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I did like Angel until last night...there were too many weird things said even for me.

She deliberately put Sree in the frame over cidergate..and seemed to be enjoying the fall out.

Telling the other girls that they were a big no-no...

Allegedly pinching Siavash's picture

The fact that practically all the housemates accused her of taking things and lying about it, although without LF, we only have half the story.
Originally posted by kimota:
She explained to Marcus that she was trying to motivate them to train and that she says this sort of thing to her paying customers Eeker

NodI heard that....marcus made a good point though her customers choose to go to her to train etc....The HM's don't and trying to force them then resorting to insults is not good imo.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:

But we don't know the context of any of this, so it's impossible to have a clear picture. Angel may have picked up the picture to look at it and Siavash thought she was stealing it.

Angel may have said that she would feel fat if she had Noirin's body, because Angel does have issues with food and how she looks.

We don't know the context the comments were made in. English is not her first language, and things do get mixed up in translation.

Saviash watched her put it in her pocket....He confronted her she denied it...Her reasoning to Marcus was she likes her art....Yes we all may like things but that don't give us carte blanch to steal does it.
My point is that without live feed we DON'T know the full story. I can't stay up late enough to watch the little bit of LF we do get, but we don't KNOW the full story of ANYTHING that happens.

Did Siavash actually see her put it in her pocket or did one of the others tell him that she did? Did Angel really tell the girls that she thought they were fat or did one of the other housemates tell them all individually that Angel said they were fat?

For all we know, Channel 4 may be playing a loop of the housemates sleeping at night while they all go off to stay at the Ritz and then come back later in the day to play their parts.

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