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Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Akaytee:
As I said in the post that got lost in the middle of one of yours Pixie:-

Go to your nearest bookshop and buy the Writer's will tell you all you need to know about how to protect yourself, submitting material and getting yourself an agent etc. It really is a necessary source for any aspiring/ established writers Nod Valentine
Thanks Akaytee, and thanks to Ross too Wink

When I started out, this book was is so easy to be ripped off Hug
Originally posted by Akaytee:When I started out, this book was is so easy to be ripped off Hug

So do you agree with Tiddly wink and several others, that I need to let it go, and just copyright the idea next time? or do you think as several have said, that I should pursue it/write to the producer? Or is it not similar enough to MY idea? Thanks Akaytee. Smiler
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Akaytee:When I started out, this book was is so easy to be ripped off Hug

So do you agree with Tiddly wink and several others, that I need to let it go, and just copyright the idea next time? or do you think as several have said, that I should pursue it/write to the producer? Or is it not similar enough to MY idea? Thanks Akaytee. Smiler

If you want a really honest opinion haven't got a leg to stand on. Chalk it up to experience and take all the precautions next time Valentine
Originally posted by Akaytee:
If you want a really honest opinion haven't got a leg to stand on. Chalk it up to experience and take all the precautions next time Valentine
Thanks. As I said to Tiddly-wink; I do appreciate your honesty, and thanks to crocrock too Smiler I guess I *could* drop a line to the producer, but as Tiddly said, trying to involve solicitors or the press or whatever, when I never copyrighted it first, and it actually isn't the 'same' storyline, may end up causing me some grief, and may incur 1000s of pounds worth of legal costs.
My penpal (online right now on msn) just said to me that although I can prove that I sent the idea, it could be that it's not similar 'enough'

She said it's like a number of years ago, someone brought out a film with a woman having a baby out of wedlock, whilst in a bit of a dysfunctional relationship; then six months to a year later, ANOTHER film came out where a woman had an unplanned baby, and didn't have a 'conventional' relationship with a man. And there were several other films with similar kinds of storyline too.. over the following two to three years...

And she said that what about rom-coms where a career woman falls for her co-worker; there have been many. Also, someone mentioned to me today, that Avril Lavigne has had a couple of people trying to sue her because a couple of her songs sound similar to 'their' song from the 1980s - but the judge ruled that they weren't alike ENOUGH, and threw the case out... and the people had $25,000 court costs to pay.

Thanks so much everyone for your responses. I appreciate as many as possible, so that I can get my head round it.
Originally posted by captain marbles:
I think the onus of proof that they used your idea would be on you and no writer is going to own up to plagiarism, so I think it would be very difficult to get anywhere with this.
Thank you Captain Marbles. As I said, I greatly appreciate all responses, even the harsher ones, and the ones that say 'you could end up looking like a fruit loop' LOL. Smiler

There have been varying responses, and getting so many ranging from 'let it go' and 'you have no chance,' to 'give it a go,' and 'maybe write to the producer' is very helpful. Actually, all the responses are helpful, as I can take them all and make a decision on what to do. Like I said, you folks on here, giving all these great responses has assisted me greatly!

Thanks so so so much everyone You have no idea how much you have all helped me, and renton; no hard feelings, I just thought you were taking the pee. So I am sorry for any confusion or offence.

If anyone else has any more responses or suggestions or advice, I would appreciate it. I have to go now, as tea beckons, but I will try and come back later. Thanks again everyone. Catch ya soon .... Have a great evening.

The thing is some times people come up with the same idea at the same time. When you submit written material to companies they aften make you sign a waver stating that they might have the same idea and that you accept that. Did they uses any other aspect of your idea other than the sister part? Was there a unque part of your idea that they have used?

I don't think there is anything you can do.... If you wish to be a writer also causing a big fuss over something that is ambiguous at the start of your career might not be a good thing.

The Singing Ringing Tree
My suggestion was write to the Producer saying you've noticed the similarity between the current storyline and one you sent in for suggestion, and enclose a copy of yours.

Although there may be some differences to the one being shown isn't it more than a coincidence that it's about Eileen? and having a sister? Just maybe "your" storyline got tweaked, but even if so I'd be surprised if they acknowledged that. You have to decide whether to let it go or write to the Producer to see what reaction you get just to get it out of your system maybe Smiler
Yellow Rose

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