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Halfwit has always got under Kris' skin. Even more so since he said something to Dogface the other night that Kris didn't like. "He's not my favourite person at the moment," Kris told Big Brother in the Diary Room. After explaining his feelings, Kris then shared them with Karly and Charlie in the Bedrooom.

"I said I tolerate him because I don't want to be arguing every 20 minutes," Kris told them.

Karly rolled her eyes. "They asked me about him last night. I screamed. I said I can't cope. I've come to the conclusion that I can't stand eveything he does. The way he eats, the way he sleeps, the way he walks, the way he talks. Everything."


"I don't know what the public see," she continued, "but it's no joke living with this guy."

"Sometimes you get sucked in and feel sorry for him, but I can't.." said Kris, tailing off.

"I never feel sorry for him," confirmed Karly.

"To be fair, I did listen to him and you could tell he was thinking before he spoke. So I thought fair-dos, you are trying a bit more. He's just realised if he doesn't try, it causes arguments," Kris said. "At first I felt bad cos I said to him 'I don't want to be stuck in a room with you Freddie lad'. Then I felt bad. But like you said Charlie, he was trying to get involved. Fairplay, he has been trying."

"He has been trying," agreed Charlie.

"It's too little too late, though," added Kris.

"He annoys the life out of me. As soon as he opens his mouth. It's not his fault, it's just the way it is. I just can't cope," Karly carped.

Lisa then joined them and the conversation turned to Halfwit's chances of staying in the House.

"If he goes up against a strong character, he won't stay," suggested Kris. "Someone like you,, Charlie or Sophie up against him, he'd have no ******* chance," Karly asserted. "I don't know. I wouldn't want to face him, you just don't know," Kris responded, "If I was up against him and I was booted out, I'd be like, are you lot mental?" Guess Halfwit's not on Kris' Christmas card list just yet, then.

from the c4 bb site

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