some reason i cannot reply to the other thread but i wanted to respond after everone was so lovely...
well, somehow he slept in his moses basket, and he woke at about 1.30, 3.30, 5.30, 9.30. fed and changed each time - since then he has been fed at 12.00 in mothercare carpark(!) and has just started to scream so have changed him again and am feeding him now. praps i rushed the last feed. i am going round to my mothers shortly, and i am hoping he will last until 4. i'll make sure he's really full before we go.
well, somehow he slept in his moses basket, and he woke at about 1.30, 3.30, 5.30, 9.30. fed and changed each time - since then he has been fed at 12.00 in mothercare carpark(!) and has just started to scream so have changed him again and am feeding him now. praps i rushed the last feed. i am going round to my mothers shortly, and i am hoping he will last until 4. i'll make sure he's really full before we go.