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Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I think you would have to put yourself in Freddie's psychological space to understand how he is thinking and reacting just now. He is offended by the injustice. The injustice and resentment he is feeling atm is because there is an obnoxious social pariah who seems to be getting away with the most awful social faux pas and, yet he (Freddie) is being forced to the periphery of the social group simply by being kind good mannered and posh. He is being marginalised simply because he doesn't fit into the social scheme of absolute chavdom. No wonder he wants to whopp Sree's arse. It is Sree who is getting away with bad behaviour and being championed for it. I even noticed Noirin on the HL show last night was exasperated by him, though she has told him to leave her alone. He is like a buzzy fly that wont go away.

The only thing Kris and Sophie have in common is their utter dislike and contempt for Freddie. It's the glue keeping their romance together. Kris loves it when she starts imitating Freddie's accent and she gets an extra kiss for being a good girl.

Freddie needs to prove to the group that he is staying because we like him, and the only way to do that is go up against Sree and let the GBP remind the HMs that it is us who decides their fate, and not Lisa.

Clapping Excellent post.

Freddie seems to have his wish if the spoilers are true about this weeks nomination results.
Towno :)

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