my next door neighbour died last sunday and his wife keeps asking me for advice and i don't have a clue what she has to do, i've never been in her position
she can't pay for the funeral and the social services have said they will only pay half if they have paid enough NI, which i don't think they have, does anyone know what she should do?
also, they have a joint pension, which went into her a/c on Monday and he died on the Sunday and they have told her not to take the money out, she was crying to me today saying she needed the money, i don't know what to suggest to her
she went to the social offices and they told her she has to wait for someone to come and see her at home
she can't pay for the funeral and the social services have said they will only pay half if they have paid enough NI, which i don't think they have, does anyone know what she should do?
also, they have a joint pension, which went into her a/c on Monday and he died on the Sunday and they have told her not to take the money out, she was crying to me today saying she needed the money, i don't know what to suggest to her
she went to the social offices and they told her she has to wait for someone to come and see her at home