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Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I dunno about this, I mean, HOW do they know the B/F was telling the truth? and suppose the girl had been so upset she went and topped herself?
very dodgy ground, and therefore I am inclined to think it was fake, Nod

These are my sentiments exactly and also, as I said in my previous post, who is to say that the mates sister who suposedly opened the toilet door in this story did not have some ulerior motive or was even telling the truth. Like you, I def think its a hoax but if it is genuine then a question for all those on here who think it is sniggeringly funny. If your OH was unfaithful to you how would you feel to find ouy via the radio, along with the rest of your street, work colleagues and friends and family? And How would your kids cope with the taunts they would get at school from other kids knowing that their Dad/Mum had let them down so badly.
Jet Blue
Originally posted by Jet Blue:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I dunno about this, I mean, HOW do they know the B/F was telling the truth? and suppose the girl had been so upset she went and topped herself?
very dodgy ground, and therefore I am inclined to think it was fake, Nod

These are my sentiments exactly and also, as I said in my previous post, who is to say that the mates sister who suposedly opened the toilet door in this story did not have some ulerior motive or was even telling the truth. Like you, I def think its a hoax but if it is genuine then a question for all those on here who think it is sniggeringly funny. If your OH was unfaithful to you how would you feel to find ouy via the radio, along with the rest of your street, work colleagues and friends and family? And How would your kids cope with the taunts they would get at school from other kids knowing that their Dad/Mum had let them down so badly.

YIP YA only have to think about the Ross thing with the beeb,....defo fake, but funny though Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Jet Blue:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I dunno about this, I mean, HOW do they know the B/F was telling the truth? and suppose the girl had been so upset she went and topped herself?
very dodgy ground, and therefore I am inclined to think it was fake, Nod

These are my sentiments exactly and also, as I said in my previous post, who is to say that the mates sister who suposedly opened the toilet door in this story did not have some ulerior motive or was even telling the truth. Like you, I def think its a hoax but if it is genuine then a question for all those on here who think it is sniggeringly funny. If your OH was unfaithful to you how would you feel to find ouy via the radio, along with the rest of your street, work colleagues and friends and family? And How would your kids cope with the taunts they would get at school from other kids knowing that their Dad/Mum had let them down so badly.

YIP YA only have to think about the Ross thing with the beeb,....defo fake, but funny though Thumbs Up

Oh yes, I do agree and it is very well done. The bit where she is concerning herself over the price of the ring etc is really funny but why should a radio station set itself up as judge and jury when they only have one side of the story and for all we know the man could have played fast and loose and not been as innocent as he made out. With regards to the J.Ross thing somebody on here seems to think that is a very different thing but I have to agree with you on that one aswell that as far as I am concerned it is of the same category.
Jet Blue
Originally posted by Scrumtum:
Originally posted by ZAYLEE:
the bosses wife/kids are innocent parties in all of this so how must they feel - regardless of the rights n wrongs of what went on at the xmas party 2 wrongs dont make a right and since when was it right to publicly humiliate not only the guilty parties but also their innocent families - hundreds of yrs they might have been put in the stocks n pelted with rotten veg and publicily humiliated but we dont do that any more - I just dont see how a radio station got away with that when you think of the uproar over stuff like Jonathan Ross recently - I reckon the radio station would get sued and I think its a hoax
all the more reason why u shoulkdnt cheat.

radio stations get away with things like this coz they dont mention full names. JR is a whole different ball game.

karma always gonna getchaa! and she got her azz served up on a big ol plate. Laugh

I am so glad I do not have your outlook on life Valentine
Jet Blue
Originally posted by Scrumtum:
Originally posted by ~Orchid~:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I worked with someone who pleasured her boss on the work premises. He was sacked for promoting her afterwards but she stayed on, which I think is really quite brazen. Every time I see her I think: she's pleasured wotsit in the documents room. I can't take her seriously. People at work know ger husband, and know the manager's wife too. All very odd, really. I think I would have had to resign if that was me. Laugh

I don't know how she has the brass neck to carry on like nothing has happened Red Face. I would have resigned.
i hope she got sores on her mouth.

skankkk. thats so rancidddd. brazen!!! she shoulda got sacked too!!!!

takes two to tango so why should she carry the can and what about the so called boss or is it just the female of the species that should be brought to task over this
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by The Singing Ringing Tree:
That was horrible and not funny.

I agree with you. I'm disgusted that this is passed off as entertainment and by the fact that people actually tune in to listen to such diabolical tripe!

I wonder how the same people would feel if it was there dirty washing being aired in public. Maybe wouldn't be so 'funny' then.

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