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my next door neighbour died last sunday and his wife keeps asking me for advice and i don't have a clue what she has to do, i've never been in her position

she can't pay for the funeral and the social services have said they will only pay half if they have paid enough NI, which i don't think they have, does anyone know what she should do?

also, they have a joint pension, which went into her a/c on Monday and he died on the Sunday and they have told her not to take the money out, she was crying to me today saying she needed the money, i don't know what to suggest to her

she went to the social offices and they told her she has to wait for someone to come and see her at home

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If she recieving housing benefits or pension credits, she can claim up to ÂĢ14500, or at least that was the case last year. if she's no insuarance she can or could claim this. Best if one of her relations goes to the job centre, also there is an ex serviceman's allowance if he served in the forcse. I'm not up to date with all this, but this was the case when my dad died last year.
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
If she recieving housing benefits or pension credits, she can claim up to ÂĢ14500, or at least that was the case last year. if she's no insuarance she can or could claim this. Best if one of her relations goes to the job centre, also there is an ex serviceman's allowance if he served in the forcse. I'm not up to date with all this, but this was the case when my dad died last year.

she is, thanks for that Thumbs Up do you know why she can't take the money out of her a/c, they said its because they pay in advance, i always thought they paid in arrears Confused
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
If she recieving housing benefits or pension credits, she can claim up to ÂĢ14500, or at least that was the case last year. if she's no insuarance she can or could claim this. Best if one of her relations goes to the job centre, also there is an ex serviceman's allowance if he served in the forcse. I'm not up to date with all this, but this was the case when my dad died last year.

she is, thanks for that Thumbs Up do you know why she can't take the money out of her a/c, they said its because they pay in advance, i always thought they paid in arrears Confused

My parents pensions were separate, so I'm assuming they have theirs together. She may have to wait a few weeks until it's sorted. I really hope she's ok for money at the minute, it can be stressful. Sorry I can't help give you more info, because of the different circumstances. Hope your neighbour is ok, and gets sorted soo, Stressful enough time for her without additional worry!
Originally posted by paace:
How awful for the poor woman. Surely she's entitled to take her share out of the joint account. I know I would and to hell with them.

You may get some good advice from some of the Agencies on here from their websites.


All depending if it's joint and and no will, it might have to go to probate, I think.
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
If she recieving housing benefits or pension credits, she can claim up to ÂĢ14500, or at least that was the case last year. if she's no insuarance she can or could claim this. Best if one of her relations goes to the job centre, also there is an ex serviceman's allowance if he served in the forcse. I'm not up to date with all this, but this was the case when my dad died last year.

she is, thanks for that Thumbs Up do you know why she can't take the money out of her a/c, they said its because they pay in advance, i always thought they paid in arrears Confused

My parents pensions were separate, so I'm assuming they have theirs together. She may have to wait a few weeks until it's sorted. I really hope she's ok for money at the minute, it can be stressful. Sorry I can't help give you more info, because of the different circumstances. Hope your neighbour is ok, and gets sorted soo, Stressful enough time for her without additional worry!

she's got no money, i've told her to go and take her share of the pension, what they going to do shoot her, but she says she's too afraid to take the money
Originally posted by Aimee:

she's got no money, i've told her to go and take her share of the pension, what they going to do shoot her, but she says she's too afraid to take the money

I'm sure if she takes her share of the pension there's not much they can do about it, but I know it's such a pain in the butt to get it sorted. I know it's illegal to draw pension after a persons deceased, but if she's not taking her husbands money I doubt if they can do anything. I'm sorry I can't help your neighbour more Frowner
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Aimee:

she's got no money, i've told her to go and take her share of the pension, what they going to do shoot her, but she says she's too afraid to take the money

I'm sure if she takes her share of the pension there's not much they can do about it, but I know it's such a pain in the butt to get it sorted. I know it's illegal to draw pension after a persons deceased, but if she's not taking her husbands money I doubt if they can do anything. I'm sorry I can't help your neighbour more Frowner

thanks for your advice, i feel the same, wish i could help her more, but i've no idea how it works, like you say, surely she should be allowed to take her share Mad
Originally posted by Ms Golightly:
Hello Aimee

Try here

This is Age Concern for your area and would probably be the best place for your neighbour to get info and support. I would say she should try to access independent advocacy, but it looks like they only offer that for hospitals and care homes.

