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kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

Has he put in an expenses claim yet Glance
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

Has he put in an expenses claim yet Glance

yeah, apprently he said that the bb house was his second home...........
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

You have a point, although I think Freddie has about as much chance of being an MP as George Galloway has of being Foreign Secretary. Crazy

I like Freddie a lot, although he really does need to get some nuts, as Mr T would say. Why did he let mop-head order him around like that?

I'd have told him where to go, and what to do when he got there. Ninja
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

I think that Freddy is handling the situation in there to the best of his ability. He doesn't have to raise his voice or rant and rage, using every swear word known to man. He can get his point across quite intelligently without all that. Alas, it is lost on that lot because they do not have a brain cell between them.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
As I said before, some of us would not last five minutes in there.

i know for a fact i would Toid, i have a wild temper on me - i woulda clocked him for that last night!

That's what I mean. Laugh
We wouldn't last five minutes without being ejected for ultra violence.
(and divvent call us 'toid)
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

You have a point, although I think Freddie has about as much chance of being an MP as George Galloway has of being Foreign Secretary. Crazy

I like Freddie a lot, although he really does need to get some nuts, as Mr T would say. Why did he let mop-head order him around like that?

I'd have told him where to go, and what to do when he got there. Ninja

i like freddie as well but last night was quite frustrating to watch, didn't you just want to jump into freddies body....just for a few minutes..... and the next thing kris would have heard would be the nurse in intensive care telling him not to touch the tubes and pipes that he's plugged into..... Laugh Laugh
I think Freddie probably was angry when Kris spoke to him in that manner but kept it in check.

It's a shame Freddie does not appear to be able to use verbal put downs but dyslexia affects a range of functions. It could make him speak slowly or haltingly and appear to be a bit of a dreamer or zoned out. One of my school friends was like Freddie but dyslexia was rarely picked up in those days. She only found out the source of her problems in her 20s
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

I think that Freddy is handling the situation in there to the best of his ability. He doesn't have to raise his voice or rant and rage, using every swear word known to man. He can get his point across quite intelligently without all that. Alas, it is lost on that lot because they do not have a brain cell between them.

i agree with you but there comes a time when you have to be a bit more 'robust' when you fight your corner..........
Originally posted by Rekaf:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

You have a point, although I think Freddie has about as much chance of being an MP as George Galloway has of being Foreign Secretary. Crazy

I like Freddie a lot, although he really does need to get some nuts, as Mr T would say. Why did he let mop-head order him around like that?

I'd have told him where to go, and what to do when he got there. Ninja

i like freddie as well but last night was quite frustrating to watch, didn't you just want to jump into freddies body....just for a few minutes..... and the next thing kris would have heard would be the nurse in intensive care telling him not to touch the tubes and pipes that he's plugged into..... Laugh Laugh

Laugh Laugh Laugh
Scooby doo
Kris said that as sree cooked, freddie should wash up.

What exactly was it that Sree had "cooked"?

Another thing, Freddie was fine with doing it but wanted to do it when they had hot water.

Krap Kris doesn't like logical explanations. He wanted to put the screws in because he has a dislike of Freddie and just about any way of venting that he will latch onto.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Kris said that as sree cooked, freddie should wash up.

What exactly was it that Sree had "cooked"?

Another thing, Freddie was fine with doing it but wanted to do it when they had hot water.

Krap Kris doesn't like logical explanations. He wanted to put the screws in because he has a dislike of Freddie and just about any way of venting that he will latch onto.

Oh Sree is cooked alright, just wait till Friday Big Grin Ninja Laugh
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Kris said that as sree cooked, freddie should wash up.

What exactly was it that Sree had "cooked"?

Another thing, Freddie was fine with doing it but wanted to do it when they had hot water.

Krap Kris doesn't like logical explanations. He wanted to put the screws in because he has a dislike of Freddie and just about any way of venting that he will latch onto.

Kris wouldn't have had a problem if it had been anyone else other than Freddy. He feels he can get away with it with Freddy. Kris is gutless.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Kris said that as sree cooked, freddie should wash up.

What exactly was it that Sree had "cooked"?

Another thing, Freddie was fine with doing it but wanted to do it when they had hot water.

Krap Kris doesn't like logical explanations. He wanted to put the screws in because he has a dislike of Freddie and just about any way of venting that he will latch onto.

Noooooo.... Kris and Karly had cooked, apparently. So they decided Freddie and Sree should wash up. Not sure why Siavash or Rodrigo were given an exemption - probably because Kris wouldn't dare give them orders.

Freddie wanted to wait until midnight to do it, because they would have had hot water after then. It would have only been about half an hour's wait. Kris was having none of it. Not enough to tell others to wash up, they must also do it WHEN he tells them to. Roll Eyes
What an utter twirp Kris was last night, I was so mad at him last night, who is he???

