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Originally posted by Azure:
I dont like him, I find his waffle damned annoying, he is a hypocritical game player constantly accusing others of what he is doing himself and his diary room visits are so ott its cringeworthy to watch, last but not least his true arrogant self is on show now.

I think he's been snobbish from the very beginning (but he does it with charm so its not very noticeable or grating),the other group appear worst in their inverted snobbery plus attack of him...
He's funny at times, but now has dropped some of his mannerisms...

Everyone in there is playing the game...its how they played it, and how we percieved them that counts I think.

He's alot like Luke actually with his observations and ponderings, marcus adviced him to circulate, so he's working the house now. Big Grin

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