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Originally posted by Pumpkin:
Kris is the only housemate that I want to leave. Freddie and Siavash are my faves, but I'm cool with the rest. Sophie and Karly I could take or leave, and perhaps my opinion of them might change for the better if Kris were to leave. The rest I find interesting and am curious to see how they will continue to interact.

I think Kris has lost most of his early popularity with the way he has behaved and been nasty to Freddie so it's pretty obvious that whoever is nastiest to Freddy will be voted out.

I would say it's a forgone conclusion going by that logic alone.
Im voting Kris...i cant stand him or his values, i dont like the way he talks to people at all.
Hes an arrogant sod, and prob treats women like dirt or nice when it suits him.
All in all, not a good all round male figure.

I cant bear him or that stupid hair of his.

Freddie ...ok
Dogface thick bint but can wait a other week or so.
Charlie, i think most of the time harmless and would be better suited hanging around with different Hm's.
Marcus..upfront and not afraid in that house, and earnt a lot of brownie points with me for arguing wiht BB about being PC and his arguement with Sree, so he can wait as well.

SO Kris a no goer LOL or a wanker whatever
Originally posted by Lister_of_Smeg:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Will our poll be quite an accurate representation of the BB voting public? I mean, is Kris going to be this disliked elsewhere?

well acording to the BB online poll which i might add is never wrong Kris is a gonner the poll votes are as follows.

Charlie 4%
Freddie 5%
Kris 70%
Marcus 19%
Sophie 2%

Cheers for that.
Cold Sweat
Kris, because I want to see the look on his smug face when Davina calls his name out and the looks of horror and disbelief when the reality finally dawns on the rest of the Groovy Gang (I realize that it might take a while for it to sink in with some of them but I won't begrude the time) - I suppose I must have a bit of a cruel streak running through me! Blush

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