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Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Moonbeams:

He has survived evitions.

Yeah I know, but the others don't seem to have twigged on that he is liked. If Charli does think that, I am surprised he has not said anything to the others.

would you tell them LL? Better to keep it quiet and just spend more time with Freddie, showing the viewers what a canny lovely wee lad from the North East he really is. Wink
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Freddy isn't perfect though. He is trying his best to survive in a house full of people that dislike him and treat him like dirt. It would hurt anyone, if they were enduring that every day. Some say he is coming across as whiney and pathetic, I don't see it as that. I think he is coming across as rational and calm and showing the others up to be the uneducated oafs they are.

he should give it a break though he is just as bad as them , everywhere he goes he constantly whines on about one of them. He should just give it a break. In the process making the person who is going on at look bad to us.
sunny dayz
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Yeah I know, but the others don't seem to have twigged on that he is liked. If Charli does think that, I am surprised he has not said anything to the others.

Charlie cares only for Charlie. Watch him get friendly with Marcus. He's not stupid he knows how many people he needs to keep happy so he's not nominated.
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i don't think he has a game plan, he seems genuinely pissed off that everyone noms him, he's not seeing how much freedom that can give him, he tries to have one on ones with those who nominate him, and last night with kris, much as i hate to say it, he came across as whiney and a bit pathetic.
kris came across as tired of it all,and honest about his dislike of fred.
no winners on that one.

Yep Thats how I see it. Freddy goes round with the "I don't know why they don't like me look" on his face the whole time and asks them, to which they reply "Your annoying". I like Freddy I do but maybe not as much as I used too.
there are so many in the house that are fed up with him, maybe we are missing something.....oops wait a minute yes we are LF, this is where we would know what really was going on instead of having to guess with the editied version.

It wouldn't matter if he talked about mansions and butlers 24/7, the sheer level of disrespect Kris has shown Freddie in front of others is beyond disgusting and couldn't be justified short of Freddie doing vile acts to pictures of Kris's mother in the LF.

Lisa meanwhile just hates him and has done since the moment she laid eyes on him regardless of what has occurred since.

Granted he is probably a little more grating in the live feed but Kris 'Fhilippines' Pubehair is hardly wowing us with his sparkling repartee.
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Yeah I know, but the others don't seem to have twigged on that he is liked. If Charli does think that, I am surprised he has not said anything to the others.

Charlie cares only for Charlie. Watch him get friendly with Marcus. He's not stupid he knows how many people he needs to keep happy so he's not nominated.

Thumbs Up Yeah your right, i think he is also playing a game and pretty well.
sunny dayz
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i don't think he has a game plan, he seems genuinely pissed off that everyone noms him, he's not seeing how much freedom that can give him, he tries to have one on ones with those who nominate him, and last night with kris, much as i hate to say it, he came across as whiney and a bit pathetic.
kris came across as tired of it all,and honest about his dislike of fred.
no winners on that one.

Yep Thats how I see it. Freddy goes round with the "I don't know why they don't like me look" on his face the whole time and asks them, to which they reply "Your annoying". I like Freddy I do but maybe not as much as I used too.
It makes me wonder how many times a day he goes around the house asking them why they dont like him ,a lot of them do seem to answer him by saying your annoying and maybe that is the reason why,I think Siavash will get fed up with his constant whining about why the others dont like him as he has instigated a couple of arguements about this already.
I agree with the OP (leicesterfox) about Freddies gameplan, the problem is that it is transparant to his opponents in there, or at least to Lisa who is brighter than she looks.
I just hope the voters see things Freddies way rather than the gangs way,ie. that he is alienating himself from the group, is snobbish and manipulative.
It has to be remembered that Freddie has been subjected to these awful bullying tactics since the start of the show. Can anyone really argue that his response now should be different, bearing in mind what he has been through. Every HL show has contained a dig from another HM directed at Freddie, or a comment which they have blown out of all proportion to make Freddie look bad.
Twee Surgeon
It is bad the way they have been to him but, the way he talks to them and doesnt seem like he wants to listen what their problem is with him. he is very opiniated and doesnt budge on other peoples opinions on anything.

