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Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Definately Marcus out next week. He'll get nominations from Charley, Karly, Sophie, and Sree straight off.

After all our moanign about the litle dweeb, why don't anybody think that Sree will be up next week?

He missed out by only one vote last week however, one more of his votes left on friday so i think he's safe this week. Siavash has shown friendship to Freddie and thats enough to get him voted for by Lisa,Noirin and co.
Originally posted by Bethni:
He missed out by only one vote last week however, one more of his votes left on friday so i think he's safe this week. Siavash has shown friendship to Freddie and thats enough to get him voted for by Lisa,Noirin and co.

How depressing. The time might have passed to get him out. The longer he thinks he's safe in there, the more he will ingratiate himself. Frowner
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Isn't it a ridiculous situation where we have to worry about a house mate who is running things so as to ruin the show for us fans? And BB do nothing.

Absolutely, but try telling them. Davina made a point of saying that they'd checked and found nothing. Yeah right!

I didn't believe that for a minute
Originally posted by squiggle:
Isn't it a ridiculous situation where we have to worry about a house mate who is running things so as to ruin the show for us fans? And BB do nothing.

Yes very sad Frowner I dont think it takes a genius to work out Freddie is going to be up against one of his few allies this week,unless BB make nominations task related. Whats the chances of them stepping in though ?
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I would hate to see Freddy v Siavash Disappointed

Sadly i really think thats what we're looking at this week Frowner

That would be just about the worst. Either outcome, the place would be so boring. That goes for Marcus too, he might be hard work, but he's funny and has a good brain.
cologne 1

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