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Originally posted by forgetmenot:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Can the school not make a statement to the kids at school, in particular about the number of text messages sent and that it was the right thing for your daughter to have done? The school ought to encourage pupils to tell someone in authority if this sort of thing happens so they should [edit: not] balk at backing her.

If the woman has just been sacked then she is lucky. Adults sending texts of a sexual nature to a 16yo (ie. over the age of consent) is not wrong in itself but her position at the school makes it illegal and a sexual offence. She's lucky to have just been sacked, I'd say.
I was going to say something simular.. also if worse comes to worse is there not another school she can transfer to for her 6th form? pleae tell her from jme she did the right thing and she must not let this ruin her education..I think if she does sticks it out, something new will tkae over the attention of the silly small minded crowd and they will move on.
But in the mean time the head should be told of everything happening and Iagree a statement should be read out at assemble about the volume of texts which were seen by staff and also bullying of your daughter will not be tolerated in any form.
Nod All good advice. Thanks for that. Am gonna see how things lie over the next couple of days, but theres no way Im gonna put up with HER getting all the crap. Its just coz this woman was liked at the School. Had it been a teacher or helper that they didnt like it would probably be different!! So Stupid!! Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs
I'm totally baffled by this whole case now. I was very worried when i came off line yesterday, i was imagining how LMS's daughter must be feeling.
I'm on the board of governor's at my local high school and raised the issue with the chairperson last night. He told me the school has acted totally inappropriately. Firstly, they shouldn't have taken the word of the girl alone, they should have called in the boy WITH his legal guardian. No matter him being 16, he is still a schoolchild and has to have a parent present when questioned on a matter of this magnitude. Child protection should have been called if the parent was uncooperative.
The harassment caused to LMS's daughter can now be attributed to the school and aas such they MUST act to put a stop to it.
The police should have been informed as, without them being notified, she wont be on any list blacklisting her from working in any other school.
Originally posted by Bethni:
I'm totally baffled by this whole case now. I was very worried when i came off line yesterday, i was imagining how LMS's daughter must be feeling.
I'm on the board of governor's at my local high school and raised the issue with the chairperson last night. He told me the school has acted totally inappropriately. Firstly, they shouldn't have taken the word of the girl alone, they should have called in the boy WITH his legal guardian. No matter him being 16, he is still a schoolchild and has to have a parent present when questioned on a matter of this magnitude. Child protection should have been called if the parent was uncooperative.
The harassment caused to LMS's daughter can now be attributed to the school and aas such they MUST act to put a stop to it.
The police should have been informed as, without them being notified, she wont be on any list blacklisting her from working in any other school.
Really? Eeker Right. Well, Im gonna havr to do something then. Id never forgive myself if anything happened elsewhere. I am in a difficult position as I dont want my daughter to be targeted even more. What if I informed the local School authorities of what has happened? Even if I didnt give my name but say I was a concerned parent. Im sure they'd have to look into it. When I first told my friend she mentioned the police. I had wondered myself too. Frowner
Little Miss Spurs
hmmmm I have read all of this thread and I may be wrong but, aside from the peodo or not a peodo discussion, wasn't the initial plea in the OP for help about how the daughter can cope with the repercussions of reporting this TA and what to do about going to the 6th form?

If that was indeed the problem that needed solving why the eck isn't this 'nice' BF standing up for her to their peers and putting them straight as it was him this all happened to? Confused

Not such a nice chap if he's letting his GF get all the flack as well as doing his dirty work for him..

EDIT: Just checked, this is from the last paragraph of the OP..

Now she is getting all sorts of probs at School! This woman has lied and told some of them she "sent one text by mistake to the wrong person" Now she's got girls saying to her at School and on facebook that she's ruined this womans life and she could lose her home and kids!!The School have been good and have told her to inform them of anything that happens, but she is now saying she doesnt wanna go to 6th form come September coz of all this. I keep telling her I am here for her and that she done the right thing, but I know what teenage girls can be like and am worried about what might happen when she's out! Any ideas guys please?

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Mount Olympus:
hmmmm I have read all of this thread and I may be wrong but, aside from the peodo or not a peodo discussion, wasn't the initial plea in the OP for help about how the daughter can cope with the repercussions of reporting this TA and what to do about going to the 6th form?

If that was indeed the problem that needed solving why the eck isn't this 'nice' BF standing up for her to their peers and putting them straight as it was him this all happened to? Confused

Not such a nice chap if he's letting his GF get all the flack as well as doing his dirty work for him..
As usuall the girls at school have a go at the girl "in Question" Happens all the time. He HAS been there for her. He even showed the texts to the ones he knew were saying stuff, which was embarressing for him, but shut them up. Thing is, theyre not always together at School. They have both finished really coz theyve done their GCSE's and only have to go in at certain times! When he's not there they take advantage, Very big of them I think! Mad
Little Miss Spurs
Just to clarify re the procedures schools should be following if there is an allegation of this nature made against a member of staff. The Head should immediately consult with the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer,) who will consult with the designated officer in the police Child Abuse Investigation Team and Children's Social Care. There should be a strategy meeting under these procedures and a decision made re if the police will pursue a criminal investigation and if Children's Social Care will pursue enquiries re the safety and protection of the staff member's own children. From the school's perspective, if, following disciplinary procedures, they dismiss the staff member then they have a statutory obligation to refer the matter to the DCSF for consideration of barring them from working with children, (irrespective of whether there were criminal procededings.) Trust me, these are the correct procedures, if you want to look them up they are here: Safeguarding Children in Education and Working Together

