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OMG - wot a plonker he made himself look!!

Ok set the scene very briefly . . .

All were drunk - Charlie deliberately stole someone elses beer in a snake crawling exercise, then told people.

Roddy knew it was stolen - then drank some.
When they were rumbled Charlie sed that Rodrigo knew too.

CUE DRAMA QUEEN RODDY ... arguing, getting angery, claiming his place in the house had been compromised, he wan't a thief, he wasn't a liar, he wasn't involved.

Running back and forth to anyone who'd listen claiming (almost crying ) his innocence.
Hands together akin to praying (or begging for a bowl of millet) in desperation,
"I have been given one chance in zees howse - its is being ruined for me, please"

Nope - YOU Roddy were ruining your 'chance' in the house.

Desperate,fawning, seeking approval, almost crying, arguing against overwhelming evidence to the contrary and dragging it on and fecking on into the ealry hours . . . .

Whilst drunken Charlie just sed, "You knew it was nicked and ya drank some"


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Originally posted by squiggle:
First we had the clip (link on another thread) of Charlie crying in the D/R. Now Rodrigo acting like a big baby, what on earth is going on? With Sree gone do they all feel like they have to play the drama queen? Eeker

They are fighting to regain the position of sree in house

lets see who mummy lisa will take to her bosom
Whilst drunken Charlie just sed, "You knew it was nicked and ya drank some"


Bit wrong there Renton lol ... Charlie denied he'd stole it then was outraged when Kris 'owned up' to it. Charlie then dragged Rodrigo and Karly into it saying they had drank some. Rodrigo was absolutely over the top denying everything and going round everyone telling them Charlie was a snake pmsl.

Charlie then went and cried in the diary room pmsl. Laugh

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