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Originally posted by cup:
you are quite right about him in all you say in this post

He isnt none of those things like REX LOL

But i cannot get away sometimes the way he imo talks down

and i am never going to win on this one

But it is my humble opinion Big Grin

My point is this: I couldn't write a list of positives about any of the others, so why pick out one perceived slight misdemeanour?
cologne 1
Originally posted by cup:

BRING BACK LIVE FEED when all esle fails call for LIVE FEED Laugh

i think he is genuine if they were fair with him i am sure he would treat them fairly
they are so rude and spiteful i am sure thats why he talks so slowly because he is making sure his meaning is not twisted as lisa takes great delight in playing that game
i was in the army for several years as a nurse and shared accomodation with people from all backgrounds,there were a few freddy type girls,who were a delight yes its hard to live with different types of people but lisa and that lot havent even tried ,lisa said on the 2nd day i hate politicians /politics,
i also lived with lisa type people too and the secret to harmony is acceptance and the abillity to communicate ,
freddy has this lisa well say no more
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:
i think what would annoy me about freddie (and this is actually a good trait) is that he never gets ruffled Laugh

When i am in the mood for an argument i want the other person to argue back with me.... and not in the cool way he does... i need someone to be as irrational as i am in a good old get it off my chest arguement

He stays so calm Yogi.... which is all the more infuriating for the other person...he's probably simmering underneath, but wins the high ground by remaining articulate and keeping his cool...doesn't mean he's always right!
Staying calm when the other person is raging or even ignoring them when they make barbed comments, is a much better way of dealing with them. Same in rl and even on forums. People make comments, they try to start arguments and sometimes they succeed. The best thing to do is to remain calm, if you want to argue back, or just ignore them. They look the daft ones then Nod
Originally posted by mad4cavs:
Originally posted by cup:

BRING BACK LIVE FEED when all esle fails call for LIVE FEED Laugh

i think he is genuine if they were fair with him i am sure he would treat them fairly
they are so rude and spiteful i am sure thats why he talks so slowly because he is making sure his meaning is not twisted as lisa takes great delight in playing that game

He does seem a guy who would not hurt a fly and see good in everyone

Just seen him imo starting to talk to lisa and if it was talking down then i dont know what is but it is only my opinion and i wanted to point it out
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Staying calm when the other person is raging or even ignoring them when they make barbed comments, is a much better way of dealing with them. Same in rl and even on forums. People make comments, they try to start arguments and sometimes they succeed. The best thing to do is to remain calm, if you want to argue back, or just ignore them. They look the daft ones then Nod
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I think he has to speak slowly to them cos he realises the majority of them are too thick to understand a regular paced conversation.

That's how he's been taught to speak - slowly and to enunciate.

That's how you're taught to speak at finishing school.

Didn't someone mention on here, that dyslexics speak slowly like this?
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Plus I don't think he looks down at people at all Shake Head.

The way he speaks down to people at times makes me feel he does and i do think he can be patronising at times imo he isnt perfect.

I don't find him patronising or superior at all toward any of the other HM's. If anything, it is they who are ostracising him as they perceive him as being so but for no reason whatsoever.

He was right to have a go at Kris and Charlie last night for using a token to get alcohol without consulting the others and he put the argument most eloquently IMO.

That left them with just one remaining token!
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Bethni:
I don't think you can call it talking down to people. He's been brought up and educated to speak the way he does.Should we also complain about ,say, Lisa talking like she's ashamed of where she's from. I think Freddie show's great restraint in his dealing with being sniggered at and bitched about. I'd have shown myself up by Screaming at shouting at them all by now lol.

He's a credit to his parent's wether he's from a country estate or a housing estate. The rest of them are a disgrace. Smiler

It should not matter where you are from to have manners i didnt mention that,that goes without saying

Does not change my opinion that he does patronise and talk slow and superior at times

I know someone who does this and he reminds of him.

I don't know why speaking slowly and eloquently means he is being patronising.

It would be more patronising of him to adopt their accents and attitudes in order to try and get through to them.

Keep going, Freddie.
Originally posted by brisket:
I don`t think Freddie talks down to people, nor do I think he feels superior. If they think he sounds a bit different - you could say they all do. From different places and backgrounds.
They should be more tolerant and more accepting.
I think some of the resentment towards Freddie in the house is due to inverted snobbery.
Freddie has made conscious efforts to integrate and to encourage others to do so. Whereas some of the others have consciously kept their distance and isolated him.
Free is alright.

Quite agree. Clapping Clapping
It all boils down to this, what do you prefer...

A HM who has certain way of talking that sounds slightly "patronising" but polite and decent, or sheep like rude aggressive bores who treat anyone different like dirt.?

I'll take patronising voice boy everytime.

