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This was on the news at lunchtime. Marnie Pearce is a woman of 40, who was born in the UK, and has lived in the middle east (Dubai) as a muslim, with her Egyptian husband since her mid 20s, and she has 2 sons by him (aged between 5 and 10.)

Her husband claimed she had an affair with another man (last year I think; ) although she fervently denies this, and says this man was only a friend. Anyway, due to her husband's testimony, she went to jail for 3 months for adultery, and now, she is being deported from Dubai back to the UK. She is never allowed back there again and her husband has full custody of their sons. She will probably never see them again.

What are peoples views on this? Is it a disgusting outrage that this woman who has been with this man for quite a number of years, and lived the life as a muslim, and stood by him and adopted his religion and been a good dutiful wife and brilliant mother, count for nothing? He makes some outrageous claim that she has cheated on him, and his word and testimony is apparently good enough for her to get jailed and deported, and lose custody of her children.

Or does she have to 'live with it,' because that's the risk she took marrying someone from the middle east, emigrating there and living the life of a muslim? It's a well documented fact that the woman is rarely given custody in those cases (and in that type of culture.)

Remember the movie 'not without my daughter,' with Sally Field? That was based on a true story, and this happens to many, many women. Is it fair? Or as I said, is it the risk they take when they choose a life with a man from this culture?

Opinions anyone?

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Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Tartanveggie:
I have read but am too scared to give any opinions for fear of people picking on what I say, and I can't be bothered to argue or justify what I say.

awwww... Hug
That's what I thought Tupps ... I just wondered what people thought; I certainly wasn't gonna have a go at anyone's views. So post away if you want to TV
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
I watched the news video when they took her children, she just collapsed in the car park crying, it was heartbreaking to watch.
Yes it was, poor woman. No-one should have to go through this. From what I gather; it was pure 'hearsay' that she had an affair. and the hubby had no actual 'proof,'

How dreadful that this can happen; her go to jail and be deported, never to see her kids again, just based on her hubby suspecting her of seeing another man. Sadly., as someone said earlier; it's Sharia Law, and that is their custom.

Unfortunately, as this is the culture she chose to adopt, and the country she chose to live in; there was always a risk that something like this could happen. ... Very very sad though.... Frowner
I have to avoid reading or watching about anything that goes on in those Muslim countries, it makes me so angry.
How can anyone worship a God or follow a religion that treats one half of the gender in such a despicable fashion. What makes it worse is that the men seem to take great delight in treating women as something beneath them and not worthy of any justice.
Originally posted by paace:
I have to avoid reading or watching about anything that goes on in those Muslim countries, it makes me so angry.
How can anyone worship a God or follow a religion that treats one half of the gender in such a despicable fashion. What makes it worse is that the men seem to take great delight in treating women as something beneath them and not worthy of any justice.
Well said paace.

I must say that whilst I feel incredibly sorry for this poor woman, as I said in the last post, buying into this kind of culture; you always run the risk of something like this happening. Guess she just fell for this guy 15 years back or whatever, and didn't think of any future pitfalls if the marriage went tits-up.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Sharia law unfortunately in Dubai,she doesn't stand much chance.

Katty - I lived there for years and whilst I was there a lad from Machester was caught with some cannibas in his flat and was banged up, a lass from Wales was caught drunk in the street and was put away as well.
It's a salient lesson, but when you are in a country with a differnt law system you must abide by it. Regarding this case, could just be a nasty bitter ex using the children to get back at his wife. Anyhooo.... all very sad

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