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Here is the link to my original thread from 4 nights ago, about my slightly flaky friend who is a good pal, who I get on with well, and she is interesting and kind and generous, and we go back 35 odd years..., but she rarely contacts me, and regularly does not return my texts and voicemails, and I have to contact her 3 or 4 times sometimes before I get to speak to her, as she rarely calls or texts back.

Well..... After waiting and waiting for confirmation of what day she wanted to meet this week, (and it went 4 days PAST the day she said she would contact me,) I actually thought 'bollocks' I will ring her and ask her are we still meeting this week or not?!'

I KNOW I shouldn't have, but I thought I will give it ONE last shot... rather than be waiting on tenterhooks...and if I get no response, or she says she can't meet at the moment, I will leave a message or say 'you're obviously busy just now, maybe it's best if you get back to ME after the whitsun holiday; I will wait to hear from you...'

As I said, she was meant to have contacted me over last weekend to let me know which day she wanted to meet this week and she didn't. (But by wednesday morning she still hadn't texted or phoned...)

So anyway I phoned her Wednesday morning and said, 'hi, is everything OK? I haven't heard from you,' and she said 'oh yeah hi, sorry I haven't phoned you, but it's been Kate's birthday this week, and my family have been staying and I have had works meetings and I have been on a course at work, and the week has flown by... blah blah blah...' So I said 'ok fine...' And she said 'anyway, Friday should be OK, is that OK with you?' And I said, yes fine...' and we aranged to meet at 10am at M and S cafe on Friday. (today...)

Then at 9pm Thursday (yesterday,) she texted me and said 'something has come up, so I can't come sorry. Hope you have a good half term...' And that was it!

I was so pissed off. I thought 'how bloody annoying' .. She didn't even say ANYthing about whether she would contact me or WHEN we could re-arrange it for or anything. I thought 'seems she isn't interested after all, or she wouldn't have cancelled with such a short message ..' Frowner

So anyway I texted her within about 10 minutes and said 'thanks for letting me know. Tell you what though, just let me know when you're ready to meet up again, because I don't want to keep badgering you with texts and phone calls; especially when you seem so busy and I think it's best if I wait for 'you' to get in touch with me now.... Take care and have a good half term, and as I said I'll wait for you to contact me. Love 'Pixie' xxx

I was really fed up and disappointed. Thing is, she is a cool pal and lots of fun and a good laff, but USELESS at keeping in touch and it is almost always me, as I said the other day. And I was beginning to wonder if she was not too bothered about meeting anymore... Frowner

Well, an hour later, I got a text from her with a 'sad smiley' saying 'oh I'm so sorry if I was grumpy, or you're pissed off with me for not getting back in touch.. It's just been mad this week. Yes of course I'll contact you after half term. sorry. Take care .. xxx'

So I think my text may have prickled her conscience, although when I said she seemed frazzled, I didn't mean she seemd grumpy; I meant she seems busy and stressed and 'run off her feet,' so I won't add to her stress further by bugging her with phone calls and texts,'

So I texted her back and said that... 'Hi, thanks for texting. No I didn't think you had been grumpy, just that you seem busy and stressed and 'run off your feet,' so I just meant that it would be best if you contact me when you're ready, so I don't add to your stress further by bugging you with phone calls and texts,'

Then I said 'sorry if you thought I meant that you were grumpy LOL,' and I made light of it... but I finished off by saying 'anyway, I look forward to hearing from you after half term. Let me know as soon as you're ready to meet up again..'

SO the ball is fixed firmly in her court now... So I am pleased that she appeared to feel a wee bit guilty, and that I left the ball in her court... Hopefully she DOES contact me. I have made up my mind that I will definately wait for her to contact me now... it is about time she made a wee bit more effort; especially after being so lax with the contact for so long...

Thanks for all your advice the other night folks. Just thought I would update you as I promised I would. Smiler

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Demantoid:
Pixie Hug
If she's a proper mate, she'll get in touch. If she doesn't, don't push it.
Thanks Demantoid. As I said towards the end of that post..

"SO the ball is fixed firmly in her court now... So I am pleased that she appeared to feel a wee bit guilty, and that I left the ball in her court... Hopefully she DOES contact me. I have made up my mind that I will definately wait for her to contact me now... it is about time she made a wee bit more effort; especially after being so lax with the contact for so long..."

And that is what I shall do now... wait for HER to contact me. I think I have made enough effort now. Smiler
Originally posted by Tartanveggie:
Well done, you handled it well, I think it would have eaten away at you if you hadn't contacted her this week. But now, you must leave it until she contacts you.

Thanks Smiler I think you're right.. It was really bugging me why she hadn't been in touch at all after promising, and then when she went and cancelled the night before our meeting, I was really annoyed, and that is why I said 'that's it, I am gonna wait for you to contact me now..' And even though she sent me that text apologising, I STILL said 'I will wait to hear from YOU though.' Smiler I shan't contact her. I think it definately needs to be her turn now. Smiler

Thanks Dame Ann and Fabienne too Hug
I wonder if she is like me and has the odd period of hiding away from people, down times, I sometimes duck out of pre-arranged stuff if I'm having a wobble, and I hope that people don't think it says anything about 'them' and more about my current state of mind. But I know that if they don't know me that well they do think I am just a flake.

