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To insert images within your posts (smilies/other) is is a simple matter of finding the image you want...

Once you have found the image, right click on it and select "Properties" from the menu that pops up.

In the properties tab you will see a line saying "img address" (or similar) with a line of text next to it starting with "http://" and ending with ".gif" or ".jpg". Copy that line by highlighting it and pressing ctrl + c.
(If you are using FireFox, Safari or most other non-Micrososft browsers there is an option for "Copy Image Address" which is quicker than going through the properties)

Now go to your reply box here and use the second option from the right (the green panorama looking thing) to bring up the image entry box.

Paste the address you just copied into this and then press "Ok".

In your text entry area should now be a line similar to

[ IMG ][ /IMG ]

(without the space)

When you see that, you can just post as normal and your picture/smilie should show
After pressing the "reply" button, in the window which opens there is a row of buttons at the top. The button second from the right is "display image".
When this is open you insert the address (URL) of the image. (You can find this by right-clicking on the image, click Properties. In the middle of that window you`ll see "URL-address".
Copy it and paste it.)

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