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Originally posted by Lacey:
I would like people to leave their old C4 shite at the door start afresh here.

I would like people to speak to people they wouldn't normally give the time of day to and take time to get to "know" others a little more, rather than be sheep and follow other more larger sheep around. (I do loath that forum hierarchy bollocks).

I would like everyone to agree with me even if they and I know I am wrong.

Thanks for that Lacey,nice to meet you! Big Grin

That is all.

Thumbs Up Crazy
Originally posted by Syd:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Even if you don't have such big "voices" as some other forummers it is still nice to be included.

I totally agree, and usually if I have started a thread and I get caught up with people who I often post with and notice somebody new entering I do reply to them to help them join in.

I know it can be hard at times to join in if you have been 'ignored'....but more often than not it is not meant as a is just that the people in the thread are engrossed in their own waffling.... Big Grin Valentine

I also waffle ha ha - I take your point Syd. Happy Birthday!
Originally posted by Triggers:
Originally posted by Jenny:
Responding to every answer in a thread you've started? I honestly don't think it's practical to expect this.

If, by any chance, the OP didn't answer your post, and it does and can happen, it would be all to easy to take even more offence or affront if it was a so say "required" thing to do.

Just leave it as it is. Sometimes your post gets acknowledged, sometimes it doesn't. We're all adults here, we can live with it, surely?

Just my opinion. Glance

You're entitled to your opinion and throughout the thread I have agreed that not EVERY post can be acknowledged. You are taking me too literally. I am talking about contributing to a thread and having it quite obviously disregarded. If you can understand I am trying to promote camaraderie, that is all.

Admittedly, I was naughty and haven't read the thread all the way through. Blush So if I read that right, it's where people only acknowledge their own friends and not bother with others? You're suggesting that they widen their circle of friends then? Ok, I can agree with that. Big Grin
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Jenny:

Admittedly, I was naughty and haven't read the thread all the way through. Blush So if I read that right, it's where people only acknowledge their own friends and not bother with others? You're suggesting that they widen their circle of friends then? Ok, I can agree with that. Big Grin

I suppose we all have a different point of view but I thought the difference between a forum like this and something like facebook is that on facebook you do have a circle of friends and that on somewhere like here we are supposed to be more inclusive and more of a community of like-minded people, in this case people who like BB.

I can go along with this. Laugh

Not just you! Big Grin
Originally posted by Beneath the diamond skies:
I think it's terrific that you have made this (these) suggestions. I used to try and respond to everyone who posted in a thread I may have started; I did at least feel some sort of obligation to do so. The difficulty is simply to do with being sufficiently available. But in principle we should remain responsive to whoever posts in 'our' threads.

I think the operative word you used is "try". I know we can't respond to everyone and it goes beyond being a responsive OP. I think it is only right that we endeavour to acknowledge anyone who has communicated with us on here, whether we opened the thread or not. I am just trying to open the arms of the forum a little wider. Thanks Diamond Skies Big Grin Valentine
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Jenny:

Admittedly, I was naughty and haven't read the thread all the way through. Blush So if I read that right, it's where people only acknowledge their own friends and not bother with others? You're suggesting that they widen their circle of friends then? Ok, I can agree with that. Big Grin

Thanks for that Jenny, I value your opinion Thumbs Up I may have slightly misrepresented myself in my OP but my intentions were good! Nod
Originally posted by squiggle:

I suppose we all have a different point of view but I thought the difference between a forum like this and something like facebook is that on facebook you do have a circle of friends and that on somewhere like here we are supposed to be more inclusive and more of a community of like-minded people, in this case people who like BB.

Squiggle Valentine You articulate my thoughts so well Laugh
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
OK, I admit I've only read the first couple of pages, but my comments would be -

It's a nice idea, but IMO not workable. What you're looking for is simply a polite forum where everyone's respectful of each other. Most people will do that anyway - I try to acknowledge as many posters as I can if I start a thread, but it's not always possible (or indeed needed). I don't f and blind (yet - but there may be the odd occasion when I feel the need in the future, who knows?) I'm pretty good at ignoring people who p me off. The only problem with a 'code of conduct' is that the people that would really need to change their ways to follow it are those who simply won't.

"Code of Conduct" is a very loose term. My intention was that people could discuss any little issues that they had and perhaps some hopes for the future. All in the spirit of the fresh start we have been given. It is not JUST about acknowledging others when one has started a thread but giving a nod to those who have said something specifically to us. I didn't want to set anything in stone - I did want to make people think though. I don't necessarily want a "polite" forum either, God forbid. I can be as forthright as the next person and it is all about opinions which will invariably differ. wavey
the thread is good Triggers.... even if no concensus is reached... it gives an insight into others opinions...

...if nothing else it highlights fm's who may have felt overlooked... and I for one will try and bear that in mind when I see them about.

One other thing though.... I think EVERY fm has been overlooked at some point... ALL of us... FM's mustn't take it to heart or get paranoid about it...

The more you post, the more you get to know people.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
the thread is good Triggers.... even if no concensus is reached... it gives an insight into others opinions...

...if nothing else it highlights fm's who may have felt overlooked... and I for one will try and bear that in mind when I see them about.

One other thing though.... I think EVERY fm has been overlooked at some point... ALL of us... FM's mustn't take it to heart or get paranoid about it...

The more you post, the more you get to know people.

It's true. It happens to me often, but it's not something I get too upset about. I know it's part and parcel of forum life.
I'll leave it now Big Grin I am being taken slightly too literally when all I wanted was highlight the fact that it is easy to feel overlooked on here. It is not all about ME either but just a little 'heads up' to us all.
Thanks for everyone's responses too.
Don't I just know that I'll be ignored in every thread now for my cheek,ha ha! Moon
Happy posting! wavey
Originally posted by Triggers:
I'll leave it now Big Grin I am being taken slightly too literally when all I wanted was highlight the fact that it is easy to feel overlooked on here. It is not all about ME either but just a little 'heads up' to us all.
Thanks for everyone's responses too.
Don't I just know that I'll be ignored in every thread now for my cheek,ha ha! Moon

Happy posting! wavey

Laugh it's a nice idea though Hug I will never ignore you now!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Triggers:
I just wondered if we could write our own guidelines on how we conduct ourselves in this new forum. Nothing heavy just our hopes and dreams for happy posting.
I'll start:
I would like for everyone to be acknowledged by the OP if they have taken time to reply to their threads. Even if you don't know the FM, a little smiley to say their participation has been recognised is a nice gesture.

thats all well and good if you intend sitting about on the forum all day acknowledging what folk have written but for lots of us this isnt an option as we have to get out to work etc
This is a really apposite thread as someone who's just stumbled into this forum. I, for one, would never be offended by my post not being acknowledged. It may have been dull or pointless for starters! And I also agree it would turn into a cycle of over-polite obligation which might bore and deter some and discourage the shyer FMs who might be afraid to reply to more confident ones. So there! Laugh
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
This is a really apposite thread as someone who's just stumbled into this forum. I, for one, would never be offended by my post not being acknowledged. It may have been dull or pointless for starters! And I also agree it would turn into a cycle of over-polite obligation which might bore and deter some and discourage the shyer FMs who might be afraid to reply to more confident ones. So there! Laugh

Your posts... dull??

er Ninja
Originally posted by Triggers:
Originally posted by squiggle:

I suppose we all have a different point of view but I thought the difference between a forum like this and something like facebook is that on facebook you do have a circle of friends and that on somewhere like here we are supposed to be more inclusive and more of a community of like-minded people, in this case people who like BB.

Squiggle Valentine You articulate my thoughts so well Laugh


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