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I used to quite like Jordan. Thought she was self made and seemed to be a good mum. I admit I never watched "Katie and Peter stateside" till they split. My daughters watched it, but not me. Now I have seen several episodes I have completely changed my view of her. If she behaves anything like she does on there behind closed doors, then I am truly surprised Pete did not crack earlier. OK, they have their squabbles, but she appears to always talk down to him, mocking his singing and generally being very very nasty. Shake Head I have seen him hit back a couple of times, but he ia an angel compared to her. I seriously think she will never ever find someone who was as perfect as he appears to be, again.To see him with Harvey and the obvious love he has for him is quite emotional. Seeing the way they are with eachother, its clear they have a special relationship. Its hard enough taking on someone else's kid, even harder I would imagine when the child has a disability. The song he wrote for him said it all really; He thinks the world of him.He is great with all 3 kids and also seems to have a great sense of humour. Ive sat there and watched Kate be just vile to him, with what she says and does. She seemed to take a great deal of satisfaction trying to make him look small when there were other people around. Perhaps she didnt want him to steal the limelight. I just hope the kids dont suffer and that he is still allowed to play a huge part in their lives, including Harvey's. They have built up a great relationship and it would only harm Harvey, let alone Pete if he does not get to see his "dad" (as he calls him) regularly. I know we only get to see what the media allow us to regarding their relationship, but that has been more than enough for me to totally change my view of Katie Price. I expect I will get forum-bashed now! Roll Eyes Well, I just know for sure,who has come across as the FAR better parent over the last few weeks, and it aint Kate!! Shake Head

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I never had much use for either of them and have only seen the trailers for their programmes. She has always treated him like something she stepped in.

Everything she says and does is to keep her in the limelight. She doesn't like Pete to steal any of her spotlight.

IMO, she is and has always been a vile, vulgar and talentless woman.
They are a couple who argued constantly, neither one was particularly nice to each other when they had their spats. It wasn't just Katie/Jordon though.

Don't like that he is being portrayed as the "nice guy". infact it irking me right off. I think each has reacted differently but I dont think either of them is a bad parent and it is a shame they split.
I expect I will get forum-bashed now! Roll Eyes Well, I just know for sure,who has come across as the FAR better parent over the last few weeks, and it aint Kate!! Shake Head

I don't think you will get forum-bashed, but you will definitely get Roxi/Choccy-bashed! If you think she's obsessive about Michael Jackson, you've seen nothing yet Big Grin Big Grin
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
It's ironic how he ended it with Kate so suddenly and his new single is called "Behind Closed Doors". I smell a rat. Was the whole break up pre-meditated by Pete so he could make more money from his new CD?????????? Nod

Could be, but I think the break up was a long time coming. I saw them on Graham Norton and she wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise. She belittled him something rotten.
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
It's ironic how he ended it with Kate so suddenly and his new single is called "Behind Closed Doors". I smell a rat. Was the whole break up pre-meditated by Pete so he could make more money from his new CD?????????? Nod
I dont hink so. He even said during that time when he was recording that album, how "everyone" has their spats etc, and that no-one knows what goes on in a relationship. I just reckon he woke up to her one day and thought enough is enough! Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs
I always thought of Pete being a bit of a wet blanket .... but you can see he was a good husband & father ..... I'm not sure what went on .... but I reckon, it must have been something pretty bad for him to leave & say, there is no going back.
I do like Kate, but I can imagine, she's easily bored .... & now the fairytail marriage / wedding / honeymoon / children / renewal of wedding vows etc, has been done ... I reckon she's getting itchy feet Ninja
I think he is definitely coming out the better person in all this and a decent parent. He is keeping himself together, maintaining his dignity and looking after the children when he is allowed to.

Jordon? She has no dignity, imo. Getting wasted all the time, showing off her bits to all and sundry, leaving her kids behind while she swans off on holiday. No sympathy for her at all. I am surprised Pete stayed with her as long as he did.
Originally posted by Growlybear:
I expect I will get forum-bashed now! Roll Eyes Well, I just know for sure,who has come across as the FAR better parent over the last few weeks, and it aint Kate!! Shake Head

I don't think you will get forum-bashed, but you will definitely get Roxi/Choccy-bashed! If you think she's obsessive about Michael Jackson, you've seen nothing yet Big Grin Big Grin
Oh dear! Well, Im with her on the Michael Jackson front; I liked him loads and thought he was innocent of all the molestation accusations. But with Jordan, she has personally made me feel the way I do about her, in a few short weeks, witnessing the "stateside" programme and seeing her make a spectacle of herself on Holiday, whilst Pete is with the kids, including his beloved Harvey! Nod
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Poker Face:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Poker Face:
I heard him on Chris Moyles this morning .... I'd love to know what really went on Nod
What was he saying on there PF? linky here Smiler
Thumbs Up Thanks for that. Hmm, makes you wonder, thats for sure. I wonder what it was then? This is one occassion when I want to be really nosey regarding a celeb and find out! Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
I was watching Katie and Peter Stateside, last night ..... I wanted to watch the last few episodes to see if it was evident they were at the end of the road ?