Hope it all works out Hug
Originally posted by Raggyâ™ĨDoll:
I wonder if she is like me and has the odd period of hiding away from people, down times, I sometimes duck out of pre-arranged stuff if I'm having a wobble, and I hope that people don't think it says anything about 'them' and more about my current state of mind. But I know that if they don't know me that well they do think I am just a flake.

Hope it all works out Hug
Hi Raggy Wave Yes you may well have a point there, and this is why I wasn't nasty or arsey and didn't wanna fall out at all... but at this stage, as many have suggested, I *HAVE * to wait for her to contact me now. There is no reason I can think of why I should contact her next now...
Blimey I was in a similar situation recently...but from the other side. I had a mate who was really demanding and clingy - got right on my tits. I hardly ever dare answer the phone cos it was always her wanting to meet up or go round or just chat drivel for ages.

Thankfully she got the message in the end.

Friendships shouldnt be guilt trips....if you are starting to feel like she thinks of you as a bit of a chore then maybe you are!

Chill out and enjoy a CASUAL friendship.

Sorry, that sounds a bit blunt but reading your posts on this matter took me right back to that pest! Eeker
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Raggyâ™ĨDoll:
I wonder if she is like me and has the odd period of hiding away from people, down times, I sometimes duck out of pre-arranged stuff if I'm having a wobble, and I hope that people don't think it says anything about 'them' and more about my current state of mind. But I know that if they don't know me that well they do think I am just a flake.

Hope it all works out Hug
Hi Raggy Wave Yes you may well have a point there, and this is why I wasn't nasty or arsey and didn't wanna fall out at all... but at this stage, as many have suggested, I *HAVE * to wait for her co contact me now. There is no reason I can think of why I should contact her next now...

Hiya Wave Yeah I think you're right to do that, it does get to the point where it is just plain rudeness and I do recognise when I'm doing the reclusive thing to that extent, at least she knows now how you feel and that it is up to her, I would always run with that if someone explained things as clearly as you have done. You did the right thing IMO!
Originally posted by Raggyâ™ĨDoll:
Hiya Wave Yeah I think you're right to do that, it does get to the point where it is just plain rudeness and I do recognise when I'm doing the reclusive thing to that extent, at least she knows now how you feel and that it is up to her, I would always run with that if someone explained things as clearly as you have done. You did the right thing IMO!

Hi again, Yes I think she DID finally recognise that she was being rude and that is why she sent the apologetic text. Totally ignoring someone who is supposed to be your friend, and not making any kind of response, even to say 'I can't meet up for at least a few months now,' is just plain rude.

If people are busy ... fine; I get busy too, but I always have the decency to reply to peoples messages and calls. Some people just use 'I have been busy,' as an excuse to be rude and not return calls and messages... Bet they aren't too busy to spend 3 or 4 hours a day on the internet and facebook and watching tv though Roll Eyes

And blatantly IGNORING someone who is just 'being a friend.' and contacting you and trying to keep the friendship going, in the hope they will 'take the hint' is both rude, ignorant and very cowardly. It's a wonder people who do this HAVE any friends. Roll Eyes

I think in my friends case though, she is just useless at keeping in touch and probably isn't 'fed up' of me. I think me contacting her six weeks after our last meeting and expecting the courtesy of a reply is not unreasonable behaviour...

Time will tell. As I said, I shall now wait for her to contact me. I am worthy of better treatment than always being the one doing the running.
Interesting read Pixie............sorry for your 'friend' troubles........

Hope it all works out. But as some have said, you can't possibly call this friend again. It's not fair on you, and it's not right......It seems although she is cool to be with when you're together, clearly she is really bad at getting in touch with you, and it's not on.

It's not fair it's always you, and you should not get in touch with her again now. Well done for leaving the ball in her court this time. Your original post said you have 2 other good friends in your life., who you don't have any issues with, and you have a good relationship with. So it's not you: it's her who has the problem - and that problem is being inconsiderate and rude and selfish.

There is NO excuse for not responding to texts and messages; it's pure laziness and it's only the most inconsiderate and selfish and thoughtless people who do it. And as you quite rightly point out, the people who say they have been 'busy,' still seem to manage to spend 5 or 6 hours PLUS, a day, on the internet or watching the tv! (Good example that!)

If she is any kind of a friend, she will contact you next. Sounds like she may do, as she texted you apologising. Good luck. Keep us posted Smiler
I'd leave it to cool now Pixie - you've done your level best to keep the contact going but with very little joy to date.

As you say, the ball is well and truly in her court now so wait and see if she does make contact. If she doesn't, then it sounds like she's moved on to pastures new and has become a bit of a fairweather friend to you.

I hope she does contact you because it would be a great shame to throw away a long time friendship spanning 35 years.

Good Luck.

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