added a frisson to the proceedings.

It also meant a rather lovely copper escorted me to my car every evening. It had its compensations. Ninja

Was his name Ian? they all seem to be called Ian where I live Big Grin

Which one .. the copper or the crime lord.. Ninja
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by tupps:
I had a bona fide death threat once. I must admit it added a frisson to the proceedings.

It also meant a rather lovely copper escorted me to my car every evening. It had its compensations. Ninja

Was his name Ian? they all seem to be called Ian where I live Big Grin

Which one .. the copper or the crime lord.. Ninja

the nice man in uniform Ninja
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Hey, I've had a death threat too! From the copper than kicked shit out of me during our relationship, stalked me for months afterwards and eventually put me in hospital for a fortnight.

Forgive me for having my rose tinted specs smashed as far as the 'oh but he was a lovely man and very good at his job' types go...

Sec thats awful Frowner
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Hey, I've had a death threat too! From the copper than kicked shit out of me during our relationship, stalked me for months afterwards and eventually put me in hospital for a fortnight.

Forgive me for having my rose tinted specs smashed as far as the 'oh but he was a lovely man and very good at his job' types go...

I don't care how many people think that this guy was a great teacher, the fact of the matter is he assaulted a pupil in his classroom. None of these posting messages of support on that web site would be doing if he did that to them or someone in their family.

These people are professionals, yes working with teenagers is hard but no one can get away with assaulting someone because they were under pressure. If he wasn't well he shouldn't have been there and the teacher and school needs to face up to that.

Lets just hope that the young lad recovers well and does not have his life ruined by this whole epsiode.
Extracts from the school's 2008 OfSTED inspection report hardly make it sound like a hot bed of pupil disrespect, misbehaviour and poor discipline..but they do drop litter! :

The personal development and well-being of students is good in the whole school. Spiritual and moral development is particularly good. Through religious education, communal worship and the religious ethos of the school, students develop a strong awareness of values, principles and beliefs...
Behaviour and relationships in the school are good and so students show respect for their teachers and each other during lessons and around the school. However, students receive insufficient guidance on the negative impact on the environment of dropping litter around the school... Students' attitudes to learning are generally positive and so the great majority of them rise to the challenge when their lessons are lively and engaging. The students feel that there is little bullying and that, if it occurs, the school deals effectively with it...
Teachers' subject knowledge is generally good, and relationships with their students are friendly and relaxed...
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
while others posted support for Mr Harvey on a rival site called 'Mr Harvey is a Legend'.

i find THAT disturbing Disappointed

Why are this site and the 'Get well Jack site' seen as rivals Confused

i dunno, was written as if they are...maybe we have poor reading comprehension Ninja
Originally posted by tupps:
Thanks for that article super..

So we have a pupil who was to all intents and purposes a good lad.. and a teacher who was thought to be a good one.

Makes the whole thing even more baffling.

Seems to me it was most likely the result of brain injury from the stroke and consequential behavioural disinhibition disinhibition ...but hey, waddo I know with my poor reading comprehension an all Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by tupps:
Thanks for that article super..

So we have a pupil who was to all intents and purposes a good lad.. and a teacher who was thought to be a good one.

Makes the whole thing even more baffling.

Seems to me it was most likely the result of brain injury from the stroke and consequential behavioural disinhibition disinhibition ...but hey, waddo I know with my poor reading comprehension an all Roll Eyes

I guess time will tell.. when the facts are in. Just an incredibly sad state of affairs all round.

LOL @ the reading comprehension.. just spank him.. actually no, he might like it.. Ninja
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Ok, I know it's the Mail, and I know it shouldn't matter, and the woman is possibly a family friend, but for those who seem to be assuming that Jack Waterhouse is a little 'barsteward':Jack Waterhouse

The poor lad could just have laughed at the singing and attracted his attention at that particular moment. If he was so enraged then I imagine anyone even slightly involved would have done.

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