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I doubt that the family will ever be able to put what happened to their child behind them. All they have ever wanted, was to find Keith's body, bring him home and have a proper burial for him.

For over 45 years these families have endured the most agonising pain/torture imaginable. I cannot comprehend how they have managed to endure it.

Personally, I don't think the police should ever give up trying to find Keith's body.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Dreadfully sad Frowner

That poor poor family - and the families of the other victims.

Yes and that monster still lives Mad

I have to say LL that I don't approve of the death penalty or mistreatment of prisoners etc.

But I know that if I was in a position of power over people like him and Huntley, that I would find it very hard to control myself.

Especially infuriating was the circus that surrounded Myra Hindley - every time that trigger word or her mate Longford starting pleading for her release or she applied for parole bleating on about her human rights etc I though of those poor parents and how it must have made them feel.

On top of everything that they had to suffer anyway
Originally posted by Veggieburger:

I have to say LL that I don't approve of the death penalty or mistreatment of prisoners etc.

But I know that if I was in a position of power over people like him and Huntley, that I would find it very hard to control myself.

Especially infuriating was the circus that surrounded Myra Hindley - every time that trigger word or her mate Longford starting pleading for her release or she applied for parole bleating on about her human rights etc I though of those poor parents and how it must have made them feel.

On top of everything that they had to suffer anyway

I think everyone knows my views on the death penalty and that I am an advocate for it to be brought back. There are just some crimes that are so evil, so absolutely indefensible, that they warrant the ultimate justice - death.

That's all I am going to say re the death penalty.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:

I have to say LL that I don't approve of the death penalty or mistreatment of prisoners etc.

But I know that if I was in a position of power over people like him and Huntley, that I would find it very hard to control myself.

Especially infuriating was the circus that surrounded Myra Hindley - every time that trigger word or her mate Longford starting pleading for her release or she applied for parole bleating on about her human rights etc I though of those poor parents and how it must have made them feel.

On top of everything that they had to suffer anyway

I think everyone knows my views on the death penalty and that I am an advocate for it to be brought back. There are just some crimes that are so evil, so absolutely indefensible, that they warrant the ultimate justice - death.

That's all I am going to say re the death penalty.

Originally posted by Liverpoollass:

I think everyone knows my views on the death penalty and that I am an advocate for it to be brought back. There are just some crimes that are so evil, so absolutely indefensible, that they warrant the ultimate justice - death.

That's all I am going to say re the death penalty.

I don't agree but I can understand your viewpoint Hug

I'm surprised with all the advances in forensics etc that the police have been unable to pinpoint the grave.
My understanding was that Hindley and Brady had taken photographs of themselves where the graves were - surely these can be fed into a computer and an accurate search area defined?
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
I'm surprised with all the advances in forensics etc that the police have been unable to pinpoint the grave.
My understanding was that Hindley and Brady had taken photographs of themselves where the graves were - surely these can be fed into a computer and an accurate search area defined?

I think that has been tried, but the moors are
so vast and due to the years and climate change, is not the same as it was all those years ago. They have used all sort of equipment but to no avail Frowner
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I think that has been tried, but the moors are
so vast and due to the years and climate change, is not the same as it was all those years ago. They have used all sort of equipment but to no avail Frowner

Yup, I drive through it on the motorway alot, its vast and generally featureless Frowner I just thank gawd the internet didn't exist back then, the tapes would have bound to have found themselves onto the internet Frowner God rest his soul Angel
Originally posted by Perones:
Yup, I drive through it on the motorway alot, its vast and generally featureless Frowner I just thank gawd the internet didn't exist back then, the tapes would have bound to have found themselves onto the internet Frowner God rest his soul Angel

Without a doubt they would be on YouTube by now.

