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Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by loislane:
I gave birth 7 months ago ended up in hospital at 35 weeks with pre eclampsia until babs came at 40 weeks by emergency c section.
EVERYTIME I had a check my urine & blood pressure was checked I had to have a morning sample with me at each check. It was at 35 week check it was so high I was hospitalised & it never went down until babs came.
Sounds weird to me Confused

I think the problem is due to the fact that the maternity services here are all over the place because they closed the service at our local hospital because it wasn't too far to go to the nearest large town. But now they've turned that one into a midwife only unit. This means that I have to see a midwife team at my local surgery, physion at the local hospital, consultancy/tests at the hospital in Huddersfield and have the baby at Calderdale hospital with a different team altogether. There is no continuity so nobody knows what to do with me. I think a lot of it is down to NHS targets etc, everyone feels that it would be better if I was someone else's responsibilty so I'm just dropping through the system.

We're exactly the same - we have a midwife-led unit at Chippenham who then refer onto Bath but don't deal with Swindon because they're a different NHS trust - it's all a great big mess Frowner

I must admit, I added to the problems myself though as I insisted on a private MW because I had heard the local service is so bad (and I know a lot of people who have had babies locally!)
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by loislane:
I gave birth 7 months ago ended up in hospital at 35 weeks with pre eclampsia until babs came at 40 weeks by emergency c section.
EVERYTIME I had a check my urine & blood pressure was checked I had to have a morning sample with me at each check. It was at 35 week check it was so high I was hospitalised & it never went down until babs came.
Sounds weird to me Confused

I think the problem is due to the fact that the maternity services here are all over the place because they closed the service at our local hospital because it wasn't too far to go to the nearest large town. But now they've turned that one into a midwife only unit. This means that I have to see a midwife team at my local surgery, physion at the local hospital, consultancy/tests at the hospital in Huddersfield and have the baby at Calderdale hospital with a different team altogether. There is no continuity so nobody knows what to do with me. I think a lot of it is down to NHS targets etc, everyone feels that it would be better if I was someone else's responsibilty so I'm just dropping through the system.

We're exactly the same - we have a midwife-led unit at Chippenham who then refer onto Bath but don't deal with Swindon because they're a different NHS trust - it's all a great big mess Frowner

I must admit, I added to the problems myself though as I insisted on a private MW because I had heard the local service is so bad (and I know a lot of people who have had babies locally!)

Not good is it. Shake Head When are you due?
Queen of the High Teas
Oh Queen you poor thing Hug We are quite lucky here - I've had a lovely Midwife until the last visit - she has done urine, blood pressure and measured bump every time. I am now under the Obstetrician just cos I have a thyroid problem, but they've been really good so far. I do hope you get a better service from now on - I know you don't need this stress at the mo.
i have nothing put praise for my maternity care on all 4 of my children
no 1 forceps delivery 9lb 3oz
no 2 9ld 1 oz normal very fast labour and delivery 1hr
no 3 kept in hosp 2 wks unstable lie had her on the eve of my planned c section normal very quick delivery again around 1 hr 7lb 10oz

the last being an emergency section 6 wks early[6lb 1oz]as he had turned transverse with his hand down the birth cannal it was touch and go for a while but thank goodness we both survived he does have a scar on his back from the drs scalpel but they needed to get him out quickly,i was advised to have no more after that but with 4 under 5 i had my hands full anyway Nod
the midwives drs were all very helpful and supportive it was 23yrs ago mind
on all mine i had urine, bp,wt, check every visit
Originally posted by scatterby:
Oh Queen you poor thing Hug We are quite lucky here - I've had a lovely Midwife until the last visit - she has done urine, blood pressure and measured bump every time. I am now under the Obstetrician just cos I have a thyroid problem, but they've been really good so far. I do hope you get a better service from now on - I know you don't need this stress at the mo.

I know it might sound daft but it's good to hear that maternity services are not rubbish everywhere. I'm glad you're getting decent care. Hopefully things will start improving for me soon too. Hug
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by loislane:
I gave birth 7 months ago ended up in hospital at 35 weeks with pre eclampsia until babs came at 40 weeks by emergency c section.
EVERYTIME I had a check my urine & blood pressure was checked I had to have a morning sample with me at each check. It was at 35 week check it was so high I was hospitalised & it never went down until babs came.
Sounds weird to me Confused

I think the problem is due to the fact that the maternity services here are all over the place because they closed the service at our local hospital because it wasn't too far to go to the nearest large town. But now they've turned that one into a midwife only unit. This means that I have to see a midwife team at my local surgery, physion at the local hospital, consultancy/tests at the hospital in Huddersfield and have the baby at Calderdale hospital with a different team altogether. There is no continuity so nobody knows what to do with me. I think a lot of it is down to NHS targets etc, everyone feels that it would be better if I was someone else's responsibilty so I'm just dropping through the system.

Queenie... I'd be tempted to walk into my doctor's surgery, sit down and tell them I'm not moving until you've some sort of plan sorted out. I've had no kids, but even I know you should be having those checks. Go kick ass, gal!

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