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Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
My reading was 4 when I first got blood teasts.My doctor said she'd never seen one so low! It crept up very slowly. Even now Im in the lowest part of the "normal" range. Its a combination of being Veggie and having really bad periods every month (sorry guys reading this!) They offered me a hysteractomy, but I didnt wanna go down that road. Are you tired a lot? I still get tired, but not as bad as I was. And my hair was falling out to! Eeker Thats why I first went to the doctors. Was so scared. Thats when they discovered the anaemia. My hair is back to normal now though. How long you been on the jabs hun? Are you on the iron tabs too?

I've only been on them a week (every other day) and while they seemed to help at first, they aren't now. On the iron tabs as well.
Poor you! Your case sounds terrible - I know the tired and drained feeling very well, but my hair has all stayed in my scalp.

You should take the time off work.B12 deficiency is probably causing your neurological problems.

Are you having the injections..and are they not working??
If you've B12 deficieny because of your diet it's a straightforward replacement injection,but if PA's the problem,you need much larger doses as the problem with PA is a lack of something called intrinsic factor which helps absorb B12.
Its understandable you fell low and weepy if you're anaemic Valentine
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Do you have a pinched nerve that is causing the pins and needles? Perhaps a physio can help sort it out.

Maybe you could ask for iron injections. I have them now only once a fortnight, but it does help better than the tabs.
Ive never heard of them Suzi!! The iron tabs do take ages!

Luckily, I take them through my line during dialysis so don't have to be jabbed, but it tastes awful! They work brilliantly as I used to be on them 3 times a week, then weekly.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I burst into tears at the doctor's this morning, haven't had a break (because I was late in due to my GP appointment) and work is shite. Disappointed

Awwww Hug

I was making some delicious ravioli and when I was out of the room answeering the phone afly came and emptied the entire contents of it's bum onto what was now not going to be our tea Sick Sick

And I'm too hot
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Disappointed Hug Why did you burst into tears at the docs?

Because my B12 injections aren't helping any more, I feel like crap all over again and have just had to have my blood tests re-done.
My boss won't let me reduce my hours. I feel like death warmed up. Doc wanted to sign me off sick on the spot, and put me on anti-depressants because the lack of B12 is affecting my seratonin levels and making me feel lousy.

Blah, blah blah..

Sorry, folks. Just work around me Crazy
I just needed to vent.
Sorry to hear that Demantoid I get B12 injections one every month for life if you dont have them they really can affect how you feel ,they now give me the B12 tablets as well and I feel better now than I did, perhaps your doctor could offer you the B12 tablets as well as the injections it is worth a try I hope you start to feel better soon take care Hug
I'm so sorry to hear this Demantoid. Last week you were really positive and feeling better so this must be an absolute bummer for you. Hug

I'm sure your GP will come up with an alternative to the antidepressants (what is it with them Roll Eyes). If not, ask for a second opinion hun and ask them to check your adrenals.

As a last resort, if you PM me I will give you
details of something that I'm taking for very similar symptoms. It's helped me a lot.

As for your boss.....$**$$^**$$. (The worst sweary word you can think of Big Grin) You will get over this quicker if you allow your body to rest and heal so tell him to sod off. You come first, remember that. Hug

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