I think this is what causes him the trouble, and he is annoying, he needs to lighten up a bit and stop keep going on about game plans, wolves in sheeps clothing and going from one to the other talking about it, i think this is not helping him atall.
sunny dayz
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Hiya foxy wavey

Very good post and I think you may be right there.

I think Siavash and Marcus have definitely noticed how Freddy is being spoken to and treated, so it will be interesting to see who they nominate next week.

I fear it may be too late though, because I reckon it will be Freddy v Marcus next week, so if Marcus goes Freddy loses another ally.

Siavash and Marcus seem to be the only two "floaters" or "individuals". The others will never see Freddy's side to anything and will continue to nominate him each week.

Yep - that's the way I see it too and, the following week, they'll probably nominate Siavash too so that will, in effect, see the end of any allies Freddie may have had in the house.

However, I'm hoping that next week we'll have 3 up for nomination which will make an enormous difference to the dynamics of the house. Once we get one of the team nasties in the mix, I think the whole scenario will start to swing round.
Originally posted by kimota:
I agree with the OP (leicesterfox) about Freddies gameplan, the problem is that it is transparant to his opponents in there, or at least to Lisa who is brighter than she looks.
I just hope the voters see things Freddies way rather than the gangs way,ie. that he is alienating himself from the group, is snobbish and manipulative.

According to a poll on DS, Sree will go with about 89% of the vote. If that happens, I don't care what the HMs think. Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Charlies vote is the one to watch cos he has seemed very uncomfortable with everyone picking on Freddie the last couple of days...whilst he has not actually stood up for him against the others (not that Freddie needs help he makes them look stupid on his own) he has not actively joined in with all the bitching and backstabbing that has been going on around him.

Yes, I've noticed that too.

On the highlights show last night when Karly, Lisa and Kris were in the bedroom criticising Freddie, Charlie just lay quietly on his bed saying nothing.
Originally posted by Zleet:

Granted he is probably a little more grating in the live feed but Kris 'Fhilippines' Pubehair is hardly wowing us with his sparkling repartee.

Pubehair! *snorts tea all over keyboard*

I'm going to store that one in my memory banks

Blimey, I go to Sainsbury's and one of my BB discussion threads has reached 4 pages! *faints*

TY everyone Hug
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Hiya foxy wavey

Very good post and I think you may be right there.

I think Siavash and Marcus have definitely noticed how Freddy is being spoken to and treated, so it will be interesting to see who they nominate next week.

I fear it may be too late though, because I reckon it will be Freddy v Marcus next week, so if Marcus goes Freddy loses another ally.

Siavash and Marcus seem to be the only two "floaters" or "individuals". The others will never see Freddy's side to anything and will continue to nominate him each week.

Yep - that's the way I see it too and, the following week, they'll probably nominate Siavash too so that will, in effect, see the end of any allies Freddie may have had in the house.

However, I'm hoping that next week we'll have 3 up for nomination which will make an enormous difference to the dynamics of the house. Once we get one of the team nasties in the mix, I think the whole scenario will start to swing round.

Its a faint desperate hope but I'm hoping that Lisa will be so convinced that they need someone really really popular to stand against Freddie that she will agree to one of 'them' standing against him.
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
It is bad the way they have been to him but, the way he talks to them and doesnt seem like he wants to listen what their problem is with him. he is very opiniated and doesnt budge on other peoples opinions on anything.

I think this is what causes him the trouble, and he is annoying, he needs to lighten up a bit and stop keep going on about game plans, wolves in sheeps clothing and going from one to the other talking about it, i think this is not helping him atall.

On the other hand if he keeps quiet and does nothing then he is playing right into Lisa's hands, she would like that even better Frowner

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