They may or may not have been followed?
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Just to clarify re the procedures schools should be following if there is an allegation of this nature made against a member of staff. The Head should immediately consult with the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer,) who will consult with the designated officer in the police Child Abuse Investigation Team and Children's Social Care. There should be a strategy meeting under these procedures and a decision made re if the police will pursue a criminal investigation and if Children's Social Care will pursue enquiries re the safety and protection of the staff member's own children. From the school's perspective, if, following disciplinary procedures, they dismiss the staff member then they have a statutory obligation to refer the matter to the DCSF for consideration of barring them from working with children, (irrespective of whether there were criminal procededings.) Trust me, these are the correct procedures, if you want to look them up they are here: Safeguarding Children in Education and Working Together

They may or may not have been followed?
Thanks for that. believe me, I will not rest till Im certain the correct procedure has been taken. I know her b/f has to take the texts to another teacher at School tomorrow, so they can be scanned or something (?!) so Im not sure what thats all about. I will keep an eye on this tho'
Little Miss Spurs
Completely believe that this woman is dangerous around children. If this was my son, (or if I were YOU Little miss spurs,) I would be tempted to swing for her. I wouldn't of course, as common sense would prevail, but I would contact the police. She is doing this to a child of 16, who is still at school, and it's already been mentioned that she has been contacting them since they were 14. So, there is no doubt in my mind that this woman is not to be trusted around children. I would contact them also, if I were you Little Miss spurs .. as she is causing harrassment to your girl.

I am very glad she has been sacked, as I also think - as some have suggested - that she would not think twice about targetting younger children.

And what on EARTH is a woman in her THIRTIES doing 'socialising' with school children anyway? If this had been a man, who was behaving like this towards a 16 year old SCHOOL girl, people would be calling him a dirty old man/pedo/cradle snatcher/perv and many other names, but because it's a woman and the other person is a 16 year old boy, the attitudes from some are different, and it's like 'he is of a legal age, therefore what's wrong with it?' and similar words. Also, what if this were YOUR 16 y.o. child being harrassed and harangued by a 30-something woman? Would it be OK then?

I am baffled that anyone would think this is OK. Little miss spurs, I hope this is sorted, but I am sure it will have blown over for your daughter by the autumn term, and if this woman persists, contact the head, and contact the police, as this is harrassment and bullying now. And I think someone should keep an eye on this woman, and everyone should lock up their sons. Ninja
Originally posted by storm:
Completely believe that this woman is dangerous to the welfare of children. If this was my son, I would be tempted to swing for her. I wouldn't of course, as common sense would prevail, but I would contact the police. She is doing this to a child of 16, who is still at school, and it's already been mentioned that she has been contacting them since they were 14. So, there is no doubt in my mind that this woman is not to be trusted around children.

I am very glad she has been sacked, as I also think that she would not think twice about targetting younger children.

And what on EARTH is a woman in her THIRTIES doing 'socialising' with school children anyway? If this had been a man, who was behaving like this towards a 16 year old SCHOOL girl, people would be calling him a dirty old man/pedo/cradle snatcher/perv and many other names, but because it's a woman and the other person is a 16 year old boy, the attitudes from some are different, and it's like 'he is of a legal age, therefore what's wrong with it?' and similar words. Also, what if this were YOUR 16 y.o. child being harrassed and harangued by a 30-something woman? Would it be OK then?

I am baffled that anyone would think this is OK. Little miss spurs, I hope this is sorted, but I am sure it will have blown over for your daughter by the autumn term, and if this woman persists, contact the head, and contact the police, as this is harrassment and bullying now. And I think someone should keep an eye on this woman, and everyone should lock up their sons. Ninja
Laugh the last comment made me laugh, but you are right. Also, and I hope this isnt taken in the wrong way, but this woman isnt a Jordan lookalike or anything. "Fat and Frumpy" more comes to mind! Dont know what she was thinking of! It would be wrong however she looked, but it just seems all the more shocking to people who know about it, coz she would be the last person you'd think of behaving like that! Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Just to clarify re the procedures schools should be following if there is an allegation of this nature made against a member of staff. The Head should immediately consult with the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer,) who will consult with the designated officer in the police Child Abuse Investigation Team and Children's Social Care. There should be a strategy meeting under these procedures and a decision made re if the police will pursue a criminal investigation and if Children's Social Care will pursue enquiries re the safety and protection of the staff member's own children. From the school's perspective, if, following disciplinary procedures, they dismiss the staff member then they have a statutory obligation to refer the matter to the DCSF for consideration of barring them from working with children, (irrespective of whether there were criminal procededings.) Trust me, these are the correct procedures, if you want to look them up they are here: Safeguarding Children in Education and Working Together

They may or may not have been followed?

Yes Super that is exactly what i was told last night. It's just the way the school has handled it so far is wayyyy not the way the school here would have. The boy's legal guardian would have been called immediately to the school and, if a case was to be answered, the authorities would have been informed. It's scandalous.
Originally posted by Bethni:
Yes Super that is exactly what i was told last night. It's just the way the school has handled it so far is wayyyy not the way the school here would have. The boy's legal guardian would have been called immediately to the school and, if a case was to be answered, the authorities would have been informed. It's scandalous.
Well said Clapping

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