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Hug Awww I am so sorry for your loss, its devastating to loose a pet, do not stop yourself from grieving though, you made the best decision for her. I had to get our Hamster put to sleep last week as she had a tumour that had been operated on and returned start to take over her chest cavity and I still shed a tear for her and often find myself in the boys room where her cage used to be, still missing her scrunched up face looking up at me Crying
Originally posted by Psychomom:
I had to get our Hamster put to sleep last week as she had a tumour that had been operated on and returned start to take over her chest cavity and I still shed a tear for her and often find myself in the boys room where her cage used to be, still missing her scrunched up face looking up at me Crying

Aww Frowner

For you too Hug
No offence taken LMS xx

I'm feeling a little better now, very sad obviously but I can now sit in the garden Smiler

I was awful at the vets, just absolutely crying my eyes out. It;s the first time that I've ever had to make that decision with a pet and I still feel so awful that I condemned our trusting little bunny to death, even if it is for the right reasons. I feel so guilty and horrible.
I'm so sorry x - I had to do the same with my little Daisy bun on 6th April. She had similar symptoms to your little one and I felt so guilty. She was old aswell (9 and a half), but I felt terrible. You just have to think they had a lovely life and you did everything you could x

Often people just don't realise what little characters these rabbits are!

I now have two new babies (lionheads) who are absolutely gorgeous.
A friend copied this poem for me in a card when I had to have our beloved last cat put down a year ago

Foxy Hug

If it should be I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you should do what must be done
For this last battle can’t be won.

You will be sad - I - understand
Don’t let your grieve then stay your hand,
For this day, more than all the rest,
Your love and friendship stand the test.

We've had so many happy years
What is to come will hold no fears,
You'd not want me to suffer, so
When the time comes - please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend,
Only stay with me to till the end,
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you too will see,
It is a kindness you do for me
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Do not grieve that it should be you
Who has decided this thing to do
We've been so close - we two-these years
Don’t let your heart hold any tears.
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
A friend copied this poem for me in a card when I had to have our beloved last cat put down a year ago

Foxy Hug

If it should be I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you should do what must be done
For this last battle can’t be won.

You will be sad - I - understand
Don’t let your grieve then stay your hand,
For this day, more than all the rest,
Your love and friendship stand the test.

We've had so many happy years
What is to come will hold no fears,
You'd not want me to suffer, so
When the time comes - please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend,
Only stay with me to till the end,
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you too will see,
It is a kindness you do for me
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Do not grieve that it should be you
Who has decided this thing to do
We've been so close - we two-these years
Don’t let your heart hold any tears.

That made me Crying Very true though.
Originally posted by scatterby:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
A friend copied this poem for me in a card when I had to have our beloved last cat put down a year ago

Foxy Hug

If it should be I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you should do what must be done
For this last battle can’t be won.

You will be sad - I - understand
Don’t let your grieve then stay your hand,
For this day, more than all the rest,
Your love and friendship stand the test.

We've had so many happy years
What is to come will hold no fears,
You'd not want me to suffer, so
When the time comes - please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend,
Only stay with me to till the end,
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you too will see,
It is a kindness you do for me
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Do not grieve that it should be you
Who has decided this thing to do
We've been so close - we two-these years
Don’t let your heart hold any tears.

That made me Crying Very true though.

Crying Frowner Foxy, I"m so sorry at your loss Hug

That poem made me cry remembering my lovely Posh Paws who died 19 years ago this month, he's in my sig now as a memorial.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

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