God rest all of their souls.
Originally posted by Perones:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I think that has been tried, but the moors are
so vast and due to the years and climate change, is not the same as it was all those years ago. They have used all sort of equipment but to no avail Frowner

Yup, I drive through it on the motorway alot, its vast and generally featureless Frowner I just thank gawd the internet didn't exist back then, the tapes would have bound to have found themselves onto the internet Frowner God rest his soul Angel
On a programme,think it was "Born to Kill" or something like that, a policeman said the tapes are locked away and they will never be released. Thank God for that
Originally posted by Skylark24:
On a programme,think it was "Born to Kill" or something like that, a policeman said the tapes are locked away and they will never be released. Thank God for that

Yes that is true and hopefully will remain that way. I think the full transcript of the tapes were heard during the court case and some of the transcript was put into a book. Dear god, I cannot imagine what it must have been like for Lesley Ann Downey's family to hear them.
Very sad, I remember being up on Saddleworth Moor last Year when the Police dug up some bones that turned out to be a dead Sheep... makes me angry to think that, that Monster can even call himself Human!

...he is in a place where he has excellent Medical attention as his disposal, 3 meals a day and I guess various other 'perks' that 'we' struggle for....he has been on numerous hunger strikes and it must cost 'us' Taxpayers a fortune for his treatment, quite frankly , given the choice, i would refuse him and let him wither away and die....Nod
The Devil In Diamante
Not wishing to use a very overused word this past few days on this and many other forums, but my utmost respect goes out to the families of the victims of the Moors Murderers, who have conducted themselves with dignity throughout the 43 years that they have been in the media spotlight.

I just wish they could have found his body and given his family the chance of a decent funeral and a place for them to go to.

RIP the victims. Angel
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I find cases of the likes of Brady and Huntley so depressing,as its a reminder how appalingly we as humans can behave.Also,I don't like to believe that any human being is inherently evil but rather we are all capable of doing something evil in the right circumstances.Thats just how I feel about humanity in general.
But there are some crimes so appalling it makes me question those beliefs.Who knows what motivated them to do what they did...nor how they can live with the knowledge they've ruined so many lives
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I find cases of the likes of Brady and Huntley so depressing,as its a reminder how appalingly we as humans can behave.Also,I don't like to believe that any human being is inherently evil but rather we are all capable of doing something evil in the right circumstances.Thats just how I feel about humanity in general.
But there are some crimes so appalling it makes me question those beliefs.Who knows what motivated them to do what they did...nor how they can live with the knowledge they've ruined so many lives

Nod 'They' do say that if Myra Hindley & Ian Brady had never met, the chances are neither of them would've committed the hideous crimes they did!!!

Now, call me odd, but if I met someone and they started dropping weird stuff about murdering children into a conversation i'd be off like a shot and on to the Police! Nod

Therefore, I believe they were born bad through and through,and their meeting brought out that badness that maybe would've stayed inside if they hadn't ever met! Shake Head So sad Shake Head
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Not wishing to use a very overused word this past few days on this and many other forums, but my utmost respect goes out to the families of the victims of the Moors Murderers, who have conducted themselves with dignity throughout the 43 years that they have been in the media spotlight.

I just wish they could have found his body and given his family the chance of a decent funeral and a place for them to go to.

RIP the victims. Angel

Nod Clapping
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I doubt that the family will ever be able to put what happened to their child behind them. All they have ever wanted, was to find Keith's body, bring him home and have a proper burial for him.

For over 45 years these families have endured the most agonising pain/torture imaginable. I cannot comprehend how they have managed to endure it.

Personally, I don't think the police should ever give up trying to find Keith's body.

i can see what you're saying and why you're saying it but .......................they have searched and searched and searched again's good IMO that they've held their hands up and said 'NO MORE' ...there really is only so much you can do with no new evidence.

I know this sounds heartless but ......just imagine the expense of keeping these guys on the case year after year with nothing new to go on.

Iain Brady is one eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil individual. I bet when he dies he's got the clues written down somewhere.
Soozy Woo

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