They always bickered anyway ... so that comes as no surprise .... but last night Kate had been to see some doctor about Harvey (about his sight, I believe) anyway ... this doctor mentioned using the unbilical cord of any further children they would have .... Pete said: so you better hurry up and get preggers or there will be no baby this year ... & Kate replied: oh yeah, I'll definitely get pregnant soon ...... so it didn't seem like a split up was on the cards, and that was only filmed 3 weeks or so before they ran the London marathon ( it was shortly after that they split)
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
I used to quite like Jordan. Thought she was self made and seemed to be a good mum. I admit I never watched "Katie and Peter stateside" till they split. My daughters watched it, but not me. Now I have seen several episodes I have completely changed my view of her. If she behaves anything like she does on there behind closed doors, then I am truly surprised Pete did not crack earlier. OK, they have their squabbles, but she appears to always talk down to him, mocking his singing and generally being very very nasty. Shake Head I have seen him hit back a couple of times, but he ia an angel compared to her. I seriously think she will never ever find someone who was as perfect as he appears to be, again.To see him with Harvey and the obvious love he has for him is quite emotional. Seeing the way they are with eachother, its clear they have a special relationship. Its hard enough taking on someone else's kid, even harder I would imagine when the child has a disability. The song he wrote for him said it all really; He thinks the world of him.He is great with all 3 kids and also seems to have a great sense of humour. Ive sat there and watched Kate be just vile to him, with what she says and does. She seemed to take a great deal of satisfaction trying to make him look small when there were other people around. Perhaps she didnt want him to steal the limelight. I just hope the kids dont suffer and that he is still allowed to play a huge part in their lives, including Harvey's. They have built up a great relationship and it would only harm Harvey, let alone Pete if he does not get to see his "dad" (as he calls him) regularly. I know we only get to see what the media allow us to regarding their relationship, but that has been more than enough for me to totally change my view of Katie Price. I expect I will get forum-bashed now! Roll Eyes Well, I just know for sure,who has come across as the FAR better parent over the last few weeks, and it aint Kate!! Shake Head

I agree with you completely Little Miss. Nod

I feel very sorry for Peter who seems a lovely guy.

Having said that, they are both to blame for the recent mud slinging at each other - granted she's been worse than him - but they should really act with some dignity and think of their children in all this.

Still, it's easy money isn't it. Shake Head
Originally posted by Poker Face:
I was watching Katie and Peter Stateside, last night ..... I wanted to watch the last few episodes to see if it was evident they were at the end of the road ?

They always bickered anyway ... so that comes as no surprise .... but last night Kate had been to see some doctor about Harvey (about his sight, I believe) anyway ... this doctor mentioned using the unbilical cord of any further children they would have .... Pete said: so you better hurry up and get preggers or there will be no baby this year ... & Kate replied: oh yeah, I'll definitely get pregnant soon ...... so it didn't seem like a split up was on the cards, and that was only filmed 3 weeks or so before they ran the London marathon ( it was shortly after that th ey split)
Nod I thought that too.
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I've always liked the Andre AND I think he has a great voice!

I've only seen them on interviews etc. and she did seem like a right beetch! Glance
She really is not a nice person. Well, not to Pete anyway. I really do think she will regret being such a cow to him for the rest of her life. He just comes across as being a really lovely guy. Almost perfect infact.Indeed THE perfect father! And believe me, with my track record with men, I dont say that lightly!! Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs
Funny that you posted this topic LMS, I've just been to the library and borrowed 'Jordans' 2nd (I think) autobiography. It's about how she felt when they first met right up to after their wedding but I've only read the first 5 or 6 chapters so far. From what I've read they seemed to have a really intense relationship, very posessive, jealous yet madly in love but doesn't seem to have come through the years with them and seems to have faded. I watched all their shows (used to really like both of them) and have to say I always thought that the way she treated Pete was awful but they seemed to get along quite well. She seems very insecure and doesn't like when Pete gets any atention and the way she acted in their Stateside episodes was full of jealousy and bitterness that Pete was trying to do something for himself and it didn't (for once) revolve around her. Maybe that's when Pete realised just how self-obsessed she really is and how little she thought of his 'talent'.

On the subject of parenting I think it's awful for anyone to knock her parenting skills (although I honestly have to say I see a big difference in the way she reacts to Juniour than her other 2 kids) as watching her deal with Harvey you can see just how dedicated she (and Pete) are. Sometimes when a marriage ends the kids get the raw deal and this seems to be the case here but hopefully they sort things out soon. As for her reverting back to her 'Jordan' days I think it's mostly to do with rubbing Pete's face in it and trying to make him jealous. Thumbs Up

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