Originally posted by Kaytee:
Longcat & BDO
I understand that the judge had to act according to the law as it stands. However, as all three were responsible for that little boy's death, I wish that the niceties of who struck the final blow among many did not have to be taken into account and that all three could face the maximum punishment for such a heinous crime.
Natural response. The rationale as I understand it, is this. Say you, Daniel J., and I voluntarily get into a punch up with some other coves.
We're all probably guilty of assault, affray, offences of that nature, if we started the fight and were not defending ourselves.
In the course of the scrap, one of us, to the astonishment of the others, produces a pistol and shoots another chap dead.
The only one who can be convicted of murder is the one that pulled the trigger, notwithstanding that the other 2 were plainly being extremely unpleasant.
You might think, rightly so, in that manufactured scenario, but the same principle applies here, where 3 vermin torture a child.