Poor Poor Poor Freddie..... :-(.

Also my estimation of Karly went down last night, she jumped on the band wagon of Kris and co.

I also wanted Rodrigo to say something when the little bitch fest was going on at the bust stop. He looked uncomfortable listening to it. I was like screaming at the TV "Say something".
Oh Kris and Karly had cooked.... sorry, I thought they said Sree had.

What is apparent here is not the fact that Freddie was asked to help but the fact that Kris could gleefully give himself a (what he thought was) relevant reason for being angered by Freddie.
A normal person would have said "Ok do it when the hot water comes on if you want."
Wasn't he also feigning concern about what the others would think of the so called mess when they joined them again after the party? Confused
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Oh Kris and Karly had cooked.... sorry, I thought they said Sree had.

What is apparent here is not the fact that Freddie was asked to help but the fact that Kris could gleefully give himself a (what he thought was) relevant reason for being angered by Freddie.
A normal person would have said "Ok do it when the hot water comes on if you want."
Wasn't he also feigning concern about what the others would think of the so called mess when they joined them again after the party? Confused

Yes, he was. Like he actually cares Roll Eyes
I do wish Freddie would stop wasting oxygen on people who don't like him and never will. Never mind trying to find out why, as if that would make any difference.
Just accept the fact that Kris is a gobshite and treat him accordingly, instead of trying to make friends.
Originally posted by Scooby doo:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Rekaf:
kris is just being, probably what he has always been, one of the 'popular' lot, a prety face within his group, thick as pig shit (excuse the expletive but it suits him), probably picking on the 'nerds' or the 'geeks' and making thier lives a misery.......and its probably a sign of the times that freddie wants to go into politics, he will fit in very well...appologetic, appeasing ,and ultimately capitulating, we can only hope that freddie grows some balls but dont hold your breath.....

You have a point, although I think Freddie has about as much chance of being an MP as George Galloway has of being Foreign Secretary. Crazy

I like Freddie a lot, although he really does need to get some nuts, as Mr T would say. Why did he let mop-head order him around like that?

I'd have told him where to go, and what to do when he got there. Ninja

i like freddie as well but last night was quite frustrating to watch, didn't you just want to jump into freddies body....just for a few minutes..... and the next thing kris would have heard would be the nurse in intensive care telling him not to touch the tubes and pipes that he's plugged into..... Laugh Laugh

Laugh Laugh Laugh
i would have told him to go play with himsef cos thats what he is
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
Originally posted by brisket:
Who does he think he is?
Obnoxious vile being.
He is blatantly rude to Freddie.
I hate it when he mocks Freddie`s voice.
He is being confrontational and he cannot hide his dislike for Freddie.
No not `dislike`, it is hatred.
I hope he hangs himself.
thats a bit strong! how old are you?

i dont think brisket actually wants kris to hang himself Big Grin
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I wouldn't like dishes lying around tbh.

What they should do is what Siavesh suggested last week. a rota. Then everyone gets to do the chores.
no i prob wouldnt like it either, i would just go and do them without war being declared, think its all about scoring points and having a dig at Freddie. I cant see Kris at home doing dishes somehow !!
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Gggrrrrrr what is it about this lot that they are obsessed with washing the dishes. Blimey you think they would want to have fun in there, the world wouldnt come to an end if the dishes lay for a few hours. Who made Kris the boss of the kitchen all of a sudden Mad

A lot of the power-tripping in there seems to centre on dishwashing Crazy
Like Noirin trying to force Angel to do them at midnight (funny how Kris didn't think it was leaving it too late that time).

It's only because their targets are so cowed by all the aggression that they don't put up a fight.

All Angel had to say was, "It's my last night - what are you going to do, nominate me?" Razzer

And all Fred had to say was, "Make me do them, then. I'm not scared you'll nominate me over it, because I'm sure you did anyway."
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I wouldn't like dishes lying around tbh.

What they should do is what Siavesh suggested last week. a rota. Then everyone gets to do the chores.
no i prob wouldnt like it either, i would just go and do them without war being declared, think its all about scoring points and having a dig at Freddie. I cant see Kris at home doing dishes somehow !!

Yep agree Nod
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Gggrrrrrr what is it about this lot that they are obsessed with washing the dishes. Blimey you think they would want to have fun in there, the world wouldnt come to an end if the dishes lay for a few hours. Who made Kris the boss of the kitchen all of a sudden Mad

A lot of the power-tripping in there seems to centre on dishwashing Crazy
Like Noirin trying to force Angel to do them at midnight (funny how Kris didn't think it was leaving it too late that time).

It's only because their targets are so cowed by all the aggression that they don't put up a fight.

All Angel had to say was, "It's my last night - what are you going to do, nominate me?" Razzer

And all Fred had to say was, "Make me do them, then. I'm not scared you'll nominate me over it, because I'm sure you did anyway."
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