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Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Lfc Rules:
It would be nice if you could put the source in the link as well ......

Well its an article, you can shut it down as soon as you see it if you like, i've hardly forced you to 'buy the sun'.

It would have been nice to have the choice, I'm not saying you or anyone else shouldn't go there ....... In fact I tried to make a polite request ,no fuss, no lecturing. I'm sorry you seem to feel I was having a go.
Lfc Rules
It would have been nice to have the choice, I'm not saying you or anyone else shouldn't go there ....... In fact I tried to make a polite request ,no fuss, no lecturing. I'm sorry you seem to feel I was having a go.

why? no-one else has to state a Sun reference when posting an article? what u want me to do in future "******WARNING ARTICLE FROM THE SUN******" ??
Originally posted by squiggle:
I live in the West Country and on the local news yesterday there was the story of 3 youths kicking to death a baby deer! Unbelievable!.

Oh my god Eeker

It honestly defies belief that there are such evil monsters out there that could do such awful things.

Unfortunately, the law in this country is able to protect animals from this kind of abuse. When/if they get caught, they are just handed a paltry fine. Very seldom are they put in prison, where they belong.
No, surely just putting some thing like ......

Link - The Sun

is it so hard ?

If it is, then I'm sorry, I really don't understand what I have said that has upset you so much. I have not made a personal attack on you, I also own a cat and understand your upset at any harm caused to any animal. My cat is a rescue cat and was so traumatised when we first got her that it took over a week to get her to come out from behind our washing machine and eat ........ happily she is now sitting here next to me quite content and more than a little spoiled (quite deservedly, she's a real sweetie) I can't stand people who harm animals ....... personally I think they should be lined up and shot, but that's just me.
Lfc Rules
No its not hard but why should i/we? there's still many people who do read it, i don't buy it but check it online - i understand why you don't - your choice and i am not going to get into all that as i am sure i will be blasted for my opinions. No-one (that i have seen) has deliberately added " link, the sun" and franky i won't be in future.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
No its not hard but why should i/we? there's still many people who do read it, i don't buy it but check it online - i understand why you don't - your choice and i am not going to get into all that as i am sure i will be blasted for my opinions. No-one (that i have seen) has deliberately added " link, the sun" and franky i won't be in future.

MM for what it is worth your opening title gave a clue to the content, so i wouldnt worry too much about it Hug
i think proper sentences should and could be administered - not the type i would like to do to Mad but imprisonment in a rescue centre, only to be freed if anyone wants to rehome them - and their friends and families are not allowed!! ... and not forgetting the job of mucking out their inmates cages.

the reality is: a fine and banned for owning a pet for a couple of years Mad what a waste of the time, effort and resources the authorities have had to put in.... Frowner
Originally posted by bozzimacoo:
i think proper sentences should and could be administered - not the type i would like to do to Mad but imprisonment in a rescue centre, only to be freed if anyone wants to rehome them - and their friends and families are not allowed!! ... and not forgetting the job of mucking out their inmates cages.

the reality is: a fine and banned for owning a pet for a couple of years Mad what a waste of the time, effort and resources the authorities have had to put in.... Frowner

That's what I said above. The law protecting animals is pathetic and it is about time it was changed. Animals are important and should be treated as such.
Originally posted by Lfc Rules:
It would be nice if you could put the source in the link as well ......

I understand where you're coming from, so here's a tip.... if you hover your mouse over the link in the post and then look down at the bar at the bottom (don't know what it's called, sorry) it more than likely tells you where the link is going, in this case to the Sun article. Hope that helps for another time. Thumbs Up

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