You are being a very good friend and neighbour - she's lucky to have you Hug

awww thanks for that, my auntie said age concern might be good Thumbs Up

you too dame Hug
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Has she no family Aimee? Frowner

a few, but they don't seem to want to help her Roll Eyes

That makes my blood boil, it really does Mad

mine too, she does all her own gardening *which is alot* and yet she has a grandson that works for the council gardening team Roll Eyes
Another thing you could try is your local NHS PCT.

They are given an annual budget for "bereavement services", which as well as councilling and stuff should include advice & guidance of what needs to be done in the first few days after the death of a next of kin, paperwork, undertakers, how to do it etc.

In my area (Essex) we had a bereavement office in our local hospital which was purely for the administration side of dealing with the death of a loved one. It may be different in your area.

If you ring your local PCT (no. should be in the front of your phone book), they should be able to point you in the right direction.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Another thing you could try is your local NHS PCT.

They are given an annual budget for "bereavement services", which as well as councilling and stuff should include advice & guidance of what needs to be done in the first few days after the death of a next of kin, paperwork, undertakers, how to do it etc.

In my area (Essex) we had a bereavement office in our local hospital which was purely for the administration side of dealing with the death of a loved one. It may be different in your area.

If you ring your local PCT (no. should be in the front of your phone book), they should be able to point you in the right direction.

thanks, will look into it Thumbs Up she'll wonder where i've got all this info from Big Grin
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by Ms Golightly:
Originally posted by Trollop:
I always end up having sex with someone at a funerals. Not during the that wrong?

As long as it's not the corpse ... Skull go for it Thumbs Up

No! God no....but last time was my cousin. So its just as bad...

Well just try to keep it out of sight of the main wake party and all should be well ... Wink
Ms Golightly
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Jet Blue:
what about the Citizens advice Bureau. If they cannot help they should be able to point her in the direction of somebody who can give her the most appropriate advice.

think she is being sent all round the houses at the mo, just wish her family would help her more

It Could be that her family are grief stricken but usually in cases like this people families together in their grief and help each other out. What a shame she is having to turn to people outside her family at a time like this.
Jet Blue
Originally posted by Jet Blue:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Jet Blue:
what about the Citizens advice Bureau. If they cannot help they should be able to point her in the direction of somebody who can give her the most appropriate advice.

think she is being sent all round the houses at the mo, just wish her family would help her more

It Could be that her family are grief stricken but usually in cases like this people families together in their grief and help each other out. What a shame she is having to turn to people outside her family at a time like this.

it is a shame, they are a lovely couple, the day after he died her grandaughter asked her to baby sit her children Mad and she did, they are under 5 *2 of them*, yet they won't help her to sort things out Roll Eyes she's been quoted ÂĢ2,500 for the funeral
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Jet Blue:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Jet Blue:
what about the Citizens advice Bureau. If they cannot help they should be able to point her in the direction of somebody who can give her the most appropriate advice.

think she is being sent all round the houses at the mo, just wish her family would help her more

It Could be that her family are grief stricken but usually in cases like this people families together in their grief and help each other out. What a shame she is having to turn to people outside her family at a time like this.

it is a shame, they are a lovely couple, the day after he died her grandaughter asked her to baby sit her children Mad and she did, they are under 5 *2 of them*, yet they won't help her to sort things out Roll Eyes she's been quoted ÂĢ2,500 for the funeral

That's so bloody insensitive! Thanks God she's got you to ask, Aimee.

It infuriates me how a woman of her age has to go through all this added grief. The anount of help she'll be able to receive is dependant on having enough NI contributions - and there are leeches who have never done a day's work in their lives, contributed nothing to the pot and money is handed to them on a platter! It makes my blood boil! Mad

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