I still believe that those who think that Freddie thinks he's better than everyone else is just a snob and hates posh people. Nod
Originally posted by innais:
Originally posted by mandala:
disagree i have a relative who speaks like friendly Freddie he doesn't speak down to people its just natural for some to be eloquent and not sound like screeching Lisa

I would definitely agree with you mandala. I think Freddie may be perceived as "talking down" to people but I'm absolutely sure this is his way of talking rather than being indicative of him having any superiority complex or something.

I spend more of my time with the Freddies of this world, than the Lisas, Charlies or Dogfaces (what's her real name?), so to me, he sounds normal and not at all patronising.

However, I often hear the Lisas and Charlies accuse the Freddies of being patronising or snobby, simply BECAUSE they are well-spoken and eloquent.

The problem is with the Lisas and Charlies themselves who feel inferior, so turn it on its face, and accuse the Freddie of acting superior.
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Freddie has been taught to speak slowly and to enunciate.

That's how you're taught to speak at finishing school too.

He has also been taught to listen to others during a conversation. The people he has been brought up with speak slower because they do not need to gabble like an express train to make their point before the other person butts in.
Cornish Patsie
Originally posted by Videostar:
It all boils down to this, what do you prefer...

A HM who has certain way of talking that sounds slightly "patronising" but polite and decent, or sheep like rude aggressive bores who treat anyone different like dirt.?

I'll take patronising voice boy everytime.

I still believe that those who think that Freddie thinks he's better than everyone else is just a snob and hates posh people. Nod

I would choose Freddy over them any time. I would much rather spend time with him than any of the others. At least you can have an intelligent conversation with him.

i am saying that he spoke to lisa in a patronsing manner

i know the difference in all the rest of accent respect polite etc

But he did imo

nothing to do with posh accents people who speak politely and listen

This qualities are to be admired

but he can be patronising and that is what i dont like

so there

Of course you can have a sensible convo with freddie and listen to him and his views etc which is more appealing than the most of them

but he is patronising and not to be confused with anything else

I work with people myself who are from all walks of life,patronising from any walk of life i dont like in a person

Originally posted by cup:

i am saying that he spoke to lisa in a patronsing manner

i know the difference in all the rest of accent respect polite etc

But he did imo

nothing to do with posh accents people who speak politely and listen

This qualities are to be admired

but he can be patronising and that is what i dont like

so there

Of course you can have a sensible convo with freddie and listen to him and his views etc which is more appealing than the most of them

but he is patronising and not to be confused with anything else

I work with people myself who are from all walks of life,patronising from any walk of life i dont like in a person


Oh well, no one is perfect, he's still better than the rest in there and should win.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
The only person in the house who has hinted at class is Kris. He called Freddie a pleb, and then a dweeby pleb. Apart from the fact that Kris cannot even distinguish between words and meanings in the English Language, he exposed his inner inferiority complex for us all to see. Freddie is posh and polite. He never raises his voice - a bit like a Politician. He is controlled calm and classy in an argument and he would put anyone on the back foot by his arguing style. He uses reason, logic and intelligence to make his point. And he always sticks to the point and never wavers from it.

This is why he defeats those he argues with in the house. He is cool intelligent and calculating, and his politeness (while going for the jugular) confuses his enemy. That is why Lisa walks away ... she is defeated by cleverness.

Excellent post. Clapping
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by cup:

i am saying that he spoke to lisa in a patronsing manner

i know the difference in all the rest of accent respect polite etc

But he did imo

nothing to do with posh accents people who speak politely and listen

This qualities are to be admired

but he can be patronising and that is what i dont like

so there

Of course you can have a sensible convo with freddie and listen to him and his views etc which is more appealing than the most of them

but he is patronising and not to be confused with anything else

I work with people myself who are from all walks of life,patronising from any walk of life i dont like in a person


Oh well, no one is perfect, he's still better than the rest in there and should win.

hope he is in last three with sirvash and marcus love to see the rest off
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Plus I don't think he looks down at people at all Shake Head.

The way he speaks down to people at times makes me feel he does and i do think he can be patronising at times imo he isnt perfect.

He isn't perfect at all and has his faults Nod, but maybe it's the way he comes across trying to explain things to the chav clique as they have limited intelligence to understand the logic of what he is saying. If they listened instead of being defensive and shouting then they might just be able to understand what he is saying.

No one could defend or want to defend their behaviour againest freddies there is no contest

Just hearing him talk to lisa saying THERE IS A DIFF ER ENCE There is DIFF ER ENCE was imo patronising and talked down to her and she pulled him up and said do not speak to me in that way,and he acted as if he didnt know what she was talking about AND he did imo knew exactly what she meant and it was written all over his face

IMO talking down patronising

Dos not change my opinion that i want him to outstay the nasty gang no doubt

Even if it was too lisa who yells like a fishwife which i dont like i dont like people speaking like that either.

How do you think you would have fared in that "discussion" with Lisa cup? How would you have handled the situation better than Freddie?

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